zdccessioH No. '/$ 73 (n . Class No.
Professor of Natural Science, McMaster University; formerly Assistant
in Mineralogy, Harvard University.
7$ 73 &
Entered, according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one
thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, by WILLIAM BRIQGS, at
the Department of Agriculture.
FOR several years the author of this book has been giving
a short course of lectures to his class in geology on the
economic minerals of Canada. While it is not customary
to treat this subject so fully in an elementary class, he
has felt that in a young undeveloped country like our
own, it was highly desirable that all university students
should know something of our latent mineral wealth. So,
at the expense of Palaeontology, much of which is more
suitable for an advanced course, time was found for
economic geology in the elementary one.
To save the labor of dictation, and to make them useful
to a larger number, these lecture notes are now published.
They have been somewhat extended, to make the subject
clearer to the general reader, who has not had any pre-
liminary training in geology. So far as known, it is the
only work giving a systematic account of the mineral
resources of the Dominion. Originality, except in method
of treatment, is not claimed. The work is a compilation
founded largely on the excellent reports of the Geological
Survey of Canada. These bulky volumes and the detailed
statements in the reports of the Provincial departments
of mines, while well and favorably known to the specialist,
are almost unknown to the general reader, and unsuited
for the elementary student. It is hoped that this book
will not only prove serviceable itself, but that by its
numerous references it will stimulate students to seek
fuller information in the reports mentioned.
It has not been thought necessary in a book of this
kind to burden it with references to the author whose
work has been used. For the most part these works
have been cited in the literature at the end of each
chapter, but only those books appear which are likely
to prove accessible to the student. Special works not
usually found in small libraries have been omitted. Some
changes have been made in the spelling of chemical terms,
as recommended by the Chemical Section of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science, and as
adopted by the " Standard " Dictionary.
The kind assistance of several friends is gratefully ac-
knowledged. To Dr. Coleman of the School of Practical
Science, and to Mr. A. Blue, Director of the Bureau of
Mines, the author is particularly indebted. The latter has
read the work in proof, and special thanks are due to him
for many valuable emendations.
TORONTO, August 10th, 1897.
Comparison of the mineral resources of Canada with
those of other countries — Description of rock-forming
minerals— Origin of rocks— Kinds of rocks— Relative
ages of rocks — Chart of geological time — General
ORE DEPOSITS . - » . . '21
Definition of ore — Usual combinations of the metals —
Classification of ore deposits — Fissure veins — The filling
of veins— Surface appearance of ores— Distribution —
Erroneous ideas.
Ores of iron — Impurities — Canadian localities — Pro-
duction— Literature — Manganese — Chromium.
NICKEL AND COBALT . . . ... >>" . 50
Ores — Distribution — Geological occurrence — Uses —
Production — Literature.
Ores of copper — Geological occurrence — Canadian local-
ities— History of mining operations — Production in
Canada and other countries — Occurrence of sulfur —
Uses — Localities where mined.
GOLD AND PLATINUM ... . . . . .66
Comparison of Canada with other countries— Origin —
Geological occurrence — Methods of milling— Canadian
mines — Production .
The ores of silver — Silver mines of Ontario and British
Columbia — Production — Lead ores —Canadian mines —
Zinc ores — Literature.
Ores of arsenic — Production in Ontario — Ores of anti-
mony— Mines of New Brunswick — Ores of tin — Ores of
aluminum— Occurrence of mercury in Canada.
SALT, GYPSUM AND BARITE . . . . . . .98
Occurrence of salt— Origin— Localities in Canada —
Manufacture — Production — Localities and production
of gypsum and barite.
APATITE AND MICA . . . . . . . .112
Geological occurrence and production of apatite — Use
— Occurrence of mica — Use and production.
Composition of the minerals — Occurrence in Quebec —
Method of Mining— Uses — Production — Literature.
Origin of peat — Uses — Localities — Kinds of coal —
Analyses of a number of Canadian coals — Impurities in
coal — Geological relations of coal — Origin of coal —
Tables showing gradual passage from wood — Descrip-
tion of the different coal-fields —Production — Literature
— Description of graphite — Occurrence - Use.
Composition of petroleum — Geological occurrence —
Canadian oil-fields — Refining and use — Production —
Composition of natural gas — Occurrence in Canada
— Use and production — Asphalt — Anthraxolite —
GRANITE AND SANDSTONE . . . . . . .161
Uses of stone — Qualities of building stones — Production
of granite — Origin of sandstone — Occurrence and use as
building stone — Other uses of sand and sandstone.
Origin and composition of clay — Uses — Production —
Origin of slate — Occurrence.
LIMESTONE . . . . . . . . . 179
Origin and occurrence of limestone — Use for building
material — Marble — Lithographic stone — Mortar and
Origin of soil — Conditions of fertility — Ashes of plants —
Analyses of some Canadian soils — Geological fertilizers.
Summary of mineral production, 1894 and 1895 —
Tabular comparison of Canada with other countries in
mineral production.
IN estimating the natural resources of our Dominion
one thinks first of the boundless acres of fertile soil.
These, a perennial source of wealth, which under good
management can never be exhausted, are certainly
our principal asset. At the same time it must be
remembered that the annual production of both our
forests and our fisheries amounts to many million
dollars. Until recently the product of our mines was
the least of these four resources, and this was not
because we were without mineral resources, but that
we had barely begun to exploit them.
Timber, fish, minerals are supplies laid up for us
by Nature on which we can draw at will. Minerals
once mined are never replaced. Timber once cut
might be, but with us, never is, restored. Our fish-
eries we make some poor attempts to preserve. In
agriculture alone do we seek to keep our rich inheri-
tance intact. But though our mineral wealth be a
fleeting one — though it be a resource which cannot
be cultivated and increased like timber or fish — it is
an asset of such enormous extent that it may be
drawn on for hundreds of years to an amount far in
excess of that annually produced by either our forests
or our fisheries.
In considering the possibilities of mineral develop-
ment, attention must first be directed to the extent
and character of our country. With an area a little
larger than that of the United States and with the
same physical features, it would be strange indeed if
much of the mineral wealth of that country were not
duplicated north of the boundary. The Rocky Moun-
tains and parallel ranges extend for some 1,300 miles
through the States of New Mexico, Colorado, Wyom-
ing and Montana, and for an equal distance through
British Columbia and the Yukon District, and it is
safe to assert that their mineral wealth does not stop
at the forty-ninth parallel. So also the Sierra Nevada
of California is represented north of the boundary by
the Coast Range of British Columbia, and the latter
may yet prove as rich as the former.
In the east the Appalachian system is perhaps even
richer north of the boundary than south of it, though
it is, of course, of much less extent. In the V-shaped
territory of Archgean rocks stretching on either side
of Hudson Bay from the Arctic to the St. Lawrence,
there is an immense depository for minerals unequalled
south of the line. True, we miss on the north the
immense coal deposits of the Mississippi basin, but in
a measure we have compensation in very fair-sized
coal beds on both our Atlantic and Pacific coasts. It
has been customary for Canadians to lament the
existence of this large area of non-agricultural terri-
tory. But Nature always makes compensation. If
by mountain upturning or glacial erosion she has
rendered parts of our country unsuited for farming,
she has in most instances at the same time raised and
uncovered inexhaustible stores of silver and gold, of
copper and iron.
Nearly the equal of Europe in size, we surpass any
one nation of that continent in the variety of our
mineral deposits, and may yet equal the richest of
them in the total value of our production. Great
Britain has had large deposits of coal, and her produc-
tion is the greatest in the world. Her output must,
however, shortly begin to lessen, while ours will
increase. Russia stands second as a petroleum pro-
ducer, and will no doubt surpass us for years. It is
possible, however, that fields will be discovered in the
North- West quite the equal of hers. The copper
output of Spain at present exceeds ours, but the
deposits here are quite as extensive as there. Similarly
with other minerals, different European nations sur-
pass us in production, but it is probable that our
deposits are the more extensive, except in the case of
coal, petroleum and tin. Already in asbestos we have
surpassed not only Europe but the world. Italy, our
only competitor, is far behind. With nickel we occupy
the same proud position. Our gold product, though
it may never equal that of Australia or the United
States, may easily exceed that of all Europe combined.
Our deposits of iron, lead, silver, copper, salt and
other minerals are enormous. They are, however,
almost entirely undeveloped. We can only guess at
their value. So far we have, as a people, merely
scratched the surface of a few acres of our mineral
inheritance. Australia, with an area and population
both slightly less than our own, has an annual mineral
production nearly three times the value of ours.
Belgium, a country of only 6,200,000 inhabitants,
crowded into an area about half the size of Nova
Scotia, draws twice as large an income from her
mines as does Canada. And yet it is very probable
that there is as much mineral wealth in Nova Scotia
alone as in Belgium. Indeed, Nova Scotia, with coal
and iron deposits in close proximity to each other
and to the ocean, should, like Belgium, send her iron
manufactures to the ends of the world.
While we have been slow in beginning the develop-
ment of our mines a fair start has now been made,
and we may hope for more rapid advancement in the
near future. The total value of the mineral product
for 1896 was about twenty-three and a half million
dollars. Coal is the most important, yielding annu-
ally about eight million dollars. Gold is second, with
a product approaching three million in value, which
gives us tenth place among the nations. Nickel, cop-
per and petroleum each exceed one million in value,
and the silver output now amounts to over two million.
In coal we rank eleventh, in petroleum fourth, and in
silver tenth. Bricks and building stones are the only
other products passing the million line in value. In
ten years the total production has doubled. (See
Appendix.) Within the last two years the gold and
silver output of British Columbia has increased enor-
mously. Estimated at $380,000 in 1893, it grew to
about $2,200,000 in 1895, and reached $3,900,000 in
In succeeding chapters there will be given a descrip-
tion of the different economic minerals, the localities
where they are found, and their uses and value. To
do so will require the use of some geological terms,
which we will now consider.
Rock-forming1 Minerals. — A mineral is an inor-
ganic, homogeneous substance of definite, chemical
composition. It may be a chemical element, more
usually it is a compound resulting from the union of
two or more elements in a definite proportion. A
rock on the contrary is composed " of one or more
simple minerals having usually a variable chemical
composition, with no necessarily symmetrical, external
form, and ranging in cohesion from mere loose debris
up to the most compact stone." For example, granite
is a rock composed of a variable mixture of the
minerals, quartz, felspar and mica. Sandstone,
limestone, sand and gravel are other examples of
rocks. Gypsum is a mineral of definite composition,
which in large masses may be considered a rock.
Minerals which are of economic value will be de-
scribed later under the substance they yield. A brief
description of the chief rock-forming minerals will be
given here.
Quartz is the most widely disseminated mineral.
It is readily distinguished by its glassy lustre and
great hardness. It will easily scratch glass and can-
not be scratched by a knife. It never breaks in flat
surfaces but always in curved ones. In color it is
usually transparent or white, though often stained
yellow or red by iron oxid.
Felspar embraces several species which are much
alike in physical features. All split in two directions
with flat shining surfaces. In one variety, ortho-
clase, these cleavages are at right angles. In the
other varieties, known collectively as plagioclase, they
are nearly at right angles. The latter are sodium,
calcium, aluminum silicates ; the former has potassium
in place of sodium and calcium. The felspars can
just be scratched with a knife.
The micas are easily known by their cleavage into
thin elastic leaves. Some are clear and transparent,
others black and opaque.
Pyroxene and hornblende are almost alike in com-
position but differ in their angles of cleavage. This
is a distinction not evident in hand specimens of
rocks. Both, as found in rocks, are dark green or
black minerals with a hardness a little less than fel-
spar. With a blowpipe they are much more easily
Calcite is easily recognized when crystallized by
the rhombohedrons or twisted cubes into which it
readily breaks. All varieties are easily cut with a
knife, and effervesce readily when touched with a
drop of acid. In color calcite is usually white or
grey. Dolomite differs from calcite in having mag-
nesium carbonate mixed with the calcium carbonate of
the latter. It effervesces with acids only when heated.
Chlorite occurs in thin leaves like the micas, but
unlike them is not elastic. It varies in color from light
to dark green. It is comparatively soft, and frequently
has a pearly lustre.
Serpentine is usually a massive mineral with an
oily green color and greasy feel. It is easily scratched
with a knife. The fibrous variety is the asbestos of
Origin of Rocks. — The minerals described above
with the occasional addition of a few others in sub-
ordinate amounts compose the bulk of our rocks.
These constituent minerals are sometimes found with
a more or less perfect crystal form, at other times with
the edges rounded and worn. The particles vary in
both cases from grains of microscopic size to masses
of considerable dimensions. The rounded grains are
evidently the result of moving water grinding down
previously existing rocks. Rocks with this class of
material are found to be arranged in layers as though
due to beds of sediment deposited one on the other.
These constitute the first great division of rocks
known as the Sedimentary, Stratified or Fragrnental
Rocks. The second division embraces the Massive,
Igneous or Eruptive Rocks, which have evidently
solidified from a fluid condition either within the
crust of the earth or after eruption from a volcano.
The sharp angles of the crystals are preserved, and
one mineral interlocks with another. These rocks
present no appearance of bedding. The third and
last division is known as the Schistose Rocks. They
present characters intermediate to the other two.
They are distinctly bedded, but do not show fragmen-
tal grains. The crystalline character of the constit-
uents points to solidification from a fluid. In some
cases they are doubtless sediments which have been
subjected to sufficient heat to permit of the recrystal-
lization of the minerals without destroying the strati-
fication. For this reason they are often called the
Metamorphic Rocks. In other cases they are Igneous
Rocks, in which the divisional planes have been pro-
duced after the first consolidation.
Description of Rocks. — A few of the more
important representatives of the above divisions will
be described here.
Sand is an unconsolidated mass of fine worn grains
of the harder minerals. Quartz is much the largest
constituent since it resists decay, whilst the other
minerals of the rocks, which are being worn down,
are slowly carried off. Magnetite, an oxid of iron, is
frequently abundant and gives a black color to the
sand. Gravel is coarse sand.
Sandstone is simply consolidated sand, in some cases
produced by pressure alone, in others due to a cement-
ing material. The cement may be clay, iron oxid,
silica, or calcite. The first gives rise to a clayey or
argillaceous sandstone, which may graduate into a
sandy or arenaceous shale. The red and yellow sand-
stones are due to oxids of iron.
A Conglomerate is formed of rounded pebbles up
to a foot or more in diameter consolidated in any way.
It bears the same relation to gravel and shingle that
sandstone does to sand.
Clay results from the decay of felspars and similar
silicates of the crystalline rocks. Deposited in water
in beds it becomes more or less consolidated, and is
then known as shale.
Limestones consist mainly of calcifce or of calcite
and dolomite. They also contain greater or less
quantities of impurities — iron, giving them a red
color ; carbonaceous matter making them dark ; clay,
and silica or sand. They are usually grey or drab in
color, of compact structure, and frequently contain
organic remains. Some of them found associated with
crystalline rocks have been metamorphosed by the
action of heat and pressure, and are of a crystalline,
granular texture. Fine-grained ones, susceptible of
polish, are used as marble.
Granite is the most important of the massive or
igneous rocks. It consists of an intimate mixture of
quartz, felspar and mica. The crystals of these
minerals may be barely visible or of considerable
dimensions. The felspar may be red or white in
color, and the granite is always of a corresponding
hue. Granite occurs in masses of large extent and
also in dikes in other rocks. Mica may be replaced
by hornblende, the rock then being called a horn-
blende granite.
Felsite is an intimate mixture of exceedingly fine-
grained felspar and quartz. It varies in color
through grey, red and brown shades, is slightly trans-
lucent and can be fused with a blowpipe, while quartz,
which it resembles, cannot.
Quartz- Porphyry. — Large distinct crystals of quartz
or felspar are often found in felsite or in a fine-
grained, microgranitic ground-mass. Such a rock is
known as a porphyry.
Syenite is a granular crystalline mixture of ortho-
clase felspar and hornblende, usually red or grey
in color. It differs from granite in the absence of
Diorite is a granular crystalline mixture of plagio-
clase felspar and hornblende. It is dark green to
black in color, usually fine grained and often contains
magnetite. Diabase, dolerite and basalt are closely
related to diorite, and as all four weather to a green
color they are often called greenstones.
Gneiss. — Among the schistose rocks gneiss is the
most important. It resembles granite in being a
crystalline mixture of quartz, felspar and mica. It
has, however, a banded structure which seems in
some cases to be the result of an earlier stratification.
This laminated appearance is not always very distinct,
and gneiss merges gradually into granite.
Mica Schist is a schistose aggregate of quartz and
mica, each arranged in lenticular wavy laminae. The
mica may be the light or dark colored variety. Seri-
cite mica may replace the ordinary micas, when a
sericite schist results. Chlorite and talc with quartz
and other minerals make respectively chlorite schist
and talc schist. The last three are grey or green in
color, with a pearly lustre and greasy feel. Slate
results from the metamorphism and recrystallization
in layers of ordinary clay and shale.
Relative Age of Rocks. — On examining any ex-
posed section of the sedimentary rocks, it becomes at
once evident that the older rocks are lowest in the
series and the newer ones on top. In the same way
it has been determined in many parts of the world
that the sedimentary rocks .rest on a fundamental
complex of igneous rocks. In certain of the sedimeu-
tary strata coal seams are found in many parts of the
world, and it at once becomes a matter of great
interest to us as Canadians to know whether rocks of
the same age occur here. Other strata are character-
ized by iron ores, or lead ores, and so on. Geologists
have thus found it advantageous, from an economical
as well as from a scientific standpoint, to correlate in
age the various rocks of the world as far as possible.
Three guiding principles are used: — 1. That of super-
position, that the newer rocks are above the older.
In mountainous regions rocks have frequently been
crumpled and overturned, and this principle cannot
then be applied. Moreover, it does not help to corre-
late the ages of rocks not lying together. 2. The
principle that rocks which are alike were formed at
the same time. This is only true for limited areas,
for, to take one example, sandstones formed ages
apart are alike in composition and structure. 3. The
principle that animal life was the same the world
over at corresponding periods in the growth of each
section of the sedimentary deposits. On studying the
fossil remains entombed in the stratified rocks, it was
found that certain formations contained trilobites in
abundance, others graptolites, others fish, and so on.
These characteristic animals were not confined to one
horizon but were found in several. Beginning in
one period they increased enormously in a second, and
died out in a third. Other animal life, of course,
existed along with them. The life of a period as pre-
sented to us in the rocks formed at the time, is thus
quite sufficient to identify a rock formed at the same
time in a remote part of the world.
In the study of English history it is customary to
divide the subject into epochs. There is the Saxon
epoch, the Norman epoch, the Plantagenet epoch, and
so on. These are the great divisions, and under them
are grouped the events which happened during the
reigns of the successive sovereigns. Of course, the
gradual development of the English nation went on
irrespective of slight changes in rulers. But the
reign of the sovereign, as the representative English-
man, makes a natural division of time. So in
geological history, the development of animal types
went steadily on, but the ascendancy of some par-
ticular group marks a division of time as does a
dynasty in history. As to the relative lengths of the
different geological time divisions little can be said.
The main fact is the order of succession.
The oldest rocks are without fossil remains, and
are called the Azoic or Archaean series of rocks, and
are said to have been formed in Archaean time.
Above these rocks are found the Palaeozoic series ; on
these the Mesozoic series ; on these again the Cenozoic
series, which includes rocks now forming. These large
divisions of time are subdivided as shown in the
following chart, the oldest rocks being at the bottom
of the page. The terms "time," "era," "period,"
"epoch," are divisions of time; the corresponding
terms " series," " system," " group," " formation," refer
to the rocks made during the interval of time. The
first two divisions are of world -wide application ; the
latter are only of local use. The capital letters are
those used on the Geological Survey maps for the
respective formations against which they are placed.
Quaternary or
Post-Tertiary, M.
Recent or Fost-
Glacial, M3.
Glacial or Pleistocene,
Tertiary, L.
Pliocene, L3.
Miocene, L2.
Oligocene, 1 T ,
Eocene, f Li'
Cretaceous, K.
Cretaceous, K.
Jurassic, J.
Jurassic, J.
Triassic, H.
Triassic, H.
Carbonic, G.
Permian, G4.
Subcarboniferous, Gl.
f Coal Measures,
\ Millstone Grit,
Devonian, F.
Upper Devonian, F3.
Middle Devonian, F2.
Lower Devonian, Fl.
\ Portage.
\ Oriskany.
Silurian, E.
Lower Helderberg, E6.
Onondaga, E5.
{Guelph, E4.
Niagara, E3.
Clinton, E2.
Medina, El.
Canadian or Quebec.
(Hudson, D4.
J Utica, D3.
( Trenton, D2.
Cambrian, C.
Upper Cambrian ^or
Middle Cambrian or
Lower Cambrian or
Azoic or
Huroiiian, B.
Upper Huronian.
Lower ' '
Laurentian, A.
Upper Laurentian.
Lower "
LITERATURE. — Much excellent information on the economic
minerals of the Dominion is to be found in the annual reports
of the Geological Survey of Canada. Part " S " of the reports
is issued separately, and deals entirely with the mineral produc-
tion of the year. Geological maps of many areas are issued by
the Geological Survey, and may be had for a few cents. A
catalogue of the publications of the Survey will be sent on
application to the Librarian of the Geological Survey, Ottawa.
The reports issued yearly by the departments of mines of the
provinces of Nova Scotia, Ontario and British Columbia are of
great value. The Canadian Mining Review and the Canadian
Mining Manual contain valuable summaries of particular
industries, as well as many details of operations. The transac-
tions of several of the Mining Engineers' Societies contain
papers on Canadian mines.
For the characteristics of minerals and rocks the student
will do well to consult Dana's "Manual of Mineralogy and
Petrography." On the geological divisions of time see any
good text-book, as Dana's "Manual of Geology," or Geikie's
"Text-book of Geology " ; also "Report of Geological Survey,
Canada," 1882-84, p. 47.
VERY few of our useful metals occur in nature as
we employ them ; nearly all are found combined with
various elements to form chemical compounds. Sulfur,
oxygen and carbonic acid are the chief mineralizers.
Silica, arsenic, antimony and chlorin are also found
united with the metals. These definite chemical com-
pounds are called minerals. A mineral occurring in
sufficient amount to be an economical source of a
metal is called an ore. Associated with the metal-
liferous mineral there are usually others which con-
stitute the gangue or vein-stone. This mixture of
minerals makes the ore deposit.
Gold and platinum are nearly always found free and
uncombined. Sometimes they are mixed with other
elements to form alloys, gold frequently containing a
percentage of silver, and platinum of iridium. Cop-
per, silver and mercury are also found native at times,
though more usually combined. Most of the metals
form compounds with sulfur. Iron unites with it
in two different proportions, but though widely
spread neither pyrite nor pyrrhotite can be considered
an ore of iron. Silver sulfid, or argentite, is an im-
portant ore of silver. So also are severarl sulfids of
silver and antimony, and silver and arsenic. Cinna-
bar, the sulfid of mercury, galena, the sulfid of lead,
stibnite, the sulfid of antimony, are the main sources
of these metals. Zinc sulfid or blende, and chalco-
pyrite, bornite and chalcocite, three copper sulfids,
are important ores of these two metals.
The oxids of iron, manganese and tin constitute
the most important ores of these metals. Oxids of
copper, and of zinc, are also extensively mined.
Among important carbonates are those of iron, copper,
zinc and lead. Silicates are not often a source of
metals, but calamine, chrysocolla and garnierite are
mined respectively for zinc, copper and nickel. Cer-
argyrite, or silver chlorid, is the only chlorid of eco-
nomic importance. Arsenopyrite, a compound of
arsenic, iron and sulfur, frequently carries gold.
Arsenic also unites with nickel, and with cobalt, to
form ores of these metals.
Several of these minerals are often closely associ-
ated. Silver and lead sulfids are so frequently mixed
that it hardly pays to mine lead ore unless it contains
some silver. Silver and zinc sulfids are also frequently
associated. Iron and copper pyrites are often inter-
mingled ; so also, iron and manganese oxids. Gold is
commonly associated with iron or copper pyrites,
though these may have been oxidized on the surface
of the deposit.
Other minerals of no economic value are usually
associated with those mentioned above. The most
common of these gangues are quartz, calcite, barite
and fluorite. Sometimes, as in the iron deposits, the
gangue is relatively small; inmost cases it constitutes
the great bulk of the deposit. If one-twentieth of
one per cent, of a gold deposit were gold, i.e., about a
pound in a ton, the ore would yield $300 to the ton,
while $20 would in most cases be very profitable.
Evidently in deposits of the precious metals the ore is
a minor accessory. In all cases the deposit must be
concentrated — the vein-stone must be separated. This
is usually accomplished by currents of water which
carry off the light gangue and leave the heavy mineral.
Ore deposits are the result of the concentration of
mineral particles once widely disseminated through
the surface rocks or too deeply seated to be of use to
man. They may consequently be classified accord-
ing to the manner in which they were formed.
Unfortunately our knowledge of their origin is far
from perfect, and most authors adopt an empirical
classification based on the form of the deposit. This
has its advantages, since it appeals to the practical
man who is more concerned about the form and
permanence of his deposit than about the origin.
Many schemes have been proposed. That of Louis
("A Treatise on Ore Deposits." Phillips and Louis,
1896) is among the best, and will be followed here:
CLASS I. — Symphytic Deposits, or those formed at the
same time as the enclosing rocks.
(a) Clastic deposits.
(b) Precipitates from aqueous solution.
(c) Deposits from solution subsequently metamor-
(d) Disseminations through sedimentary beds.
CLASS II.— Epactic Deposits, or those formed
quently to the enclosing rocks.
Sub-class 1. Veins:
(e) Fissure veins.
(/) Bedded veins.
(g) Contact veins.
(h) Gash veins.
Sub-class 2. Masses :
(i) Stockworks.
(j) Massive deposits in limestone.
(k) Massive deposits connected with igneous rocks.
(I) Disseminations in igneous rocks.
Symphytic Deposits.— These have been laid down
as beds in sedimentary rocks and have subsequently
been subject to the same folding as the enclosing
sediments. They may now be found in synclinals
or basins, or in anticlinals or saddles. These ore
deposits, like all other sediments, may be affected by
fissures and faults. Portions of a bed originally con-
tinuous may thus be found at very different levels
on opposite sides of a fissure. The fault may also
cause a horizontal separation of hundreds of feet.
When the fault is vertical no horizontal displacement
occurs. More frequently the fault is inclined, and
dislocation results according to the following law : The
portion of the bed that lies on the inclined plane slips
down relatively to the other part. Or, as it is stated
for the miner, " if in driving on a bed a fault is met
with in the roof, go down; if first in the floor, go up,
to find the faulted portion."
(a) The clastic deposits have been produced by the
disintegration of more ancient metalliferous deposits.
This may have occurred at the present position of the
ore, but usually water has transported and assorted
the products of decay. The black iron sands, mag-
netite and ilmenite, are the most wide-spread repre-
sentatives of this class in Canada. Along the Great
Lakes and especially along the Lower St. Lawrence,
immense bodies of these sands are met. They are
due to the decomposition of the basic rocks of the
Laurentian. Owing to their high percentage of
titanium they are of little value as a source of iron.
More important from the economical standpoint are
the auriferous gravels of British Columbia and the
sands of the Chaudiere, Quebec. The heavy gold
brought from the mountains by the streams was
deposited on the current being checked These
irregular beds are known as placers. The process has
been going on in all geological periods, and auriferous
gravels are known which were formed by rivers in
Cambrian times. Platinum is entirely derived from
similar placers. Tin, in the form of the oxid, is also
largely won from river gravels.
(6) The ores of iron and manganese are practically
the only ones formed by precipitation from aqueous
solution. The process has taken place in all ages and
is still at work. The acids resulting from the decay
of plant life are good solvents of the oxids of iron so
widely distributed in the igneous rocks. The car-
bonate of iron found in some limestones is soluble in
water impregnated with carbonic acid. Iron pyrite
oxidizes to ferrous, or ferric sulfate, both soluble salts.
In these ways great quantities of iron are leached
from the rocks and carried to ponds, where, exposed
to the action of the air, carbonic acid is evolved and
the iron precipitated either as the carbonate or as
the hydrated oxid. Limonite, or bog iron ore, is
essentially the hydrated peroxid of iron (Fe203 +
3 H2O), though impurities are often present. There is
no doubt but that it is formed in the way indicated.
This ore is found quite extensively near Three Rivers,
Que. It occurs in swamps one to fifteen feet below the
surface in patches from three to thirty inches thick,
and from a few square feet to several acres in extent.
Similar ore is found in lakes in Quebec and Sweden.
The deposits are dredged, and it is found that they
are renewed quite rapidly. In ten to twenty-five
years economic amounts have been known to form.
Clay iron-stone, or argillaceous carbonate of iron, is
found in the Carboniferous rocks of Nova Scotia. It
has doubtless been formed in the same way as the
more recent deposits.
(c) The deposits of tljis group were probably formed
just as those of the previous one, but were afterwards
subjected to metamorphism. The oxids of iron, hema-
tite (Fe2O3), and magnetite (Fe304), are the great
representatives of the group. These ores were prob-
ably deposited as the hydrated oxid in swamps or
lakes. Subsequently the bog ore was covered by
sediment, and the whole subjected to heat and pres-
sure. The water was driven from the ore and the
materials of the sediment recrystallized. In many
cases the beds were upturned, and the present ores
seem at times to be in veins rather than in beds. For
the most part they occur in rocks of Lauren tian,
Huronian and Cambrian age. Scores of examples are
afforded by the Archaean of Canada.
(d) The ores disseminated through beds form a
very important group economically. Genetically they
connect the two great classes of ore deposits. The
main mass of the rock, the non-metallic portion of the
deposit, is of sedimentary origin. The metallic por-
tion was introduced later, probably in solution. Some
have held that the metallic portion also is of sedi-
mentary origin. We know, however, of no process
by which lead sulfid, copper sulfid or gold may be
precipitated from sea- water. On the contrary, we do
know that, under certain circumstances, subterranean
water may carry these materials in solution. Indeed,
it is in this way that fissures have been filled. Two
examples of dissemination may be mentioned. In the
Permian rocks of Mansfeld, Germany, there is a shale
impregnated with several copper minerals, which has
been mined for centuries. The bed, which is only a
foot and a half thick, extends for miles. The rich
gold deposits of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, are
of similar origin. Sand and conglomerate beds, quite
destitute of gold, were here upturned and faulted.
Concurrently subterranean waters bearing gold in
solution penetrated the more porous beds. The con-
glomerates thus contain most of the gold — the sand-
stones but little.
Epactic Deposits. — All the ore deposits of this
class were formed subsequently to the enclosing rocks,
consequently fragments of these rocks are often
found in the ore body. With the exception of iron
the larger proportion of every metal is derived from
this class of deposits. Two subdivisions of the class
are recognized depending on the form of the deposit.
Under the term vein is included the tabular deposits,
which have considerable length and depth but small
breadth. The mass deposits include the remaining
irregular ones, which have no definite shape and are
of varying size.
(e) Fissure veins have originated in dislocations
of the country rock, caused by movements of the
earth's crust ; subsequently they have been filled with
mineral matter. A dike, which bears a superficial re-
semblance to a fissure vein, differs in that it has been
formed by an intrusive sheet of igneous rock. Its
constituents are generally non-metallic. A true fissure
vein cuts across the planes of bedding of a sediment-
ary rock.
The walls of a vein are seldom parallel for any
distance. This is due to the fact that there has
usually been a slipping or faulting along the fissure.
Conceive an irregular crack in the crust, and that one
side has slipped downwards, and the walls will no
longer be parallel; on the contrary there will be a
succession of narrow and wide parts of the vein, if,
indeed, it does not pinch out entirely at places. Con-
nected with this movement there will be a grinding
of the two walls, which often leaves a peculiar smooth
surface, with parallel scratches called slickensides. A
fine powder also results. This with water forms a
seam of clay — the selvage of the vein. Most of these
fissures are vertical or nearly so. The greatest angle
of inclination which they make with the horizon is
called their dip. The horizontal direction at right
angles to this is called the strike. With inclined
veins the upper wall is known as the hanging wall ;
the lower as the foot wall.
In size veins vary greatly. Some have been
traced for several miles in length ; others have been
mined to a depth of half a mile. In thickness they
vary from a minute crack to many yards. From
their mode of formation they are believed to extend
indefinitely in depth. Because of their persistency
and regularity, true fissure veins are looked on with
most favor by the miner.
The ultimate cause of the formation of fissures is
probably to be found in the cooling of the earth's
interior. As this portion of the globe cools it must
contract, and this necessitates the folding in of the
outer crust. This crust must be crumpled and folded
to permit of its occupying less space, and fissures
would naturally occur parallel to the axis of folding.
The settling down of the upper rocks would produce
forces of compression and torsion, and Daubree has
shown experimentally that in this way two sets of
fissures, at right angles to each other, would be pro-
duced. This is in accordance with the facts noticed
in many mining regions. Some fractures may be due
to the contraction of a cooling mass of igneous rock ;
others are, perhaps, caused by the drying of a
sedimentary rock, and consequent contraction and
fissuring. Most fissures are, however, the result of
dynamic causes, not of contraction.
The fissure being formed, it is next in order to
inquire how it was filled. Before discussing this
point certain characteristics -of veins should be noted.
As a usual thing the larger part of every vein is
occupied by the non-metalliferous gangue. Quartz,
calcite and fluorite are common vein-stones. They
are crystalline in structure, and are often arranged in
layers on the walls. The metallic portion of the vein
is very irregularly distributed. In few cases does it
pay to remove the whole of the vein-stone, and only
the richer parts are hoisted to the surface. Some-
times the metallic portion is concentrated in a
horizontal band in the vein. This is known as a
course of ore. At other times the metal-bearing
minerals are concentrated in somewhat vertical bands
in the plane of the vein. These are known as shoots
(also written chutes} of ore, or chimneys. The shoots
of a vein are usually parallel to one another, and the
angle of inclination is most commonly that of the
bedding or cleavage of the rocks in which the vein
occurs. When the ore occurs in detached patches it
is said to be bunchy.
The nature of the country rock seems to often
exert great influence on the ore body. In Cumber-
land, England, it has been noticed that the veins
enclosed in limestone, sandstone or schist are more
productive than those between walls of slate. In
Derbyshire the veins traverse igneous rocks and also
shales and sandstones. In the latter the veins are
productive; in the former the lead ore is usually
absent. At the famous Silver Islet mine, Lake
Superior, the ore was found in a vein intersecting a
diabase dike in argillite. The vein was exceptionally
rich in the diabase, but barren in the argillite. Depth
has no known influence on the character of a vein.
The Filling of Veins. — After the formation of the
fissure it was filled with gangue and ore. Where
were the materials found, and how were they trans-
ported to the vein ? Seven distinct theories are
tabulated by Louis, some of which have only an
historical value :
1. Theory of Contemporaneous Formation.
2. Theory of Electric Currents.
3. Theory of Aqueous Deposition from above.
4. Theory of Igneous Injection.
5. Theory of Sublimation.
6. Theory of Lateral Secretion.
7. Theory of Ascension.
The first three may be dismissed as incorrect. The
fourth, while the acknowledged mode of formation of
dikes of igneous rocks, does not account for many
characteristics of veins. Sublimation probably ac-
counts satisfactorily for the presence of mercury and
cinnabar throughout a rock. The theory supposes the
metal to be volatilized in the hot interior of the earth
and deposited in the cool part of the vein above. It
fails to account for the vein-stones, and so cannot be
accepted for many deposits.
The theory of lateral secretion was put on a firm
basis by the labors of Sandberger. He taught that
water percolating through the country rock had, by
means of natural solvents, such as carbonic acid,
leached from it the materials which were afterwards
deposited in the vein as the water evaporated. By
careful chemical examinations he showed that all the
common metals were to be found in the silicates of
the crystalline rocks. Pyroxene, hornblende, the
micas and the felspars were the depositories whence
not only copper, lead, zinc, etc., were derived, but also
the gangue materials, silica, fluorin, etc.
Sedimentary rocks, apart from the limestones, con-
sist of the debris of the older crystalline rocks. Con-
sequently the metal-bearing silicates, finely comminu-
ted it may be, should also be present in stratified
rocks like shale and slate. Lead, copper, zinc, arsenic
and others were actually found in clay slates. Thus
he proved that the metals occurred in rocks of every
geological age.
This theory explains fairly well the origin of the
metals and gangue, accounts for the frequent banded
structure of a vein, explains the fact that shoots
usually follow the dip of the enclosing rocks, and
gives a good reason for the changes which take place
when a vein passes from one formation to another.
Against it may be urged that different sets of fissures
traversing the same formation often contain very
different ores. It is also to be noted that a vein tra-
versing several formations often contains the same
The theory of ascension had as its strongest sup-
porter Posepny, of Germany. He believed that the
vein material is carried in solution from the hot
interior of the globe. Opposing the view that the
metals are derived from the crystalline rocks, he sup-
posed a heavy metalliferous layer at a considerable
distance below the surface. Water slowly forcing its
way down becomes superheated, and under the great
pressure is an active solvent. In this way the metals
and vein-stone are leached from the rock, carried into
the vein and deposited above. Veins are actually
being formed to-day in this way in Nevada and Cali-
fornia. The theory avoids some of the difficulties of
the previous one, but creates others.
American geologists are inclined to accept a theory
combining the best points of the last two. Le Conte
asserts that the source of the metals is a leaching of
all the wall rocks, but mainly the lowest portions.
Metals have been brought up by ascending currents,
and smaller contributions have come from the upper
rocks. Highly alkaline water was the main solvent.
The sulfids were the chief minerals dissolved, and
deposition took place in all kinds of fissures. The
deposits are found mainly in mountainous regions and
in metamorphic and igneous rocks, because there the
fissures were made and the heated layer occurs nearest
the surface.
A fissure vein has not always two well-marked walls.
Frequently one or both are wanting. The alkaline
silicate in its upward passage in the fissure often
attacked the wall rock, and exchange of molecules
occurred. Parts of the rock were dissolved and car-
ried off — some of the ore was deposited in its place.
In this way the wall disappeared, and the vein was
widened in an irregular manner.
(/) Bedded veins are parallel with the bedding or
foliation of the country rock, while the previous class
cut it in all directions. This class of fissures is due to
a plane of weakness in the bedding, or to a folding
of the beds which has left a cavity. They are not so
continuous as true fissures, but one vein usually suc-
ceeds another. They vary considerably in thickness,
and are often lenticular ; many of them do not appear
at the surface. They may be faulted like an ordinary
fissure vein ; the gangue and ore are alike in both
classes. Gold particularly is found in bedded veins,
those of Nova Scotia being good examples.
(g) Contact veins are cavities between dissimilar
rocks which have been filled with ores through the
influence of one of the rocks. Obviously they re-
semble bedded veins in appearance, except where one
rock is eruptive. An excellent example is afforded
by the deposits of Leadville, Col. Igneous dikes
have here crossed beds of limestone. Mineral-bearing
solutions passing up the line of weakness between the
two rocks have dissolved the limestone and replaced
it with silver-lead ores.
(h) Gash veins are properly irregular deposits
made in the joints, and between the beds, of limestone.
They are of small extent, and do not pass vertically
to any distance. Water, charged with carbonic acid,
has probably dissolved the rock along the joint-plane,
and subsequently mineral matter has been deposited
from solution. The lead and zinc ores occurring in
the Trenton limestone of Iowa and Missouri are the
best examples.
(i) A stockwork consists of a mass of igneous,
metamorphic or stratified rock, " impregnated with
metalliferous mineral, either in the form of small
reticulated veinlets, or more or less uniformly dis-
seminated through the rock in connection with the
veins." The mass nas no definite limits, and merges
gradually into the surrounding rock. Typical ex-
amples are the tin deposits of Saxony and of Corn-
wall. Apparently the rocks containing the tin ore
have been shattered, and mineral-bearing solutions
rising in the fissures have deposited their burden there
or exchanged part of it for a portion of the wall rock.
This group of deposits is accordingly related to the
true fissure veins.
( j) Massive deposits in calcareous rocks seem to be
due to the slow replacement of the soluble limestone
by the ore of a mineral-bearing solution. Apart from
their irregular form they closely resemble gash veins,
and should perhaps include them. The deposits are
very irregular in size and shape. Many of the silver
deposits of Nevada afford good examples of this class.
(k) Masses in igneous rocks are either irregular or
lenticular in shape, and are found either in the rocks
or at the plane of contact between them and an older
rock. They resemble somewhat contact veins, but
are not tabular like them. Oxids of iron and sulfids
of iron, of copper and of nickel are the chief minerals
of this class of deposits. The sulfids have probably
been introduced in solution in cavities which were
subsequently enlarged by the exchange of the mineral
for the rock. A typical example is afforded by the
copper and nickel deposits of Sudbury, Ontario.
Here the ore is found in lenticular masses, either in
diorite or at the contact of the diorite and the Hur-
onian schists which it pierces.
Immense deposits of magnetite and hematite are
found in the Archaean rocks of Ontario and Quebec.
They are irregular in shape, and occur in igneous
rocks or crystalline limestone. By some authors they
are classed here, though others assert that they are
metamorphosed sediments and belong to group c.
(1) Disseminations in igneous rocks include (!) de-
posits resembling the last, but where the metallifer-
ous part is so scattered that the whole rock must be
removed ; (2) deposits where an igneous rock has
been impregnated rather than a stratified one, as in d.
A typical example is afforded by the native copper
deposits of the basin of Lake Superior.
Surface Appearance of Ore Deposits. — In most
cases ore deposits are very different on the surface to
what they are when opened. At a few feet below the
surface, the distance varying with the locality, a zone
of water, known as the water-line, is met. Above this,
air, water and chemical agents may react on the ore,
and the usual result is oxidation. Hydrates, carbon-
ates, sulfates and chlorids may also be formed. Many
of these are soluble and are carried off by water. These
surface accumulations are called gossan. The French
name, chapeau de fer, and the German, eisen hut, both
meaning " iron hat," are very expressive. Iron pyrites
is a very widely disseminated mineral, and on oxi-
dation it yields the hydrated oxid, limonite, reddish to
brown in color. In and beneath this layer there is
often found a rich deposit of gold, silver or copper, as
the case may be. The weathering of the vein has
permitted the removal of the gangue and the concen-
tration of the heavier metals. From this fact arises
the German proverb :
" A mine is ne'er so good as that
Which goes beneath an iron hat."
Below this again the water-line is reached, and the
character of the ore may change entirely. For
instance, a gold ore may be free-milling on the surface,
and below become most refractory. A case in point
is afforded by the gold ores of Hastings, Ontario.
Rich and free-milling on the surface, they rapidly
became arsenical and rebellious. Lead and zinc may
exist as the carbonates on the surface, and pass at the
depth of a few feet into the sulfids, galena and blende.
Distribution of Ore Deposits. — A consideration
of the methods of formation of ore deposits would
lead us to expect them where one or more of the fol-
lowing conditions are presented : 1. A region of dis-
turbance, where fissures may have been made and
circulation promoted. 2. A region where heat has
been at work. This may have been due to volcanic
action or produced by metamorphism. 3. Where
the solvent action of water has been enormously
increased by the pressure of overlying rocks and by
the greater heat. 4. Where action has been long
continued, and feeble agencies may thus have been
able to effect considerable change. In accordance
with these conditions we find the great majority of
ore deposits (1) near eruptive rocks, especially the
earlier ones ; (2) in mountainous regions, particularly
those which have been well denuded, as shown by their
low rounded forms ; (3) in regions of ancient rocks.
Erroneous Ideas Regarding Ore Deposits. — 1. It
is often asserted that true fissure veins are likely to
increase in width as the shaft is sunk. The truth is
that they will widen and narrow alternately, some-
times pinching out entirely. If at the present
surface a vein is narrow it may widen for a time ; if,
on the contrary, it is struck at a wide part it may
narrow for a time. A good illustration of this, both
as regards changes in the depth and the length of a
vein, is a torn paper, with the parts slightly shifted
to show the faulting.
2. Fissure veins are said to grow richer as depth
increases. Apart from the enriching at the surface
due to the decay and removal of the vein matter, this
is hardly true. The ore in a vein is always irregularly
distributed. In sinking the miner will, of course, pass
from poor portions to richer ones and then on to lean
ones again.
3. It is often held th it certain directions of strike
in veins indicate rich or poor deposits. This can only
be true of limited regions where the parallel fissures
may be supposed to be due to the same cause. Those
formed at the one time are likely to have been filled
with the same solution. An earlier or later set of fis-
sures might have been filled with a different solution
containing no metallic ore, or a different one. The
strike of veins containing the same ores may be
widely different in different localities.
4. The country rock certainly exerts an influence
on the vein material, and preference for a particular
kind on the part of the miner is justifiable within
limited regions. Nevertheless, a wall rock which is
barren in one district may prove to be rich in another.
LITERATURE. — "A Treatise on Ore Deposits," Phillips and
Louis, 1896. "The Genesis of Ore Deposits," Posepny, Trans.
Am. Inst. Min. Eng. XXIII., 197-369. Newberry, "School of
Mines Quart.," 1880, V. 337.
Ores of Iron. — Among the metals iron is easily of
first importance, because so indispensable to all our
industrial undertakings. It is widely distributed in
nature, occurring as an oxid and as a carbonate.
Magnetite (Fe3O4) is richest in metallic iron, containing
72 per cent, when pure. It can always be attracted
by a magnet, and often is itself able to attract soft
iron. It is with difficulty scratched by a knife, and
yields a black powder. Some varieties contain man-
ganese, others titanium. Hematite (Fe2O3) contains,
when pure, 70 per cent, of iron. Several varieties are
distinguished, all of which yield a dark reddish
powder. The hard crystalline kind, with a steely
lustre, is called specular ore ; a black, shining, scaly
ore is known as micaceous hematite. Mixed with
clay it yields a brown-black to reddish colored ore of
dull lustre. The harder mixtures are clay iron-stones ;
the softer are red ochres. Fossil ore consists of red
oolitic grains. Part of the iron of hematite is often re-
placed by titanium. Brown hematite ore includes a
number of minerals, all of which are hydrated oxids»
such as limonite (2Fe2O3 + 3H20), gothite, etc. These
minerals yield water when heated, give a brown
powder and streak, and contain 60 per cent, or less of
iron. Iron carbonate, called siderite or spathic iron
ore, contains about 48 per cent, of iron. It is brown
in color, cleaves readily into rhombohedrons, and
effervesces when heated with acids. In coal regions
it is frequently found mixed with earthy matter, and
is then known as clay iron-stone. Mixed with bitu-
minous matter, it forms black band.
Clay iron-stone, though containing a smaller
amount of iron, is often more valuable than richer
ores because of its proximity to coal and fluxes.
Ores of iron are so widely distributed and in such
large amounts that only those deposits which are
favorably located can be utilized. The value of an
iron deposit depends on (1) its proximity to fuels and
fluxes needed for its reduction ; (2) its freedom from
injurious materials not readily removed in smelting ;
(3) the percentage of iron which the ore will yield.
Anthracite, coke and charcoal are the usual fuels.
Limestone is the flux employed to remove the common
impurities of clay and quartz. The proximity of
these materials in Nova Scotia has caused a develop-
ment of the iron industry there, while the rich ores of
Ontario are neglected. Other impurities are phos-
phorus, sulfur and titanium. A small amount of
sulfur causes an iron to be "red-short," that is, brittle
and difficult to work at a red heat. One-tenth of one
per cent, of phosphorus causes the metal to be "cold-
short " or brittle when cold. Ores containing these
elements are unsuited for the manufacture of steel.
By lining the converter with a magnesium or calcium
mineral it has been found to be possible to use many
ores formerly rejected because of their phosphorus.
Titanium does not injure the iron, but the presence of
any amount in the ore increases the expense of
reducing it.
Geological Occurrence. — The ores of iron are
found particularly in the oldest formations. The
Laurentian, Huronian and Cambrian are the great
iron ages. The ores in rocks of these periods are
hematites and magnetites, especially the latter.
Hematites are found in Silurian and Devonian strata
in Nova Scotia. Siderite is found in the Palaeozoic of
Nova Scotia, and in the form of clay iron-stone
throughout the Cretaceous and early Tertiary of the
North- West. Limonite is abundant in the Silurian
and Devonian of Nova Scotia, and its modern repre-
sentative, bog iron'ore, is found in the Post-Tertiary
of Quebec and Ontario. This last has been dissolved
by organic acids from the crystalline rocks, and
deposited in swamps after oxidation. The beds in
the Archaean are doubtless metamorphosed bog ores,
though in some cases they may be of an eruptive
Canadian Localities. —Maritime Provinces. — Iron
ores occur in large amounts in Nova Scotia. All
varieties are represented, and are found in nearly
every geological age. Active operations are confined
to the counties of Pictou, Annapolis and Colchester.
These counties respectively produced 31,000, 30,000
and 18,000 tons of ore in 1895. In Pictou the ores
are found along the East River close to the coal field.
In Devonian strata beds of brown hematite with
specular ore and siderite are found. An oolitic
hematite resembling the Clinton ore of the United
States occurs in Silurian beds. The largest deposits,
and the only ones yet worked, are found at the con-
tact of the Carboniferous rocks with earlier forma-
tions. The ore is mostly brown hematite. Two
companies are mining and smelting these ores. A char-
coal furnace is used at Bridgeville, and Bessemer pig
is made with coke at Ferrona. At Torbrook, Annap-
olis county, there is a considerable area of hematite
ores. The beds are three to twelve feet thick, and
the ore is of good quality. It is shipped to London-
derry and Ferrona. At the Acadia Mines, Colchester
county, there is " an extensive development of brown
hematite in a vein in Devonian strata associated with
specular ore, ochre, ankerite and other carbonates of
lime, iron and magnesia." This ore, mixed with
hematite from Torbrook, is smelted by the London-
derry Iron Company. The product is largely sold in
In Cape Breton there are numerous beds of hema-
tite and magnetite in Archaean strata. Specular ore
is found in Guysboro' and hematite in Antigonish.
Other localities are Pugwash, Grand Lake, Brookfield,
Goschen, Selma, Clifton, etc.
In Carleton county, N.B., beds of hematite are
found in Lower Silurian slates. A charcoal furnace
was in blast for some time at Woodstock, and several
thousand tons of iron made.
Ontario and Quebec. — Bog iron ores were first
discovered in the district of Three Rivers in 1667. The
first forges were erected in 1733, and iron has been
smelted in the district almost continuously since
that date. The Radnor Forges near Three Rivers
are the present representative of the old industry.
Bog ore is procured on both sides of the St. Lawrence,
and charcoal made in the vicinity is used for
fuel. The product is particularly adapted for car
wheels. At Drurnmondville, on the St. Francis, are
two other furnaces also using bog ore and charcoal.
The ore is mined partly in the vicinity and partly in
Vaudreuil. Bog ores are quite abundant in the low
lands flanking the Laurentian hills on the north of
the St. Lawrence. In the Archaean rocks north of
the Ottawa and St. Lawrence immense beds of mag-
netite and hematite are found. Below Quebec these
often contain considerable titanium, but to the west
many of them are excellent ores. Beds twenty-five
feet wide are of common occurrence. For the most
part they are interstratified with gneiss. In the
metamorphic rocks of the Eastern Townships other
important deposits are found. Except for the occa-
sional export of a few tons these oxids are unused.
In Ontario similar beds of hematite and magnetite
are found in Archaean rocks. Large amounts have
been mined at several localities, but no regular opera-
tions are going on at present. Most of the ore was
exported ; some of it was smelted at furnaces now dis-
mantled. The chief mining locations are along the
Kingston and Pembroke Railway ; in Hastings, Peter-
boro' and Victoria counties; north of Lake Huron;
west of Lake Superior. In the last district, on the
Mattawin and Atikokan rivers, bodies of ore are found
which resemble in appearance and mode of occurrence
the famous deposits of Minnesota. The ores of Gun-
flint Lake are a continuation northwards of the Mesabi
range of Minnesota.
Bog ores are found at a number of places in south-
western Ontario. They were smelted early in the
century, and are again being mined for a new furnace
at Hamilton. This furnace also uses hematite and
magnetite from other parts of Ontario. Siderite is re-
ported as occurring in large deposits in the Devonian,
on Moose River.
Western Canada. — Clay iron-stone occurs at a num-
ber of places throughout the lignite Tertiary of the
North- West, but nowhere in economic amounts. It is
also found in the coal series of British Columbia.
Magnetite is, however, the chief ore of this province.
It has been mined at Kamloops Lake, Redonda Island
and Texada Island for export. It is found in many
localities and of good quality. The ore bed at Tex-
ada is twenty to twenty-five feet thick, and extends
for a mile with a thickness of one to ten feet.
Production. — Canada is particularly backward in
developing her iron industries. Few countries have
larger deposits of ore, and much of it is convenient to
coal and flux. The smallness of the market is the
great difficulty. Moreover, Nova Scotia, the chief
producer, is some distance from Ontario, the chief con-
sumer. The following tables will give an idea of the
industry :
Pig iron made — tons . .
Iron ore consumed — tons .
Fuel f Charcoal — bush
con- -{ Coke — tons
sumed. [Coal — tons
Flux consumed — tons . .
By provinces the production of ore in 1895 was:
Nova Scotia 83,792 tons.
Quebec 17,783 „
British Columbia 1,222 „
Total 102,797 M
In 1895 the exports of iron and steel goods amounted
to $175,000 and the imports to $8,002,000. There
was further imported scrap iron, etc., to the value of
$697,000, and against this an export of ore valued at
Compared with foreign countries the Canadian pro-
duction is insignificant. The following table is com-
piled from Rothwell's " Mineral Industry " :
United States
Great Britain
8,022 000
of 2204
| Ibs.
All others
Great Britain and Germany are relying more and
more on imported ores. Spain, which ranks fourth as
a producer of iron ore, exports considerable to Britain.
Sweden also ships ore to that country.
LITERATURE. — History of manufacture in Canada, Bartlett,
Trans. Am. Inst. Mm. Eng. XIV. 508 ; Canadian Mining
Manual, 1896. Theories of Origin, Phillips and Louis, "Ore
Deposits " ; Winchell, Bull. 6 Minn. Geol. Sur. Statistics, Rep.
S Geol. Sur. Can. Localities, Catalogue of the Museum. Nova
Scotia : Pictou, Geol. Sur. V. 1890, 175 P ; Trans. Am. Inst.
Min. Eng. XIV. 54; Reports Dep. of Mines; "Acad. Geol."
New Brunswick: Geol. Sur. 1874. Quebec: Geol. Sur. IV.
1888 K. Ontario : Geol. Sur. 1873-74 ; Bur. of Mines, 1892.
British Columbia: Rep. Geol. Sur., III. 1887 R.
The ores of manganese are almost wholly oxids, or
hydroxids, though the metal occurs in many other
forms. It is similar to iron in its chemical affinities and
geological distribution, so that it often occurs with ores
of that metal. Pyrolusite (Mn02), the dioxid of man-
ganese, is the most important mineral by reason of its
purity. Wad, or bog ore manganese, is more widely
distributed, but is often useless through the presence of
sulfur, phosphorus, etc. Psilomelane, manganite,braun-
ite and hausmannite are other manganese minerals.
Some silver and some zinc ores contain a considerable
amount of manganese, which is saved as a by-product.
The great use of the metal is in the iron industry.
Nine- tenths of the product is converted into spiegel-
eisen and f erro-manganese, two alloys with iron con-
taining from one to ninety per cent, of manganese.
These alloys are invaluable in the manufacture of
steel. Not only does the manganese prevent the
oxidation of the iron, but a small per cent, increases
the strength of the steel. Because of the readiness
with which pyrolusite yields oxygen, it is used in the
manufacture of chlorin and as a decolorizer of glass.
Compounds of manganese are also used as coloring
materials in calico-printing, coloring glass and pottery,
and in paints. For these chemical processes only the
purest pyrolusite is available, whilst for spiegel-eisen
an ore containing iron, water or calcite may be used.
Pyrolusite, manganite and wad are widely distrib-
uted through the Lower Carboniferous rocks around
the Bay of Fundy. The first systematic mining
operations were begun at Tenny Cape, N.S., in 1862.
Two years later a mine was opened at Markhamville,
N.B., which has proved the most productive of the
district. The ore occurs as lenticular layers inter-
bedded in limestone, or in pockets bearing from a few
pounds to four thousand tons. Other localities are,
Quaco Head, Jordan Mountain, Glebe and Shepody
Mountain, N.B., and Cheverie, Walton, Onslow, Loch
Lomond, Cape Breton, N.S. Much of the ore is
sufficiently pure to be used for chemical purposes,
some of it selling at the mines for $125 a ton. The
lower grades are used in the iron industry. In
Colchester and Pictou counties many of the iron ores
are highly manganiferous. A number of deposits of
wad occur in Quebec, principally in the Eastern Town-
ships. Pyrolusite is found on the Magdalen Islands,
Que., and manganite on the north shore of Lake
Superior. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia are the
only producing provinces, and most of their output is
exported. In 1895 the production was 125 tons,
valued at $8,464. In the same year oxid of man-
ganese to the value of $2,800 was imported. The
industry has fallen off enormously since 1890.
LITERATURE. — Penrose in the annual report, 1890, Vol. I.,
Arkansas Geol. Sur., gives a complete account of the origin,
occurrence, use, etc., of the manganese deposits of America.
Geol. Sur. Can., V. 1890 S. Dawson, "Acad. Geol."
Chromium occurs in nature as the mineral chromite
(FeCr204 ), isomorphous with magnetite. It is usually
massive, finely granular or compact, hard and black.
It occurs in serpentine, either in veins or in im-
bedded masses. It is rarely reduced to the metallic
state, but a small quantity is used in a steel alloy,
valuable on account of its great hardness combined
with toughness. A more extensive use is in the
manufacture of chromates of sodium and potassium
used in dyeing.
Chromite occurs in Quebec in the neighborhood of
the asbestos mines. Many pockets have been dis-
covered and quarried, but no systematic mining oper-
ations have been undertaken. Much of the ore
averages 50 per cent, and is worth at the railway $26
a ton. The richer ore is shipped to the United States
and a small amount to Nova Scotia. The lower grade
ores are marketed in Great Britain. The production
in 1895 was 3,177 tons, valued at $41,000.
LITERATURE. — Geol. Sur. IV. 1888 K. Can. Mining Manual,
Ores of Nickel. — There are a large number of
minerals containing nickel, but most of them are
not found in any abundance. Those which have been
used as ores are a few of the sulfids and a silicate.
Millerite (Ni S) contains 64 per cent, of nickel, and is
characterized by its brass-yellow color, greenish-black
streak and hair-like crystals. Niccolite is the arsenid
of nickel and gersdorffite the sulpharsenid. Pyrrho-
tite, (Fe7S8) is, however, the chief sulfur ore of
nickel. In many localities a small percentage (up to
6) of nickel replaces a portion of the iron. The
nickel is, indeed, an impurity in the pyrrhotite, and
only the large amount in which this mineral is found
makes it valuable as a source of nickel. In color
pyrrhotite is bronze-yellow to copper-red, and often
tarnished on the surface. The streak is dark greyish-
black, and the powder magnetic. Genthite is a
hydrous, nickel, magnesium silicate found on Michi-
picoten Island, Lake Superior, and containing 23 per
cent, of nickel. Closely related to it is garnierite, a
soft, amorphous, pale-green mineral somewhat indefi-
nite in composition but containing eight to thirty-six
per cent, of nickel.
Distribution. — The minerals containing nickel are
found all over the world, but in few localities are
they sufficiently concentrated to be of value as ores.
Pyrrhotite is found from the Atlantic to the Pacific,
but the amount of nickel contained is usually small.
Pyrrhotites from near St. Stephen, N.B., show 2.5 per
cent, of nickel, which is almost as much as the average
of the famous Sudbury region.
In the last-named district several score of rich de-
posits of nickeliferous pyrrhotite have been found in a
belt of country four or five miles wide and fifty-five
miles long. Outlying deposits occur south to the Geor-
gian Bay, to the north-west at Straight Lake, and
probably far to the north-east. Deposits of a similar
character are worked in Norway. Millerite was
noticed by officers of the Geological Survey at the
Wallace Mine on the shore of the Georgian Bay as
far back as 1848, but it was not until 1883 that the
riches of the district were discovered.
Silicates of nickel are seldom absent from the mag-
nesium rocks of the Eastern Townships, Que., but in
no place are they of economic importance. They are
reported in paying quantities from Oregon and
Nevada, and small amounts have been mined. New
Caledonia, a French penal colony, has until recent
years been much the largest producer of nickel. The
ore, garnierite, is found in veins in serpentine associ-
ated with chromic iron and steatite.
Millerite has been worked at the Lancaster Gap
Mine, Pa., for a number of years, but the mine is no
longer productive. The same mineral was mined at
Brompton Lake, Que., but as the rock mass only con-
tained 1 per cent, of nickel the operation was not
Geological Occurrence.— All the important de-
posits of nickel occur in metamorphic rocks. Gar-
nierite, the silicate, is found with serpentine, and the
sulfids and arsenids are associated with quartzites,
slates and schists. In the Sudbury District the ores
are found in masses, not in true fissure veins, in
Huronian strata. The ore mass is usually a brecciated
mixture of country rock, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite.
Sometimes one, sometimes the other of the last two
predominates, but they are too intimately mixed to
admit of separation by sorting. Originally the de-
posit was worked for copper. The ore mass is usually
lens-shaped, not only horizontally but also vertically.
Diabase and diorite have been erupted through the
Huronian sediments, and the nickel and copper
deposits are usually close to the contact. Occasionally
the ores are found in granite where diabase has
pierced it. The sulfids are often found in the dia-
base itself, and the enclosing rock is frequently im-
pregnated. This leads to the conclusion that the ores
and the diabase have been introduced at the same
time, possibly at the close of the Huronian.
Several companies are energetically engaged in
mining and roasting the ores of the Sudbury district.
As mined the ore contains one to four per cent of
nickel and four to ten per cent, of copper. About
3 per cent, of nickel seems to be the average, and
occasionally one-fiftieth of this is cobalt. After being
raised the ore is piled in heaps and roasted, sulfur
being given off. It is then smelted to a matte which
carries about 20 per cent, of nickel and 20 per cent, of
copper. This is shipped to New Jersey or Wales for
further treatment, as no refining is done in Canada.
Uses. — The metal is used for subsidiary coinage by
the United States, Belgium and Germany. A small
amount is made into cheap jewelry, principally watch
cases. An alloy of nickel, copper and zinc is largely
used under the name of German silver. Electro-
plating with nickel is widely used to beautify parts
of stoves, bicycles, etc. A far more extensive use
than any of these has been found in recent years.
Steel, alloyed with a small percentage of nickel, is
greatly increased in strength. For armor plate the
alloy seems particularly adapted. Where lightness
as well as strength is a consideration, nickel-steel
seems destined to replace ordinary steel.
The price of nickel is gradually lessening as im-
proved processes of refining are invented. In 1873 it
was worth $6.00 a pound; in 1890, 65 cents; in 1893,
52 cents ; in 1895, 35 cents. The annual consumption
is about four thousand tons, of which Canada furnishes
one-half; Norway mines a few hundred tons, and
nearly all the remainder comes from New Caledonia.
The Canadian production has been as follows :
Pounds of
Nickel in Matte.
Value at
Final Value.
3 983 000
$630 000
$2 071,000
1894 . . .
LITERATURE. — Description of the Sudbury Deposits : Bell,
"Report F, Geol. Sur. Can.," V., 1890-91; Barlow, "Rep.
S, Geol. Sur. Can.," V., 1890-91, pp. 122-140. Metallurgy:
Bureau of Mines of Ontario Rep. 1892, pp. 149-161. Use in
Armor Plate, etc.: Ib. 1893 and 1894. Origin: "Mineral
Industry, "1895, p. 746.
Cobalt occurs in a number of minerals, principally
sulfids and arsenids, and usually associated with nickel
and iron. Nearly all meteoric iron contains a small
amount of the metal. While there are a number
of minerals, they are not widely distributed and
seldom occur in large amount. Most of the cobalt of
commerce is a by-product in the refining of nickel.
In one mine of the Sudbury district about 0.08 of
1 per cent, of the ore smelted is metallic cobalt. This
represents a production of nineteen tons in 1893, and
three tons in 1894, worth about $460 a ton. Cobalt
is used, chiefly as the oxid, in the manufacture of
paints, colored porcelain, etc.
Ores of Copper. — Chalcopyrite (Cu Fe S2), the most
common ore of copper, resembles ordinary iron
pyrites, but is much softer and of a deeper yellow.
It yields, when pure, a little over 34 per cent, of
copper. This is the chief copper ore of the Sudbury
District. Bornite, also known as variegated copper
ore, is an iron copper sulfid like chalcopyrite, but
with a percentage of copper which varies from 55 to
60. It is copper- red to brown in color, and the sur-
face is always tarnished. Chalcocite (Cu? S), called also
vitreous copper ore, contains about 80 per cent, of
copper. It is blackish lead-grey in color, often tar-
nished blue or green, and is comparatively soft. It
is found in rich, but small, deposits in the Carbon-
iferous rocks of Pictou, N.S. These three ores are
said to furnish three-fourths of the world's supply of
copper. Native Copper is next in importance, fur-
nishing about one-sixth. Most of this comes from
the south shore of Lake Superior, but the mineral is
also found in considerable quantities on the north
side. It is found also in the Triassic trap of Nova
* " Standard " Dictionary.
Scotia, on the Coppermine River far to the north, and
in British Columbia, but so far not in economic
amounts. The mineral has a characteristic red color,
a bright metallic lustre, and can be cut with a knife.
Malachite, the green carbonate of copper, Azurite, the
blue carbonate, Cuprite, the red oxid, Chrysocolla, the
bluish-green silicate, are other ores as yet of no
economic importance in Canada. Tetrahedrite, also
called grey copper, is a complex sulfid of copper,
antimony and other metals. It is proving of value
as a source of silver in British Columbia, and so
incidentally yields copper.
Geological Occurrence. — Copper ores are more
usually found in the oldest rocks, the Archaean and
Cambrian strata being particularly rich. Workable
deposits are, however, found as late as the Permian,
as at Mansfeld, Germany.
The ores are found (1) in veins intersecting older
rocks, as at Bruce Mines, north of Lake Huron ; (2) in
mass deposits, as at the immense quarries on the Rio
Tinto, Spain; (3) disseminated in beds, as at Mansfeld ;
(4) as impregnations in amygdaloid s and conglomer-
ates, well exemplified in the basin of Lake Superior.
Canadian Localities. — Maritime Provinces. — The
copper ore mined in Canada at present is only inci-
dental to the production of sulfur, nickel and the
precious metals. At a number of places in the Mari-
time Provinces development work has been under-
taken. Sulfids have been found in Pictou county,
N.S., and in St. John and Albert counties, N.B., and
in the latter case were worked for a time. In
Annapolis county the Triassic traps contain strings
of native copper which may prove of value. The
Coxheath Mine, Cape Breton, is of greater promise.
A number of veins bearing chalcopyrite are there
found traversing a mass of f elsitic rocks of Laurentian
age. Considerable sinking and drifting has been done,
and several thousand tons of ore have been raised,
large parts of which average 10 per cent, of copper.
Smelting works are being erected on Sydney Harbor.
About two thousand tons of copper ore are mined
annually in Newfoundland.
Quebec. — Several score of " mines " and many more
" prospects " have been partially explored in south-
eastern Quebec. Some of these have proved to be
rich deposits, and others might probably have been
made paying investments had development work been
carried far enough. The deposits occur along three
anticlinal axes running north-eastward from the Ver-
mont boundary. The ores are the sulfids — chalcopy-
rite, chalcocite and bornite. They are found in veins,
in irregular masses and in what seem to be beds, but
which are probably in reality of eruptive origin. In
nearly all cases they are associated with diorites,
apparently of Cambrian age. In the western belt the
variegated and vitreous ores are most common, and
occur in dolomitic beds belonging to the Upper Cam-
brian. The pioneer mine of the district was the
Acton, first worked in 1858. From it sixteen thous-
and tons of 12 per cent, copper were taken.
In the central and eastern belts the ores occur in
Pre-Cambrian, micaceous and chloritic schists. The
Harvey Hill and Huntingdon mines represent the
former region, the Capleton group the latter. Many
hundred tons were produced by the Harvey Hill and
Huntingdon, but they have been closed for several
years. In the Capleton district the ore is a mixture
of chalcopyrite and pyrite containing thirty-five to
forty per cent, of sulfur, and four to five per cent, of
copper. It carries in addition from one to seventy-
five ounces of silver to the ton, averaging $4.00 to
$5.00 in value. The Eustis mine, typical of the group,
is an irregular deposit four to fifty feet wide and
explored to a depth of 1,600 feet. Most of the ore is
shipped to New Jersey for the manufacture of sul-
furic acid. The copper and silver are afterwards
Ontario. — Chalcopyrite and native copper are the
two important copper ores of Ontario. The former
occurs in greatest abundance north of Lake Huron ;
the latter around the shores of Lake Superior. The
years 1849-1875 constitute the first period of copper
mining in Ontario, during which much ore was raised
and shipped, but without profit to the shareholders.
The Bruce and Wellington mines on the north shore
of Lake Huron produced nearly forty-five thousand
tons of dressed copper ore, worth about $3,500,000.
The mines embrace half a dozen veins of quartz in
diorite, spread over an area of a square mile. The
veins were three to fifteen feet wide, and the work-
ings were carried down about 450 feet. The ore,
mainly chalcopyrite, averaged 6 J per cent, copper as it
came from the shaft. The great expense of mining
and shipping to England, the failure of smelting
plants erected at the mines, the decrease in the value
of copper, all contributed to make the work unprofi-
table at that time.
Since 1846 a number of companies have made
explorations at Michipicoten Island, St. Ignace Island,
Mamainse, Point Aux Mines, and other places on the
north shore of Lake Superior. The rocks outcrop-
ping at these points are the same as those which in
Michigan have* proved to be so rich in native copper.
According to Irving, the bed of Lake Superior is a
geosyncline, the Huronian and overlying Keweenaw-
ian rocks extending beneath the waters of the lake
in a gentle fold. The Keweenawian formation, or
Nipigon, as it is known in Ontario, outcrops as a
narrow fringe around part of the shore of the lake,
except in the vicinity of Lake Nipigon where a
considerable area is found. Through these Nipigon
sediments immense masses of volcanic material were
erupted, and in the more vesicular outflows and in
the associated sandstones native copper is now found.
Keweenaw Point on the south shore has proved to be
exceptionally rich. One of its mines, the famous
Calumet and Hecla, produced, in 1895, one tenth of
the whole world product of copper. On the Canadian
shore native copper has been found at a number of
points, often in rich though small amounts, and
always inciting the explorers to develop their proper-
ties further. The ore exists as an impregnation of
beds of sandstones, conglomerates and vesicular trap.
It is also found in veins, associated with calcite,
cutting these beds. The copper is always irregularly
distributed, and considerable quantities of barren
rock have often to be removed. Prehnite arid epidote
are here associated with the copper, as on the south
shore. Indeed, the indications are quite favorable,
but so far no profitable mine has been discovered. A
six-hundred-pound mass of native copper, taken from
a shaft at Mamainse, is probably the largest yet
found. At Michipicoten a shaft has been sunk over
five hundred feet in an amygdaloidal bed, and 1,500
feet of drifting done. The copper carries a little
native silver in many places, and malachite, cuprite,
chalcopyrite are often found with it.
In 1882 large deposits of chalcopyrite were dis-
covered near Sudbury, Ont. The ore is " a brecciated
or agglomerated mixture of the pyrrhotite and chal-
copyrite along with the country rock." This mixed
ore is usually in or near masses of diorite, intrusive
through Huronian or Laurentian rocks. It occurs in
lenses which thicken and thin out vertically as well
as laterally. At first the ore was mined for copper,
but nickel, which is found in the pyrrhotite, is now
the more valuable constituent. (See Nickel.) The
average output of the three mines of the Canadian
Copper Company is 4.3 per cent, of copper, and
3.5 per cent, of nickel. The ores are roasted in
heaps in the open air to drive off sulfur, then
smelted to a matte containing eighteen to twenty
per cent, each of copper and nickel. This matte is
shipped to New Jersey or to Wales for further treat-
ment. The quantity of ore in the district seems
inexhaustible, and the copper and nickel mines are
now firmly established. In 1895 eighty-six thousand
tons of ore were smelted at Sudbury.
British Columbia. — Ores of copper are widely
distributed throughout the whole area of the Pacific
Province. Several attempts have been made to
develop them, but so far unsuccessfully. Many of
the most promising gold and silver ores contain large
amounts of copper, and the recently developed mines
in West Kootenay are yielding a very large amount
of copper in addition to the gold and silver for which
they are worked.
Uses. — Next to silver, copper is the best conductor
of electricity, and so is used in telephone trunk lines,
trolley wires, etc. Its great toughness makes it
valuable for boilers, stills, sheeting wooden ships,
etc. It is a component of brass, bronze and other
alloys used for machinery, cannon, bells, coins and
statuary. A number of its salts, as blue vitriol and
Paris green, find extensive use in the arts.
Production. — No copper is at present refined in
Canada, all the ore mined being exported either as raw
ore carrying about 4 per cent, of copper or as a matte
carrying fifteen or twenty per cent. In 1894 the final
value of the copper in the ore produced was $736,000,
of which Quebec contributed $207,000; Ontario,
$495,000 ; British Columbia, $34,000. In 1895 the
total value was $949,000, the increase being due
to the copper-gold mines of British Columbia. In
1896 the output of this province was doubled, and
the total for the year is a little over a million. The
imports of pig and scrap copper in 1895 were valued
at $7,000, and of manufactures at $252,000. The
annual production of copper in the world is steadily
increasing, the increase being just about equal to that
made by the United States. The following table is
compiled from Roth well's "Mineral Industry":
Metric Tons, of 2,204 Ibs.
Australasia 10,000
Canada 3,987
Cape of Good Hope 30,000
Germany 17,000
Japan 19,000
Mexico 12,000
Russia 5,000
Spain and Portugal 56,000
United States 175,000
All others 12,000
Total 340,000
LITERATURE. — Localities and History of Operations. — Mari-
time Provinces: Da wson's "Acadian Geology." Quebec: Geol.
Sur. Reports, 1863 ; III. 1887 K ; IV. 1888-89 K ; Obalski,
"Mines and Minerals of Que.," 1890. Ontario: Lake Superior
—"Geol. Can.," 1863 ; Geol. Sur. III. 1887, 9-12 H; "Min. Re-
sources of Ont.," 1890 ; Rep. Bur. of Mines, Ont., 1893 ; Bruce
Mines, etc.— "Min. Res. Ont.," 1890; Sudbury— Geol. Sur.
Rep., V. 1890 F. (See also references under Nickel.) British
Columbia: Rep. Geol. Sur. III., 1887, 101 R, 152 R; VII.
1894, 52 S. Production.— Reports of the Geol. Sur. of each
year. Irving, "The Copper-bearing Rocks of Lake Superior."
Peters, " Modern American Methods of Copper Smelting."
Sulfur, from a chemical standpoint, is an acidic
element, and so in strictness should not be classed
here under the metals. As, however, it is mined in
Canada as a constituent of copper ores, this is a con-
venient place for considering it. Sulfur is found
native at only a few places in Canada, and never in
economic quantities. It does exist, however, in
immense quantities as sulfids of a number of metals.
Pyrite (Fe S2), the sulfid of iron, contains 53 per cent,
of sulfur. It is a brassy- looking mineral, hard enough
to strike fire with a piece of steel, and is frequently
found in cubic crystals. It occurs in rocks of all
ages, and as it oxidizes readily it frequently causes
undesirable stains on building stones. Chalcopyrite
(Cu Fe S2) is a similar mineral, but softer and yellower.
It contains 35 per cent, each of copper and sulfur.
These two minerals are largely used as sources of
sulfur for sulfuric acid. Other sulfids occurring in
large quantities in Canada are galena (PbS), the sul-
fid of lead; blende (ZnS), the sulfid of zinc; pyrrhotite
(Fe7S8), another sulfid of iron.
Uses. — Sulfur is required for manufacturing gun-
powder, matches and vulcanized rubber; for bleaching
straw and woollen goods ; for cementing iron and
stone ; for making sulfuric acid. This last is one of
the most important compounds known to chemistry
and commerce. It is said that a nation's civilization
may be gauged by the amount of sulfuric acid it
Although native sulfur is required for most purposes,
pyrite answers equally as well as the element in
making sulfuric acid. The pyrites, iron and copper,
are consequently slowly driving the native element
from the acid factories by reason of their cheapness.
Especially is this true of ores like those of Capleton,
Quebec, which are valuable for their copper and silver
contents, and from which the sulfur must be separated
The pyrites are burned to form sulfur dioxid gas,
and the residues are treated with acids to obtain the
copper, silver or gold. Thoroughly burned pyrite
retains about 1 per cent, of sulfur, and iron contain-
ing not more than that can now be used for some
purposes. Pyrites suitable for sulfuric acid should
have the following characteristics : (1) A high per
cent, of sulfur, 35 to 53 ; (2) freedom from arsenic,
antimony and lead; (3) readiness in yielding the
sulfur ; a granular and porous pyrite is easier to work
than a compact one ; absence of fluxes is desirable ;
(4) valuable accessory metals, as silver, copper, gold,
are a great advantage.
Production. — The Capleton and Eustis mines in
southern Quebec are the only Canadian producers
which use the sulfur in their ores. A part is made
into sulfuric acid at the works ; a much larger por-
tion is shipped to the United States. A third portion
is smelted at the mines, the sulfur being wasted and
the matte exported. These mines are described
under Copper, earlier in this chapter. Other sulfuric
acid factories at Brockville and at Smith's Falls,
Ontario, have also used pyrites. Immense quantities
of sulfur are wasted at Sudbury. Nearly five million
pounds of sulfuric acid are used annually in refining
Canadian petroleum.
1890. 1895.
Production of) Tons 49,000 34,000
Pyrites .... /Value .... $123,000 $103,000
Imports crude\Tons 2,220 2,450
Sulfur /Value. . . . $44,000 $57,000
LITERATURE. — " Min. Resources of Ont.," 1890. Rep.
Geol. Sur., 1874, p. 304 ; ib. IV., 1888, 53 K, 158 K ; ib. VIII.,
1895, S.
IN the first half of the present century Russia held
first place as a gold producer. In 1848 came the
discoveries in California, which soon sent the United
States to the top. Three years later rich deposits
were announced in Victoria. In a few years Australia
climbed to the foremost position, and the place of
honor has alternated between that island and the
United States until recently. The South African
field, discovered in 1884, has been developed with
surprising rapidity. In 1895 the Transvaal succeeded
in passing Australia, and if the rate of advance is
continued it will soon surpass the United States.
In 1896 announcements were made of rich discov-
eries, which it is hoped will make Canada a worthy
rival of California, Victoria and the Transvaal. In
1895 Canada was twelfth among nations in the
value of her gold output, and it is quite probable
that she may reach fifth, or sixth, place within a few
years. Mexico, which at present ranks fifth, is in-
creasing her gold output very rapidly. On the same
Cordilleran range as British Columbia, with enormous
deposits of silver already exploited, Mexico may
prove as rich in gold as Canada. It will be some
years before either country reaches the fourth place
now held by Russia.
Origin. — All substances can be resolved into one or
more of the seventy primary elements. These elements,
of which gold is one, cannot be changed into one
another, though they combine in various proportions
to form different substances. So far as we know
they have existed from the creation. On the cooling
of the molten earth most of them assumed a solid
condition, either alone or in combination. Gold seems
to have remained free, and pretty thoroughly dis-
tributed through the crystalline rocks. It is found
now in nearly all rocks, and in sea water, but in
such minute quantities that it cannot be economically
Nature, however, at once set about concentrating it
for man's use when he should appear in later ages.
Running water was the agent employed. The ancient
rocks were slowly disintegrated and the minerals
floated off. Gold, which is seven times heavier than
quartz, was carried down the turbulent mountain
streams, to be deposited with the coarser sands and
gravels at the first eddy or level stretch of water,
whilst the lighter minerals and finest particles were
carried on. Many of these river sediments, perhaps
reasserted by lake or ocean action, have been consoli-
dated by pressure to form sandstones and conglom-
erates. Finer particles of gold were even carried
to the sea, so that marine sediments also contain
disseminated gold, though in exceedingly minute
amounts. Subjected to pressure and heat these sedi-
ments became the metamorphic rocks — slates and
Meanwhile, in another way, concentration was being
effected. Fissures were made in the metamorphic, and
also in the igneous rocks. Hot solutions of quartz,
carrying iron and copper sulfids, leached the gold
from the underlying and adjacent rocks and placed
it in the vein where the quartz and pyrites solidified
around it. These quartz veins have also been subjected
to denuding agencies, and they probably have fur-
nished most of the gold found in modern river
gravels. In still a third way has concentration
been brought about. In many copper and silver
mines gold is an accessory mineral. These deposits
are sometimes of an eruptive origin, i.e., the mineral
matter has come from below in a fluid condition.
Occurrence. — Gold nearly always occurs as the
native element; its natural compounds are mineral
curiosities. It alloys readily with silver, and is
nearly always found with a small percentage of
that metal. Quebec gold contains about 12 per
cent, of silver; that of Nova Scotia is nearly pure.
When in visible particles, gold is easily recognized
by its yellow color, malleability, and by the ease
with which it may be cut with a knife. Iron and
copper pyrites, the former known as "fool's gold," are
the only minerals which resemble it. Both are much
harder, both crumble under a hammer, both yield
fumes of sulfur when heated with a blowpipe, and
both lack the peculiar lustre of gold.
Dependent on the mode of origin, four classes of
gold deposits may be noticed :
1. Placers, in which auriferous gravels of the
Tertiary and Quaternary ages are worked. The gold
is free, and may be separated easily from the sand by
means of mercury. These placers have been, and
probably still are, the most important source of gold.
Their place is, however, slowly being taken by the
next class.
2. The second class of deposits are the auriferous
quartz veins. They are widely distributed in all
kinds of metamorphic rocks of all geological ages.
They are more expensive to work than the first, since
the ore must be mined and crushed before being
amalgamated. Two subdivisions should be noted :
(a) That in which the gold is free in a quartz contain-
ing little or no sulfids ; (6) That in which a con-
siderable part of the gold is in sulfids of iron, copper,
lead or zinc in the quartz. This class, especially
division a, is represented by the ores of Nova Scotia
and western Ontario.
3. The ancient gravel deposits, as illustrated by
the auriferous sandstone of Cambrian age, in the
Black Hills, Dakota. The Carboniferous conglomer-
ates of Australia, and also of Nova Scotia, are other
4. The occurrence of gold in eruptive deposits
makes a fourth class. The ores of the Rossland (B.C.)
region are an example.
Methods of Milling. — The methods of separating
a metal from its ore hardly find a place in a work of
this kind. A brief explanation may, however, be
given for gold, and details can be sought in a work on
metallurgy. Free gold is easily separated from its
gangue. In placer mining an inclined trough is
arranged near the supply of gravel. Across the
bottom are placed cleats, and over them a stream of
sand, water and gold is caused to flow. These cross-
pieces in the bottom of the sluice check the current,
and so tend to hold the heavy gold which is sliding
along the bottom. Behind these cleats or riffles
mercury is placed. This element has a great affinity
for gold, and greedily grasps and dissolves any
particle being washed over it. At intervals the
amalgam of mercury and gold is placed in a retort,
and heated to drive off the mercury. The gold, left
behind as a powder, is fused and sent to the market
as a " brick."
In quartz mining the first step is the crushing of
the ore in a stamp mill. Iron weights or stamps of
eight hundred pounds are dropped about eight inches,
about eighty times a minute, on pieces of quartz.
Water carries off through a sieve the fine pulp, which
then flows over an inclined copper table covered with
mercury. At intervals the amalgam is scraped off
and retorted as previously described.
Any gold held in the sulfids is not attacked by the
mercury, and so passes over into the tailings and is
lost. To prevent this, a mechanical separation of the
heavy sulfids and light quartz is effected. A machine
known as a vanner is largely used. A wide belt
constantly moves upward over an inclined table.
The stream of pulp is directed on this belt which
carries up the heavy sulfids containing the gold, while
the water carries downwards the light quartz. In
this way the "concentrates" are saved for further
treatment. These concentrates, and in many mines
the whole ore, must be treated chemically to obtain
the gold. First they are roasted, or calcined, to free
them from sulfur. Then they are treated with chlorin,
potassium cyanid, or bromo-cyanogen to dissolve the
gold, which is afterwards precipitated.
Canadian Localities. — Nova Scotia — Along the
Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia there is an extensive
development of Cambrian strata. The rocks, which
are quartzites, sandstones and slates, are about twelve
thousand feet thick, of which the lower three-fourths
are most auriferous. At many localities igneous
rocks have been erupted, and apparently at the same
time quartz veins were formed. The sedimentary
strata were thrown into folds with their axes running
east and west. Along the denuded crests of these
folds quartz veins are found which resemble bedded
deposits. These veins are for the most part narrow,
most of those worked being less than a foot in width.
They extend from a few hundred feet to several
miles in length. The area through which they are
found is probably six thousand to seven thousand
square miles, though actual operations are restricted
to a much smaller area. The ore is almost entirely
free milling, and has averaged $13.70 a ton for the
province for thirty years. The Gold River and
Renfrew districts have the richest ores at present.
The Stormont and Caribou districts, working on low
grade ores, yield the largest returns. The total
production to the end of 1894 was $11,000,000. The
Sherbrooke and Waverly districts have been the
chief producers. Nova Scotia seems destined to
yield a small but steady supply of gold. The in-
dustry is being extended to the low grade ores which
exist in much wider veins, and which are being mined
and milled for $2.50 a ton, leaving all over that for
profit. This is small in comparison with Rossland, B.C.,
where $15 ore is the least that will pay at present.
Quebec. — Gold was accidentally discovered in the
Gilbert Creek, a tributary of the Chaudiere, about
1823. For many years it was neglected, and the min-
ing operations even of the last fifty years have been
very desultory. The gold is found in gravels which
constitute the beds of preglacial streams. The Gilbert,
Des Plantes, DuMoulin, DuLoup tributaries of the
Chaudiere in Beauce county have been the chief pro-
ducers. Ditton Creek has also proved to be rich.
The gravels which lie on bed rock are always richer
than those above a bed of clay. Many of these early
gravels are one hundred feet below the level of the
present streams. They are covered by boulder clay,
a product of the glacial age. The gravels are always
richer when near veins of quartz which intersect the
Cambrian rocks of the district. These rocks, which
are slates and sandstones, closely resemble the corre-
sponding gold-bearing strata of the same age which
occur in Nova Scotia. Workable quartz veins have
not yet been discovered. The gold is all derived from
the placers, much of it in a primitive way. Modern
hydraulic methods are being applied, and the output,
which has been small and uncertain, will doubtless be
Ontario. — Rich deposits of free gold were discovered
in Hastings county in 1866. Prospectors flocked in
and located hundreds of properties. Many companies
were formed and development work begun. The first
returns were very encouraging, but at a slight depth
the ore changed from a free-milling quartz to a refrac-
tory arsenical pyrites. With the methods in use the
gold passed over into the tailings and was lost. No
successful means of separating the gold could be
found, and one after another the mines were closed.
Within the last few years renewed attempts have
been made with more modern processes, with the
probability of final success. Besides these rich
arsenical ores free-milling quartz veins have been
worked not only in Hastings, but in Peterboro' and
in Addington. The Hastings district will likely
become a small but steady producer. The veins
occur in Upper Laurentian or Huronian strata.
In the strip of Huronian rocks stretching north-
eastward from Lake Huron to Sudbury, and on to
the Ottawa River, a number of promising gold dis-
coveries have been made. For the most part the ore
is a free-milling quartz with a little pyrite, occurring
in bedded deposits. Two stamp mills have been
erected, but the output is irregular as yet.
From Lake Superior west to Manitoba prospecting
has been carried on vigorously since the opening of
the railway. Many hundred "prospects" have been
located and considerable development done. About a
dozen mines are equipped with stamp mills, several of
which have passed the experimental stage and are
working continuously. The ore is a free-milling
quartz, containing about 2 per cent, of sulfids. In
mill tests the ores give from six to thirty dollars in
free gold, and about one-fifth more in the concentrates.
The veins, which are both bedded and fissure, occur
usually in Keewatin (Huronian ?) schists, but also in
the Laurentian granite near the contact of the two.
The Sultana, the best developed mine in the district, is
right at the contact of the Keewatin and Laurentian.
The shaft is over 350 feet in depth, and the vein
has a width, on the third level, of upwards of 30 feet.
British Columbia. — After gleaning the surface
riches of California the gold hunters drifted north-
wards. In 1857 came the first authentic news of rich
finds on the Fraser. The next spring 20,000 people
reached Victoria within four months. The difficulties
of penetrating the interior were, however, so great
that the majority turned back. A few thousand
people pushed up the Fraser and were richly rewarded.
Their methods were crude in the extreme, and only
the richest bars proved profitable. Year by year
they pushed farther up the main stream and its
tributaries, carrying with them all the necessaries of
life. In 1860 they reached the Cariboo district, one
of the best placer mining camps ever found. The
following year came the discovery of Williams and
Lightning creeks, on which were found the richest
placers yet discovered in British Columbia. In two
years it is said $2,000,000 were got out by 1,500 men.
The richness of "Golden Cariboo" caused a large
immigration from all parts of the world for the next
few years. A party started overland from eastern
Canada, and after many misfortunes most of them
reached their destination. Placers were next found
on the Kootenay and Columbia. Northward from
Cariboo the prospector forced his way into the
Omenica district. A few years later the advance
guard reached the Cassiar district on the northern
boundary of the province. In 1880 the tide, in a
restricted flow, had reached the head-waters of the
Yukon in the North-West Territories.
These early pioneers skimmed but the surface of
the bars, i.e., the portions of the river bed uncovered
at low water, and of the terraces on the banks.
Succeeding miners sought the equally rich deposits
more difficult of access. For instance, Lightning Creek
was filled with glacial deposits to a depth of 50 to 1 50
feet. As the modern stream bed was rich there was
a probability of the preglacial bed being the same.
Shafts were sunk and tunnels run, and the old channel
cleared out for a distance of three miles. Again,
auriferous gravels on the banks of streams are now
mined by hydraulic methods where the old " rocker "
would not pay. Streams of water under great pres-
sure are directed against a gravel bed, and everything
washed down a sluiceway at very small cost. Riffles
in the sluice catch the gold.
About $58,000,000 of gold have so far been taken
from the placers of British Columbia, principally
from river bars. Many millions are yet to be obtained
by hydraulic methods from the terrace deposits of the
Fraser and other streams. Even the beds of the
rivers may be successfully exploited by dredges or
by dams. There is scarcely a stream of importance
in British Columbia in which " colors " of gold cannot
be found. The richest areas are, however, in the
parallel and partly overlapping ranges collectively
known as the Gold Range. This range includes the
Purcell, Selkirk, Columbia or Gold, Cariboo, Omenica
and Cassiar Mountains. It lies parallel with the
Rocky Mountain range to the south-west. It will
probably prove the most important metalliferous belt
of British Columbia. The Vancouver range is also
very promising.
Since 1863, when they yielded nearly $4,000,000,
the placers have been steadily decreasing in value.
In 1893 the product was only $380,000; but in 1896
it rose to $544,000. Attention was for this reason
directed to the quartz veins from which the gold was
derived. The province is passing through the experi-
ence of California and Australia, where the miners
began on placers but are now working the veins. The
most important mines and " prospects " are in the
Trail Creek division of the West Kootenay district and
in the Kettle River and Osooyos divisions of the Yale
district. In some camps of the last named the ore is a
free-milling quartz. In the Trail Creek division nearly
all the ore is refractory. The three divisions lie side
by side along the northern boundary of Washington
state, and are much alike in the character of their ore.
Greater development has taken place in Trail Creek
owing to accessibility. The typical ore of Rossland
is either a " nearly massive fine-grained pyrrhotite and
copper pyrites, with more or less quartz and calcite,"
or a poorer ore consisting of diorite with a compara-
tively small percentage of the sulfids. The ore
resembles that which carries nickel at Sudbury.
Average smelter returns of the Le Roi mine are for
first class ore $53; for second, $28. This includes
the silver and copper values. Immense bodies of low
grade ores are found, and the successful treatment of
these will depend on a cheapening of the smelting
process. The production of the division has increased
with enormous rapidity, and everything points to
Kootenay as an enduring and profitable mining
district. Quartz veins will in time be worked in
Cariboo to the north, but at present that district
depends on its placers. T'he district of Alberni on
Vancouver Island may also prove rich in quartz
deposits. With the advent of more modern methods
of working the placers, and with the new develop-
ments in vein mining the output of gold from British
Columbia is bound to increase enormously.
Other Placers. — Far to the north, on the Yukon
and its tributaries, miners are washing the sands by
the old methods and are reaping an enormous har-
vest. On the Saskatchewan also, near Edmonton,
similar work is in progress. It is of interest to note
that here the immediate source of the gold is the
Cretaceous sediments of the Edmonton series. These
sandstones were probably derived from the Coast
Range of British Columbia.
The following tables are self-explanatory:
Nova Scotia
$ 406,765
Alberta and Yukon.
British Columbia. . .
$976 603
$1,910 900
1. United States $46,800,000
2. Transvaal 43,000,000
3. Australasia 42,800,000
4. Russia 34,000,000
5. Mexico 5,600,000
6. China 4,700,000
7. India 4,500,000
8. Colombia 3,200,000
9. Germany 2,900,000
10. Brazil 2,200,000
11. British Guiana 2,200,000
12. Canada 1,900,000
13. Austria 1,800,000
14. French Guiana 1,600,000
All others 6,243,772
—RothweU's "Mineral Industry."
LITERATUHE. — General : Phillips and Louis ' ' Ore Deposits ; "
Rep S of the Geol. Sur. for each year ; Can. Mining Manual, 1896.
Nova Scotia : Annual reports of Dep. of Mines ; Trans. Am. Inst.
Min. Eng. XIV.; Trans. Min. Soc., Nova Scotia, 1894-95; Bibli-
ography 158 P Geol. Sur. II. 1886. Quebec : Rep. K. Geol.
Sur. IV. 1888. Ontario : Geol. Sur. 1871 ; Min. Resources of
Ontario, 1890; Bur. Mines Rep. 1893, '94, '95/96. British
Columbia : A brief history of the placer mining, a list of locali-
ties, references to literature are given in Rep. R Geol. Sur.
1887-88 ; ancient placer deposits and conditions of occurrence
of recent ones, 310-329 B. Geol. Sur. VII. 1894. Bulletin
No. 2 on Trail Creek in Rep. Min. of Mines, British Columbia,
Platinum is a silver-white metal, nearly always
found alloyed with iron, rhodium, iridium and
osmium. It is found as black grains in many gold
placers. From magnetite it may be distinguished by
its high specific gravity and its malleability. Like
magnetite it is often magnetic. Its use in the arts
depends on its great resistance to heat and to chemi-
cal reagents. Made into pans it is used in the concen-
tration of sulfuric acid. In chemical laboratories it is
used as crucibles, tongs, in galvanic batteries, etc. It
is extensively used as a conductor of electricity in
incandescent bulbs. It finds further employment in
dentistry and in photography. Indeed, a substance
so indestructible is only limited in use because of the
high price.
Placer deposits of the Urals furnish most of the
supply. Smaller amounts come from Colombia, Ore-
gon and British Columbia. In 1891, the last-named
furnished $10,000, but that amount has dwindled to
$3,800 in 1895. It was furnished by the streams of
the Similikameen district. It is also found on the
Fraser, Tranquille, Yukon. Saskatchewan and Chau-
diere, associated with the gold. As it does not alloy
with mercury it is usually unnoticed. No doubt it
could be found in many places in paying quantities.
It seems to be connected in origin with masses of
chromite and serpentine, and these again are associ-
ated with eruptive diorites.
Ores of Silver. — Silver, lead and zinc are frequently
associated in nature, and so they are best treated
together. Silver is found native in many regions in
small amounts. It is easily known by its pure white
color, though it may have a dark tarnish. More
commonly it is found in combination with other ele-
ments. With sulfur it forms argentite, blackish
lead-grey in color, soft and malleable. With sulfur
and antimony silver forms stephanite, iron-black in
color, and pyrargyrite, dark red to black. Proustite
is the corresponding arsenic compound, light red in
color. All of these minerals are soluble in nitric acid,
and yield a white precipitate on the addition of a
solution of salt. Cerargyrite, or horn silver, is the
naturally occurring chlorid. It is greyish-green in
color, and looks like wax or horn. Silver always
accompanies galena, the sulfid of lead, varying from a
few thousandths of a per cent, to 1 per cent. With
the larger amounts the mineral becomes an ore of
silver. In a similiar way tetrahedrite, or grey copper
ore, often carries enough silver to be of value as a
source of that metal as well as of the copper. Still
another source of silver is as an alloy with gold, most
placer gold containing several per cent, of the white
These silver minerals are rarely found in any
amounts, but more commonly as strings and thin
seams disseminated through a large bulk of gangue,
mostly quartz or calcite. An ore mass yielding $100
to the ton is considered a rich deposit, and yet this is
equal to only one-half of 1 per cent, of silver. It thus
often happens that the silver minerals are in such
small particles that they cannot be readily determined.
The greater part of the silver of the world is
obtained as a by-product in the mining of other min-
erals. This is especially true of Europe and North
America. Lead is the most common associated metal,
though copper and zinc occur very frequently. In
hundreds of mines operations would not pay were
silver the only metal to be won.
Occurrence. — Silver ores occur in most of the
classes of deposits tabulated in a preceding chapter.
True fissure veins are perhaps most common, though
bedded and contact veins are often found. These
veins cut eruptive granite and Archaean schists in the
Slocan district of British Columbia, and are found in
sedimentary argillites of Lower Cambrian age in
Ontario. Many of the most famous veins are incased
in volcanic rocks of Tertiary age. The Comstock lode
of Nevada which has yielded $325,000,000, occurs at
the contact of two igneous rocks, and was evidently
filled in very recent times by solutions from below.
Associated with lead, silver occurs in mass deposits in
many parts of western America. The Cordilleras and
the Andes, the backbones of the two Americas, are
the great repositories of silver ores. Five-sevenths of
the world's output comes from these regions.
Canadian Localities. — Argentiferous galena is re-
ported from a number of places in Quebec, but apart
from prospecting no mining operations have been
undertaken. In Beauce and Compton counties quartz
veins carrying galena are found cutting Lower Cam-
brian slates. This galena is frequently rich in silver.
A large deposit of silver-lead occurs on the east side
of Lake Temiscamingue. The copper ores of the
Ascot belt usually carry silver up to ten ounces a ton.
The average obtained from the Capleton pyrite mines
is three to four ounces a ton, and this is the source of
the present output of Quebec. (See Chapter V.)
In Ontario, at the west end of Lake Superior, there
is a triangular area of Animikie rocks of Lower Cam-
brian age. These rocks are argillites and cherts, with
intrusive sills of basic rocks which frequently appear
as a capping of the precipitous hills. Associated with
these trap-flows and their accompanying dikes are
veins carrying silver ores. The gangue material is
quartz, barite, calcite or fluorite, and blende, galena
and pyrite are irregularly distributed in it. The
silver occurs as argentite or as native silver, usually
with the blende.
The most famous mine of the district is that of
Silver Islet, discovered in 1868, from which some
$3,250,000 were taken. The original islet, only 90
feet in diameter, lies near Thunder Cape in Lake
Superior. It owed its existence to a hard dike of
quartz diabase over 200 feet in width, which resisted
erosion. This was crossed by a vein striking N. W.,
which was thought to be traced to and on the main-
land for about 9,000 feet. Where the vein crossed
the island dike it was enormously rich, but in the
argillites and where it crossed twenty other dikes, no
paying ore could be found. The shaft was sunk 1,250
feet, and several bonanzas struck, with much barren
rock between. The mine has been flooded since 1884,
and it is doubtful whether it could be successfully
operated again, though it is probable that similar ore
bunches exist at greater depths. Many other proper-
ties in the district have been worked, but none
approach this one in magnitude. The fall in the
price of silver in 1892 caused the cessation of silver-
mining in the Thunder Bay district. Argentiferous
galena has been mined at Garden River, north of
Lake Huron, and promising prospects are known in
Hastings and Frontenac counties, and around Lakes
Temagami and Temiscamingue.
British Columbia is the silver-producing province
of the Dominion. From ten to twenty-five per cent,
of the placer gold is said to be silver, but the value of
it is accredited to gold in the tables published.
Notwithstanding this the output of silver surpasses
that of gold. Kootenay is the only producing district,
the Ainsworth, Nelson and Slocan divisions being the
chief regions, and smaller amounts coming from Trail
Creek and East Kootenay. The Slocan is the most
productive mining district in the province, its pre-
eminence being due to its silver-lead ore. Many of
the veins are narrow, varying from two inches to
twenty in width. Much of the ore is, however, very
rich, and only this has made possible the opening and
developing of properties so far removed from supplies
in the face of a great fall in the value of silver. The
average return on 18,000 tons of ore mined in the
Slocan in 1896 was 117 ounces of silver and 53 per
cent, of lead.
The chief ore is argentiferous galena, with some
zinc blende and grey copper in a gangue of quartz
and spathic iron. The veins cut across lower Palae-
ozoic stratified rocks, and through eruptive dikes.
They are also found in an extensive area of eruptive
granite. Veins containing argentiferous tetrahedrite,
or grey copper, are also found. Veins carrying argen-
tite with native silver and gold in a quartz gangue
are found in some granite areas. At the Hall's mines,
in Nelson, the ore is a mixture of copper sulfids carry-
ing silver. Smelters are at work at Nelson, Trail and
Pilot Bay, but much of the ore is exported to the
United States for treatment. The production is
increasing rapidly, and with cheaper supplies many
lower grade ores can be successfully worked. While
only a small district is at present being developed,
the argentiferous region extends 1,200 miles to the
Use and Production. — The use of silver is deter-
mined by its beauty, its comparative rarity, and by
its resistance to the ordinary processes of change or
destruction. Accordingly it finds employment in
articles of luxury and ornament, and as a medium of
exchange. For these purposes its hardness and dura-
bility are increased by the addition of seven and a
half to twenty-five per cent, of copper. Owing to
the greatly increased production of recent years and
to the ease with which it may be won, the market
price of crude silver has fallen greatly. The United
States coining value is at the rate of $1.293 an ounce,
while the average market value in 1895 was only 65
cents. An ounce of gold makes $20.67, so that at
American coinage rates an ounce of gold is worth only
sixteen of coin silver, but would purchase thirty -two
on the market. In the following tables it is observ-
able how the fall in the price of silver affected the
production in Ontario. The annual production of the
world is steadily increasing, although the total value
is not so high as in 1890-93. Canada, which now
ranks eleventh, will probably reach seventh place in
the near future.
$182 000
British Columbia
Total . . .
$406 000
$534 000
$2 148 000
Value per oz . . .
1. Mexico $33,225,000
2. United States 30,254,000
3. Bolivia 13,500,000
4. Australasia 13,039,000
5. Germany 9,236,000
6. Spain 4,849,000
7. Peru 2,514,000
8. France 2,026,000
9. Chili 1,910,000
10. Austria 1,186,000
11. Canada 1,158,000
12. Japan 1,154,000
13. Italy 1,154,000
14. Colombia 1,123,000
15. Central America 1,049,000
All others.. 1,371,536
Total $118,748,546
LITERATURE. — Canadian Mining Manual, 1896. Quebec :
Geol. Sur. IV. 1888 K. Ontario : Geol. Sur. III. 1887 H ;
Min. Res. Ont., 1890. British Columbia : Geol. Sur. III.
1887-88 R, IV. 1888-89 B: Rep. Min. of Mines, B.C., 1896,
and Bull. No. 3.
By far the most important source of lead is the
sulfid galenite (PbS), which frequently bears eco-
nomic amounts of silver. It occurs either in granular
or cubical crystals of a lead-grey color and brilliant
metallic lustre. Cerussite, the carbonate (PbCO3),
containing 77 per cent, of lead, is white or grey in
color, and of high specific gravity. Both minerals
easily yield a malleable bead of lead before the
blowpipe. The sulfate, anglesite (PbS04), also occurs,
generally as a surface product of galena.
The ores of lead occur chiefly as mass deposits
filling joints and irregular cavities in limestone. The
lead has apparently been deposited with the sedi-
ments, and afterwards been brought in solution from
the neighboring rocks into the cavities. Of this
character are the deposits of Missouri, Iowa and
Wisconsin. In Nevada the ore is frequently found at
the contact of limestone with some dissimilar rock.
In the gash veins of the limestone zinc is frequently
found with the lead, sometimes one, sometimes the
other, predominating, and silver being generally
absent. A second occurrence of galena is in veins
cutting ancient crystalline formations, as in British
Columbia. These ores are more frequently silver-
bearing, and that they are largely mined is shown
by the fact that three-fourths of the lead produced in
the United States is desilverized.
The great use of lead is in the manufacture of
paint. Five-twelfths of the consumption of the
United States in 1895 was used in the manufacture
of white-lead. A considerable amount was also con-
verted into litharge. Other uses are as leadpipe, shot,
sheet lead, and in certain kinds of glass. Its alloys
with tin, bismuth, antimony, are used as pewter, type
and solder.
Spain, the United States, Germany and Mexico
are the largest producers, and the United States,
Great Britain and Germany the largest consumers
The total production of the world in 1894 was
617,000 metric tons, valued at three and a quarter
cents a pound.
Canadian Localities and Production. — Galena
occurs at a number of places in Nova Scotia in
connection with Carboniferous limestone. At Smith-
field, Colchester county, considerable development
has been done on a large argentiferous deposit, and
in Gloucester and Carleton counties, New Brunswick,
some exploratory work was performed. In Quebec a
very promising property of silver-lead has been
developed on Lake Temiscamingue, and a few tons of
argentiferous galena have been mined at the mouth
of the Little Whale River, on the east coast of
Hudson Bay. In Ontario silver-lead ores have been
worked in Frontenac and neighboring counties,
at Garden River, north of Lake Huron, and south of
Lake Nipigon. These ores occur in veins, cutting
Archaean schists or Cambrian argillites. In none of
them were the silver contents high enough to make
the properties successful at the present low value of
lead. In British Columbia there are many deposits
of galena rich in silver, and it is to that province
that nearly the whole output of the Dominion is to
be credited. The producing mines are in the Koote-
nay district, but many other promising localities are
Pounds of ore
$5 800
unmanufactured . .
Imports manufactured
LITERATURE. — (See under Silver. ) For British Columbia local-
ities, see Geol. Sur. III. 1887-88, 155 R. Lake Temiscamingue :
Geol. Sur. V. 1890-91, 90 S.
The most common zinc mineral is popularly known
as blende or black jack, though mineralogists call it
sphalerite. The first and last names refer to its blind-
ing and deceiving or treacherous character, because,
while at times resembling galena, it yields no lead,
and because it occurs in all the colors of the rainbow.
It has a peculiar resinous lustre, is scratched without
difficulty with a knife, and is infusible before a blow-
pipe. In composition it is zinc sulfid, and when pure
it contains 67 per cent, of zinc. The carbonate, smith-
sonite, results from the weathering of the sulfid, and
is dirty white or brownish. Calamine, a silicate, is
another zinc mineral often mined.
The ores of zinc closely resemble those of lead
in their mode of occurrence and in their geological
horizons, and often the two are intimately mixed.
Blende, like galena, often carries silver, but it is more
difficult to part the silver and zinc than the silver and
lead. Argentiferous blende occurs in the Thunder Bay
district of Ontario and in the Kootenay district of
British Columbia, but there is no production. A
deposit of blende in Huronian diorite, north of Lake
Superior, was exploited for a time, but operations
have ceased. Kansas, Wisconsin, Missouri and New
Jersey are the zinc-producing regions of this conti-
nent. Two-thirds of the ore of the world is mined
in Germany ; Italy is the second producer, followed
by the United States and France. All of the Italian
ore is exported, and Belgium, using imported ores,
ranks second as a producer of metallic zinc, Ger-
many having the first position. The total production
of the world for 1894 was 383,225 metric tons, of
which Canada took $130,000 worth, mostly manu-
Arsenic. — This element is little used in the metallic
state, and then only as an alloy, the chief of which is
with lead. Shot is hardened by the mixture of about
forty pounds of arsenic with a ton of lead. Its most
important use is in the manufacture of colors, particu-
larly greens. Paris green is a commercial name for
several chemical compounds used as colors, and also
as insecticides. A small amount of the metal is used
in making certain kinds of glass and in fireworks.
Arsenic is widely distributed in nature, occurring
usually as a double sulfid and arsenid of iron, nickel
or copper. Mispickel, or arsenopyrite (FeAsS) the
chief mineral, is hard, brittle, silver- white, and gives
a garlic odor when heated. Considerable deposits of
it occur in Hastings county, Ontario, where it has
been mined for the gold it contains. The output is,
however, very irregular, in 1885 the product being
valued at over $17,000, and in 1895 at nothing.
Commercial arsenic has sold for some years at about
four cents a pound, but in 1895 the price advanced to
nine cents, and even at that figure it does not pay to
produce the metal, except as a by-product. Cornwall
and Devon, England, and Freiberg, Germany, supply
the market with 7,000 to 9,000 tons a year. Canada
imported in 1895 nearly 600 tons, valued at $32,000.
Antimony. — This metal frequently occurs as a min-
eralizing agent with ores of silver. The chief source
is, however, the sulfid stibnite (Sb2S3), a soft lead-grey
easily fusible mineral. It is recognized by the white
fumes and odor of burning sulfur which it gives when
heated with a blowpipe.
Stibnite has been mined at Rawdon, in Hants
county, N.S., where in a gangue of quartz and calcite
it occurs in a vein cutting Cambrian slates. The ore
is of good quality, and in places is auriferous. At
Prince William, York county, N.B., there are numer-
ous large well-defined veins carrying quartz and stib-
nite in Cambro-Silurian slates. Several mining com-
panies have operated there, reducing the ore in part
and shipping the remainder to Massachusetts, where
it was used in the manufacture of rubber. Ores of
antimony have also been mined in South Ham, Wolfe
county, Que. None of these properties are now in
operation, litigation and the continually decreasing
value of the product having forced them to close.
Antimony, which was worth fifteen cents a pound in
1891, was quoted at seven cents in 1895. Antimony
ores, probably in economic amounts, are reported from
several localities in Ontario and British Columbia. In
the latter province they are frequently argentiferous.
France is the largest producer of antimony, and
Italy, Japan and New South Wales contend for second
place. In 1893 the total production of ore was
15,000 tons, which would yield about 6,009 tons of
antimony. In 1885 the Canadian product was 758
tons ; in 1895 it was nothing. The imports in 1895
were forty tons, valued at $6,000. The great use of
antimony is as an alloy with lead in making type
Tin. — This is the only important metal of which
no economic deposits occur in Canada, for, apart
from a few mineralogical curiosities, it is unknown
here. North America as a continent seems almost
destitute of it, for in spite of very heavy protective
duties the Americans have failed to develop any suc-
cessful mines, though small amounts have been got in
Dakota, California and Mexico.
The oxid of tin, cassiterite, is the only ore. The
mineral is brown to black in color, of brilliant lustre
when in crystals, hard and heavy. It is infusible
before the blowpipe on charcoal, but with soda can be
reduced to minute malleable beads of tin. Tin ore
occurs in two ways : First and most important is
the " stream tin," which is simply a placer deposit like
that of gold, and due to the same cause, i.e., to the
weight of the mineral. These placer deposits are
widely scattered over the world, but are comparatively
rare. They are derived, of course, from veins which
constitute the second class of deposits. Here the ore
is disseminated in bunches and grains in the veins and
in the ancient crystalline rocks, which they cut.
Cornwall, England, is the most famous tin region of
the world, though the original placers are exhausted
and the veins themselves are not so productive as
formerly. The ore is frequently found in a peculiar
granite rock called greisen, which lacks felspar.
Pyrite, chalcopyrite, blende, tourmaline, wolfram,
topaz are often associated with the tin ore. Consider-
ing the immense granite areas in Canada, it would
seem probable that tin will yet be discovered here.
The great use of tin is as a coating for iron in the
manufacture of tin-plate. Small amounts are used in
alloys, such as bronze, bell-metal and solder. In 1895
the production was about 80,000 long tons, of which
63,000 came from the Malay peninsula, and England,
Tasmania and Bolivia produced nearly all the remain-
der. In 1895 the average price was fourteen cents a
pound. Canadian imports average over one million
dollars a year.
Aluminum is the most abundant metal in the earth's
crust, and the third element in amount. It is found
in hundreds of minerals, chiefly complex silicates like
garnet, felspar and mica. Ordinary clay is a hydrous
silicate of aluminum which, when pure, contains 21
per cent, of the metal. Notwithstanding the great
number of minerals and their wide distribution, the
ores of aluminum are very few. In most cases the
chemical combination is too strong for profitable
separation with our present methods. Corundum,
the oxid, might be used, but it is too valuable as an
abrasive to be employed as a source of the metal.
Cryolite, a sodium aluminum fluorid, was until
recently the chief source, the mineral being brought
from Greenland. Bauxite, the mineral used at the
present time, is a hydrated oxid of aluminum with
iron replacing part of that metal. Silica, phosphoric
acid, lime, and magnesia, are common impurities. In
composition and mode of occurrence it resembles
limonite. The mineral is white, yellow or red, soft
and granular. It occurs in large amounts in France,
Italy, Ireland, Georgia and Alabama, but is not yet
known in Canada.
Bauxite is treated chemically and changed into the
oxid of the metal (A1203), and this is reduced by a
powerful electric current in a bath of molten cryolite.
Only two companies are at present producers. One
has works at Niagara Falls and Pittsburg, the other
in Switzerland and France. The product in 1895 was
nearly 1,300 tons, valued at 50 cents a pound. The
demand for this metal will increase enormously once
it can be marketed as cheaply as copper or zinc. In
1886 the price was $12.00 ; in 1892 it had fallen to 50
cents, and that seems to be the limit for the present.
Mercury. — The only ore of mercury is cinnabar,
the sulfid (HgS), which contains when pure, about
87 per cent, of the metal. The mineral is bright red or
brownish-red in color, is of high specific gravity, and
is easily vaporized before the blowpipe. Often specks
of the bright metal are scattered through the red
mineral. It is found as an impregnation of various
rocks which have been shattered and fissured by
eruptive rocks, which are always found near at hand.
There are three important regions: Spain, where
the cinnabar impregnates a sandstone of Silurian age ;
California, where the deposits are of Cretaceous and
Tertiary age, and Austria, where the ore occurs in
nearly vertical strata of Triassic age. The mineral
seems to be the result of volcanic action, which has
vaporized mercury, sulfur and steam at some distance
below the surface. These vapors have then forced
their way up through the shattered superincumbent
rocks, and on cooling the mercury and sulfur have
been united and deposited.
Around Kamloops Lake, British Columbia, a num-
ber of veins have been found in volcanic rocks of
Tertiary age. Exploratory work has yielded good
results, and a continuous output is promised.
The great use of mercury is in the recovery of gold
and silver by the amalgamation process. As, how-
ever, the quicksilver can be used over and over, the
market does not increase rapidly. Another important
use is in the manufacture of vermilion paint. Small
amounts are used in making mirrors, thermometers,
barometers and medicinal compounds. The output
in 1894 was 3,952 metric tons, of which two-fifths
came from Spain and one-quarter from the United
States, the remainder being furnished by Austria, Italy,
Mexico and Russia.
LITERATURE. — Arsenic: Roth well, "Mineral Industry,"
1895 ; Min. Resources of Ontario, 1890 ; Bur. Mines, Ontario,
1893. Antimony: " Mineral Industry, " 1895. Tin: "Min.
Indus.," 1895; Louis and Phillips, "Ore Deposits." Alumi-
num: Richards, "Aluminum," 1890; "Min. Industry," 1892.
Mercury: "Min. Industry," 1895; Rep. Min. Mines, B.C.,
Occurrence. — Common salt, so important to the
welfare of the human race, is widely distributed, few
countries being unable to supply themselves in case
of need. Not only is the geographical distribution
of large extent, but the geological horizons in which
it is found are very numerous. Upper Silurian beds
are found in Ontario and New York ; Devonian ones
in Manitoba and Athabasca; Lower Carboniferous
salt springs are found in Cape Breton and New
Brunswick, and beds of the same period in Michigan
furnish much of the salt of the United States;
Permian beds are found in Texas, and the famous
deposit of Stassfurt, Germany, was laid down in the
same period ; in the Triassic beds are found the
deposits of Kansas and Cheshire, England, and some
salt springs on Vancouver Island come from the Cre-
taceous just above ; in Tertiary times were deposited
the great salt beds at Wieliczka, Austria, and some
smaller ones in Louisiana. Even in historic times
deposits have been formed in the arid regions of the
west of North America.
Salt, known to mineralogists as halite, occurs in
nature either in solid masses, known as rock salt, or
in solution in water The solutions, or brines, are
found (1) in oceans or salt lakes, (2) in salt springs,
(3) in porous rocks, held in by impervious beds above
and below. On drilling a hole through the upper
retaining bed the third class may become the second.
Neither the rock salt nor the brines are pure as
they occur in nature. The most common impurities
are the sulfates of calcium, magnesium and sodium,
the chlorids of calcium, magnesium and potassium,
and the carbonates of calcium, magnesium and iron ;
clay, also, is found quite frequently in rock salt. The
amount of the impurities is variable, but usually in
salts of commercial value it is quite small. The fol-
lowing analyses show the composition of two standard
natural salts :
Goderich, Ont. Cheshire, Eng.
Sodium chlorid, or salt 99. 687 96. 70
Calcium chlorid 032 .68
Magnesium chlorid .095 ....
Calcium sulfate 090 .25
Insoluble in water 017 1.74
Moisture 079 .63
100.000 100.00
Total impurity 234 2.67
Origin. — The sea has probably been salty since the
time when the cooling earth first allowed the clouds
of vapor to condense upon its surface. The hot,
primeval ocean, under greater pressure than now,
must have been a powerful solvent. No doubt its
saltiness has been increased since then by the
incessant and large contributions of every stream.
Running water, as it percolates through our soils,
dissolves out here and there grains of salt and
gypsum and limestone, and hurries off with them to
the ocean. The St. Lawrence, as it leaves Lake
Ontario, carries one and a half tons of mineral
matter every second to be deposited in the ocean
and make it saltier. About 3.5 per cent, of ocean
water consists of solids, of which common salt
makes 2.7 per cent. ; other constituents are magne-
sium chlorid, 0.4 per cent. ; magnesium sulfate, 0.2 per
cent., and twenty- three other elements.
Through changes of level and other causes, oceanic
waters have been at times confined in lagoons, where,
as evaporation went on, the calcium sulfate was first
deposited as gypsum, and later, with greater con-
centration, the sodium chlorid was precipitated.
Mixed with these were frequently marls and clays
derived from erosion of the neighboring land. Last
of all came the deposition of the potassium and
magnesium salts as shown by the beds of Stassfurt,
Germany. In many cases, however, the sea seems to
have overleaped the boundary at intervals and fur-
nished fresh solutions for second and third deposits.
Only in a few cases have the more soluble salts of
potassium and magnesium been deposited as at Stass-
furt. The following section at Goderich, Ontario,
shows six distinct beds of salt with intervening beds
of marine-formed dolomites and marls :
Beginning at the Surface. Feet.
Clay, gravel and boulders 79
Dolomite and limestone 797
Variegated marls with beds of dolomite. ... 121
Rock salt, first bed 31
Dolomite with marls toward base 32
Rock salt, second bed 25
Dolomite 7
Rock salt, third bed 35
Marls with dolomite and anhydrite 81
Rock salt, fourth bed 15
Dolomite and anhydrite 7
Rock salt, fifth bed 14
Marls, soft, with anhydrite 135
Rock salt, sixth bed 6
Marls, dolomite, and anhydrite 132
A total of 126 feet of rock salt.
In regions of great evaporation salt lakes are fre-
quently found. Streams carry soluble salts from the
land, and if the water is removed only by evapora-
tion the closed basin becomes gradually saltier. The
Great Salt Lake of Utah and the Dead Sea may thus
ultimately become beds of rock salt. Salt springs are
but mineral waters particularly rich in sodium chlorid,
which derive their salts either from subterranean
masses or from salts disseminated through clays and
marls. These brines frequently collect in porous rocks
and are often associated with petroleum and gas. In
the opinion of Hunt the saline springs of the Palseozoic
rocks of Ontario and Quebec derive their ingredients
from the sea water held in the interstices of the
marine sediments of the period.
Canadian Localities.— A number of salt springs
arise from the Lower Carboniferous rocks of Nova
Scotia and New Brunswick, but the proportion of
salt is too small to be of economic value. About five
hundred bushels are made annually at Sussex, N.B.,
which is used locally for table and dairy purposes.
In a belt of country ten to fifteen miles wide, and
extending from the Niagara River to Southampton,
Ont., rocks of the Onondaga period of the Upper
Silurian form the outcrop, and these are overlaid to
the south-west by Devonian strata. At numerous
wells sunk through these overlying rocks for 1,000
to 2,000 feet, beds of salt have been found. The
record of a boring for a Goderich well, given above,
is typical. At first the salt was supposed to be
confined to a limited area near Lake Huron, but it
is now known to extend south through parts of Mid-
dlesex, Kent and Essex counties, as well as under
South Bruce, Huron and Lamb ton. At Kincardine
the salt bed is found 888 feet below the surface ; to
the south the depth increases, being 1,170 feet at
Clinton and 1,620 at Courtright. Farther south, at
Windsor, the upper salt bed rises to 1,272 feet. Salt
from the same horizon is found across Lake Huron
at St. Clair and Saginaw, but the brines which are
evaporated at the latter place come from a higher
horizon, that of the Lower Carboniferous.
The quantity of salt is inexhaustible. At Goderich
the six beds aggregate 126 feet of solid salt, to say
nothing of the quantity distributed through the
marls. At Blyth a bed eighty feet thick is found ; at
Petrolia, one 105 feet thick ; at Windsor the well is
seventy-nine feet into the second bed without piercing
it. All the beds are not of equal purity ; the second
and third at Goderich are among the purest known,
yielding on analysis 99.7 per cent, of salt.
Numerous salt springs are found in the Devonian
area to the west of Lake Winnipegosis, but no beds
of rock salt have been discovered. These brines,
though weak, have been used in the past as a source
of salt. The process of manufacture as carried on by
the Hudson's Bay Company was crude in the extreme.
A hole five or six feet deep was made in the soil, and
from this the water was ladled into kettles near at
hand. From these the salt was scooped as it formed,
and after draining for a short time was packed in
birch bark for shipment. Farther to the north, along
the Athabasca, similar springs are found, and have
been used by the same company.
Manufacture. — Throughout the Goderich region
the water that finds its way downward on the out-
side of the pipes which are sunk, forms an almost
saturated solution, which is pumped to the surface and
evaporated. A saturated brine contains 25.7 per cent,
of salt ; the brines of Ontario, twenty to twenty-four
per cent., in which respect Canadian manufacturers
have a great advantage, those of Syracuse, N.Y., con-
taining only eighteen to twenty per cent. In some
cases water is forced down between an inner and an
outer pipe and drawn up through the inner.
Evaporation of the brines is accomplished either by
artificial heat, or by solar heat, or by congelation.
Solar evaporation of ocean water is also practised
in California, Scotland, etc. Congelation is practised
in Norway. The ice which forms on a solution of salt
consists of nearly pure water, and by repeated removal
of the frozen surface a stronger brine is gradually
obtained. In Ontario the brine is usually evaporated
by artificial heat in iron pans one hundred to two
hundred feet long and twenty-five wide.
Uses. — The chief use of salt is in seasoning and pre-
serving foods, and as this depends on population there
can be but a slow increase in production in Canada.
Moreover, salt for use in the fisheries is imported free
of duty, and as vesselmen carry it westward for almost
nothing (it saves ballast), English salt can be sold in
Montreal as cheaply as Canadian. Salt is, further,
the basis of many important chemical industries,
caustic soda, sodium carbonate, hydrochloric acid and
bleaching powder being all derived from it. A small
amount is used as a fertilizer and in the reduction of
ores of silver.
Production tons . . ...
Exports .
Imports paying duty — tons
" " " value
$39 O1 0
Imports duty free — tons
" " " —value
LITERATURE. — Geological occurrence in Ont., Reports Geol.
Sur., 1863-66, 1866, 1874-75, 1876-77; Occurrence, etc., in Man.,
Geol. Sur., V. 1890, pp. 219-224 E. Statistics, Geol. Sur. Rep.
S ; Min. Resources of Ont., 1890.
Gypsum (CaS04 + 2aq) is a soft mineral consisting
of sulfate of calcium and water. It is usually white
or grey in color, but may be red, brown, or black, if
impure. It occurs at times in distinct plates, clear
and transparent ; again in fibres with a pearly lustre,
giving rise to the name satin spar ; more usually it is
a massive, dull-colored rock, a fine-grained variety of
which is known as alabaster.
Gypsum often forms extensive beds in stratified
rocks, especially in limestones and calcareous shales,
and occurs in all formations from the Silurian up-
wards. In Canada it is found in the Lower Silurian of
Quebec, in the Onondaga division of the Upper
Silurian in Ontario, and in the Lower Carboniferous
of the Maritime Provinces. Large deposits were made
in Triassic time in the western United States, and in
Eocene time in Europe.
Canadian Localities. — Gypsum occurs in immense
beds through the Lower Carboniferous strata of
northern Nova Scotia. In Cumberland it outcrops
along a line from Minudie to Wallace, particularly at
Napan River and Pugwash. It is much more
abundant in Hants and Colchester, particularly the
former. Near Windsor there is found a " long range
of cliffs of snowy whiteness," which, however, contain
much anhydrite as well as gypsum. It is quarried for
export at Windsor, Cheverie, Walton, Stewiacke and
other places, with shipping facilities. The deposit is
inexhaustible ; the amount quarried is only limited by
the demand. In Pictou a bed of economic value exists
on the East River, but too far from navigation.
Eastward the beds are found in Antigonish, where a
cliff of gypsum, white and red, 200 feet in height,
fronts the ocean. At Plaister Cove across the strait
an enormous bed is found, two-thirds of which, how-
ever, is anhydrite. It is also found in Inverness,
Victoria and Cape Breton counties. Nearly the whole
product of Nova Scotia is shipped in the crude form
to the eastern United States.
Gypsum, according to Dawson, " is a very abundant
mineral in New Brunswick, the deposits being
numerous, large, and in general of great purity. They
occur in all parts of the Lower Carboniferous district,
in Kings, Albert, Westmoreland and Victoria,
especially in the vicinity of Sussex, in Upham, on the
North River in Westmoreland, at Martin Head on the
Bay shore, on the Tobique River in cliffs over 100 feet
high, and about the Albert Mines. At the last-named
locality the mineral has been extensively quarried
from beds about sixty feet in thickness, and calcined
in large works at Hillsborough." At present the
mineral is shipped from Albert and Victoria counties,
most of it going in a crude condition to the United
States and selling at about 90 cents a ton.
In the valley of the Grand River from near Cayuga
to Paris, Ontario, for a distance of forty miles, gypsum
frequently outcrops. The beds are lenticular in
shape, the greatest diameter being about a quarter of
a mile, and the thickness three to seven feet at the
maximum, and nothing at the edges of the lenses.
The beds are horizontal and are capped by thin bands
of limestone and the drift, or by the latter alone,
which gives the country a hummocky appearance.
Some parts of the gypsum are grey, others white,
the latter being purer and usually at the top. A
large number of mines have been opened. Usually
a level is run in from the valley of the river and the
mineral brought out on a car. It is ground for land
plaster and calcined to make plaster of Paris. The
former finds a market in south-western Ontario ; the
latter, under the trade names of " Adamant Wall
Plaster," " Alabastine," " Plastico," is sold throughout
the Dominion. These deposits are found in the
Onondaga formation of the Upper Silurian, which has
been described earlier in the chapter as salt-bearing.
It outcrops between Lakes Erie and Huron for a dis-
tance of 150 miles, and the gypsum-bearing area may
yet be considerably extended.
Along the Moose River for a distance of seven
miles banks of gypsum ten to twenty feet high have
been found. Apparently these beds are Devonian.
The deposit is, of course, too far away to be of any
value. Gypsum is so widely distributed on this con-
tinent, and in such large amounts, that it cannot be
shipped with profit to any long distance.
In northern Manitoba two beds, respectively twenty-
two and ten feet in thickness, have been reported, and
farther to the north-west along the Mackenzie River
it has been found. On the Salmon River, British
Columbia, it also occurs in economic amounts, but at
none of these localities is it mined.
Origin. — A number of theories have been advanced
to account for the great beds of gypsum. The one
most commonly accepted is that given above in con-
nection with the origin of the salt beds, viz., the
evaporation in closed arms of the sea of salt water.
Sediment would be deposited first, then gypsum ; and
as evaporation continued, salt would be precipitated.
This is the normal order the world over, but every
gypsum deposit has not of necessity an overlying salt
bed, as evaporation frequently was not continued
long enough; and in other cases water afterwards
dissolved and carried off the salt which had been
formed. Hunt has extended this theory somewhat.
He holds that the sulfate of calcium in the sea water
is due to a chemical reaction between bicarbonate of
calcium and sulfate of magnesium, two soluble salts
brought down from the land. Evaporation would
cause the precipitation of gypsum followed by a
hydrous carbonate of magnesium. If a calcium car-
bonate were also precipitated, it would mix with the
magnesium salt, and on being slightly heated yield
dolomite. Dana has supposed that the gypsum of
Ontario and New York is due to the action of sulf uric
acid springs on limestone, and that this might account
for the mound-like appearance. Logan, however
(Geol. Can., 1863, p. 352), thinks that the gypsum was
formed at the same time as the shales that overlie it,
and that the mounds are due to the removal of softer
parts of the shales. Another theory which accounts
for the mound-like deposits is that of hydration.
Anhydrite (CaS04), which is gypsum without its
water crystallization, is found in many sedimentary
deposits, and as it is capable of taking up 25 per cent,
of its weight of water, and of forming gypsum, but
in doing so swells considerably, this would account
for the dome-like masses. Dawson adopts the sul-
furic acid theory to account for the immense deposits
of Nova Scotia. He assumes that the acid given off
by volcanoes found its way along the bed of the ocean,
until it met with beds of calcareous matter which it
changed into gypsum, and this agrees with the fact
that gypsum is only found associated with marine
Uses. — Gypsum, ground to a fine powder, is used as
a fertilizer. It is also ground and heated, when it
loses its water of crystallization and becomes plaster
of Paris. This substance has the valuable property
of taking up the water again and hardening, so that
it is used to form moulds, models and cornices.
Tinted with proper materials it forms a beautiful
decorative finish for walls, cheaper forms being even
used as common wall plaster. The World's Fair
buildings at Chicago owed their beauty to a white
coating of stucco made from gypsum. Fine, granular,
semi-transparent varieties known as alabaster are
carved into ornaments
Tons. Value.
Nova Scotia 168,000 $148,000
New Brunswick 53,000 48,000
Ontario 2,300 6,200
Total 223,300 $202,200
Exports 160,000 158,000
Imports, crude and manufactured .... 4,200
LITERATURE. — Localities : Nova Scotia and New Brunswick —
Dawson, " Acad. Geol." ; Ontario— Geol. Can., 1863; Min.
Resources Ontario, 1890 ; Bur. Mines, 1891. Manitoba —
Can. Rec. Sci., III. 353, 1889. North-West Territories— Geol.
Sur., 1888, 30 D, 101 D. British Columbia— Geol. Sur., 1889,
42 S. Origin: Hunt, " Chem. and Geol. Essays," 1875,
Chap. VIII. ; Dawson, "Acad. Geol.," 1878, p. 262; Dana,
4 'Geol.," 1895, p. 554. Production: Rep. S of Geol. Sur. Can.
Barite (BaS04) is connected chemically with gypsum
and may be considered here. It is also known as
barytes and as heavy spar. It is a common vein-stone
especially with lead and zinc ores, and in Nova Scotia
with iron ores. It also occurs as veins or pockets in
limestone and sandstone, and these latter deposits are
of greater commercial value since they are purer. It
is widely distributed in Canada but only mined in a
desultory way. At a number of points in Pictou and
Colchester counties, N.S., as Hodson, Brookfield, Five
Islands, it has been mined and exported, but the total
production has been only a few thousand tons. A
vein three feet wide at Hull, Que , is the source of a
few tons of material used in Toronto. On McKellar's
Island, Lake Superior there is a deposit of quartz,
calcite and barite sixty feet in width. It is only
mined intermittently, though one of the best deposits
ever found.
The chief use of barite is as a pigment ; for this
purpose it is usually mixed with white lead, which it
closely resembles in color and weight. By some it is
considered an adulterant, though others claim that it
gives greater body to the paint and that the mixture
resists the action of the weather better than pure
lead. Barite should be free from quartz grains and
iron stains, though the latter may be removed by boil-
ing with sulfuric acid. In 1894 the shipments were
1,080 tons, valued at $2,830.
APATITE (Gr. anari, deception) occurs in green, red,
blue, white, and even black crystals or crystalline
masses, the former being hexagonal in outline and
frequently of large size, one from Buckingham, Que.,
weighing 550 pounds and being seventy- two and a
half inches in circumference. Apatite is mainly cal-
cium phosphate, its composition being represented
by the formula, 3Ca32P04 + CaF2, though fluorin
may be replaced by chlorin. An average of seven
Canadian apatites, analyzed by Hoffman, shows cal-
cium phosphate, 87.4 per cent.; calcium fluorid, 7.4 per
cent.; calcium chlorid, 3.9 per cent.; calcium carbonate,
0.7 per cent.
Distribution, — Apatite is widely distributed, few
igneous and metamorphic rocks being destitute of it,
but the quantity is, in most cases, insignificant. The
mineral in economic amounts has been found only in
Canada, Norway and Spain, and there in the older
rocks. In Canada it is found in two localities. One, in
Ontario, stretches from a few miles north of Kingston
one hundred miles in a northerly direction, and is fifty
to seventy -five miles in width. The other, in Quebec,
extends northward from Hull about sixty miles, and
is fifteen or twenty miles in breadth. The latter,
though smaller in area, has much richer deposits, and
the chief mining operations centre there.
Occurrence. — In both districts the country rocks
are gneisses and related rocks belonging to the upper
part of the Lower Laurentian. For the most part
they occur in belts with a north-east and south-west
trend. Intrusive masses of pyroxenite occur in the
country rock, the dikes sometimes running with the
strike, at other times across it. As there are very
seldom sharply defined walls, the pyroxene and gneiss
shading into one another, some authors have held the
pyroxenite to be a metamorphosed bed, but as the
masses of pyroxene sometimes cut across the gneiss,
this cannot be the case. The gneiss is frequently
indistinctly stratified and often quite massive, and
is usually more hornblendic in Ontario than in
Quebec. The apatite deposits are usually found
either in the pyroxenic or hornblendic rocks or quite
near them. Sometimes the mineral is found in
well-defined veins, but more usually it is in irregular
masses throughout the pyroxenic rock, in some
places apatite predominating, in others pyroxene, or
mica, or felspar. The "pockets" vary from a frac-
tion of an inch to many feet in diameter, and while
there is a vast quantity of waste rock to be mined, it
has been pretty well established that the deposits are
continuous. Associated with the apatite are a large
number of minerals, about thirty in all. Zircons,
sphenes, scapolites and micas are found in almost
unequalled size and perfection.
Origin. — Many diverse views are held concerning
the origin of the Canadian apatites. Sir W. Dawson
and others believe in an organic origin, and suppose
that coprolites and phosphatic nodules of the original
sediments have undergone metamorphism along with
the muds and sands which held them, and so account
for the bedded character of many of the deposits.
Veins have probably been formed in some cases by
subsequent segregation from these beds. Others hold
that there is absolutely no evidence of organic origin.
Selwyn, formerly director of the Geological Survey,
asserts that " they are clearly connected for the most
part with the basic eruptions of Archaean date." The
same origin is held by the Norwegian geologists for
the apatite deposits of their country, which are known
to closely resemble those of Canada. The general
view seems to be that the apatite and accompanying
minerals have been segregated from the surrounding
rocks into irregular masses without the existence of
any true fissure.
Production. — Mining operations were begun in
Ontario about 1850, but owing to the pockety charac-
ter of the deposits were not vigorously prosecuted.
Much of the ore was raised by the " contract system,"
farmers excavating pits a few feet deep, and, on
exhausting a mass, opening another hole a little
farther on. About 1871 extensive operations were
undertaken in the Quebec district ; drills were used
for locating the deposits, and work prosecuted in a
more systematic manner than had been the case in
Ontario. Owing to the irregularity of the deposits
not more than 7 per cent, of the rock mined is
apatite, but the mineral obtained is remarkably pure.
The production is continually diminishing, as the
following table shows :
1880 13,060 tons.
1885 28,969 „
1890 31,753 „
1891 23,588 n
1892 11,932 H
1893 8,198 „
1894 6,861 „
1895 1,822 „
1896 570 i,
A few hundred tons are made into superphosphates
at Smith's Falls, Ont., and Capleton, Que., and con-
sumed locally, the rest being exported. About nine-
tenths of the product comes from Quebec.
The principal market has been Great Britain,
which, in 1891, imported 257,000 long tons of phos-
phates, of which Canada supplied about 8 per cent.
The Canadian mineral is being driven out by the
cheaper phosphates from the southern United States.
Along the Atlantic coast from New Jersey to Texas
are clays and marls carrying irregular nodules of
phosphatic material varying from a grain to a ton in
weight. In South Carolina and Florida rich deposits
are found which are cheaply worked. Similar de-
posits are found in England, Belgium, France, Russia,
and they are also reported as occurring in the Nio-
brara formation of Manitoba. Other competing pro-
ducts are guano, and basic slag derived from steel
works using an iron ore containing phosphorus. For
the use of soluble phosphates as fertilizers, see the
chapter on Soils.
LITERATURE. — Reports of the Geol. Sur., 1847-94, particu-
larly those of 1873-74, 1876-77, 1877-78, 1888-89, pp. 89-111 K,
1890-91, pp. 153-161 S. For localities, see Min. Resources of
Ontario, 1890, and pp. 108, 109 K Rep. Geol. Sur., 1888-89;
"Bibliography," p. 110 K Rep. 1888-89, and Penrose, Bull.
46, U.S. Geol. Sur. There is a full survey of the phosphate of
lime deposits of the world in Penrose's work. For economic
details of working, etc., see Wyatt, "Phosphates of America."
Occurrence. — On the failure of a profitable market
for Canadian apatite, the producers of that mineral
turned their attention to mica, which had until then
been neglected. The old dumps of waste material
were overhauled, the old workings re-examined, and
new pits and trenches opened. Some phosphate is
even mined now as a by-product of the mica industry.
The mica-producing territory embraces the two
phosphate districts of Ontario and Quebec, and also
some other localities. Loughboro' and North Burgess
townships in Ontario, and Ottawa county in Quebec,
are the chief seats of the industry. Commercial mica
is further found in the Ottawa valley and Chicoutimi
county, Quebec, and in Hastings county, Ontario.
Mica is found in very many kinds of rock, but
usually in small flakes. Large plates are most com-
monly found in coarse granite, which occurs some-
times as dikes, sometimes without definite walls, as at
the Smith and Lacey mine in Loughboro'. Here the
most coarsely crystallized material has been excavated
for a width of 15 feet to a depth of 130 feet. More
frequently operations are confined to surface pits
along the dike. The Villeneuve mine, Ottawa county,
has a vein 140 feet wide, which is being worked to a
width of 50 feet on the side of a hill. Here the
felspar crystals are proving to be quite as valuable
as the mica. Plates of the latter, measuring 30 x 22
inches, have been got from this property, and one
crystal weighing 281 pounds yielded $500 of mer-
chantable mica.
In mining care is taken to injure the mica crystals
as little as possible by blasting. After being hoisted
to the surface the mica is carried to the " stripping "
room, where pieces of quartz, felspar, etc., are re-
moved. Then in the " mica shop " it is split by
knives to the required thickness, and afterward cut
into standard shapes, which are put up in pound
packages for shipment. There is great waste in cut-
ting, one hundred pounds not yielding on the average
more than ten of commercial mica.
The value of mica varies greatly, depending on the
kind of mica and the size of sheet. For instance, the
price list of the Villeneuve Mine, as cited by Obalski,
quotes mica, 2x2 inches, at 50c. a pound, 4 x 4 at
$9.10, 7 xo at $14.50. But this is for the white or
muscovite mica. The amber-colored phlogopite and
the dark biotite are not nearly so valuable. Rough,
untrirnmed mica, large enough to cut 1x3, is sold
as low as 6c. a pound, and 4 x 6 at 60c. in ton lots.
All three of these micas are silicates of aluminum
with varying amounts of potassium, magnesium and
Use and Production. — From the fact that mica
is transparent to light and is not broken by heat or
concussion it finds employment in stove panels, win-
dows of men-of-war, eye-guards for foundry-men, etc.
A recent use is as an insulator in electric machinery.
For this it must be flexible, of uniform thickness and
without small mineral crystals which conduct elec-
tricity, and for this purpose the dark varieties are as
valuable as the light. Ground mica is used in making
paint, as a boiler and pipe covering to prevent
loss of heat, as a lubricant for heavy machinery, and
for decorative effect in wall paper.
Canada, India, and the United States are the only
producers. The amount mined in the last named
country is decreasing, though the amount consumed is
increasing. The production of Canada for 1895 was
1,000, that of the United States $38,000.
LITERATURE. — Min. Resources Ont., 1890; Rep. Geol. Sur.,
1894, 73 S.
" ONE of nature's most marvellous productions,
asbestos is a physical paradox. It has been called a
mineralogical vegetable ; it is both fibrous and crys-
talline, elastic yet brittle ; a floating stone, which can
be as readily carded, spun, and woven into tissue as
cotton or the finest silk." In Germany it is known as
steinflachs (stone flax), and the miners of Quebec give
it quite as expressive a name, pierre a colon (cotton
The commercial substance includes a number of dis-
tinct minerals which are alike in being fibrous. The
true asbestos of mineralogists embraces the fine
fibrous forms of hornblende. The coarser fibres are
known as tremolite or actinolite. All three consist of
lime, magnesia and silica without water. The softer,
silkier, and more flexible mineral which constitutes
most of the commercial substance is chrysotile, a
fibrous variety of serpentine, and chemically a hydrous
magnesium silicate. Talc, steatite, or soapstone, also
occurs in a fibrous, as well as in the usual massive
form, and is very similar to chrysotile in composition
and properties. The following table of approximate
analyses will make these relations clear :
Magnesia ....
Iron oxid ....
Quebec Asbestos Mines. — These mines, the most
important source of asbestos known, yield 85 per cent,
of the world's product, the only competing country
being Italy, where the industry is declining. The
asbestos is found in veins half an inch to six inches
wide in masses of serpentine. The fibres are always
at right angles to the sides of the veins, which are
most irregularly distributed in the serpentine, cutting
it in all directions and being badly faulted. The
serpentine is associated with diorites which have
been erupted through slates, or occasionally sand-
stones, of Lower Cambrian age. These serpentines
extend from the Vermont boundary in a north-east
direction almost to the extremity of Gaspe, and in
three regions they have been found to contain asbes-
tos. The first is near Mt. Albert in the Shickshock
Mountains, where the mineral has not yet been found
in economical amounts. The second is in Thetford
and Coleraine, Megan tic county ; and the third dis-
trict stretches from Danville through Orford and
Bolton to the boundary.
Active mining is confined to the second district, and
to Danville in the third. In the mines, which are in
reality large open quarries, the serpentine is loosened
by blasting, hoisted to the surface, broken up, the
refuse thrown on the dump, and the blocks bearing
asbestos carried to the dressing or cobbing house.
Here boys, with light hammers, separate the rock
from the mineral and sort it into grades. At some
mines elaborate machinery has been introduced for
this purpose. The first grade contains the fibre over
half an inch long well freed from rock. The " seconds "
are poorer qualities of fibre, and the refuse makes
" thirds." At the Thetford mines fifty to seventy per
cent, of the output grades as "firsts," but at Black
Lake the percentage is not so high. The intrusion of
dikes of granite at the latter place seems to have caused
sufficient heat to render parts of the asbestos harsher
and less flexible. " Firsts " used to have a value of
$125 to $150 a ton, and selected mineral even brought
$250, but in 1895 $70 was an average price for " firsts."
The asbestos is derived directly from the serpentine
in which it is found, and the latter is doubtless an
alteration product of diorites rich in olivine. After the
serpentines were fissured the veins were filled with
material dissolved from the sides, and the crystals are
accordingly always perpendicular to the walls.
In Ottawa county serpentine has been found in
reticulated bands of varying widths in limestone of
Laurentian age. In places it carries asbestos of good
quality, from which a few tons have been brought as
a test. Chrysotile has also been found in Hastings
county, Ontario, and in the Fraser River valley,
British Columbia.
Uses. — Chrysotile is flexible, non-combustible, and
a non-conductor of heat and electricity, and on these
properties its increasing use depends. It is spun into
yarn, from which cloth is woven for drop-curtains in
theatres, clothing for firemen, acid workers, etc. It
is made into lamp-wicks, and gloves for stokers, and
ropes for fire-escapes. It is felted into mill-board to
be used as an insulator in dynamos, and as a fire-
proof lining for floors. It is used to insulate electric
wires, and as a covering to prevent loss of heat from
steam pipes. It is a component of fire-proof paints
and cements, and mixed with rubber it is used to pack
steam joints. Indeed, one wonders how we ever did
without it. Although Charlemagne is said to have
had a table-cloth of asbestos which he was accustomed
to cleanse by throwing in the fire, it was practically-
unknown until 1850. The Italian mineral was then
experimented with, and some years later put on the
market. In 1878 the first Canadian mine was
opened, and the product steadily increased until 1890,
when 9,860 tons, worth $1,260,000, were mined.
There has since been a decline in value, the amount
for 1896 being 12,200 tons, worth only $430,000.
Little asbestos is manufactured in Canada, and conse-
quently in 1894 we reimported goods to the value of
LITERATURE. — Geological Occurrence, Localities, etc. : Reports
Geol. Sur. I. 1885, 62 J ; III. 1887, 106 K ; IV. 1888, 139 K ;
V. 1890, 19 S ; VII. 1894, 81 J. Methods of Mining, Cost, etc. :
Report Geol. Sur. V. 1890, 12 SS. History and Uses : Jones'
"Asbestos, "1888.
Actinolite. — This mineral occurs in several town-
ships in Hastings and Addington counties, Ontario, in a
band of serpentine, and is quarried in small quantities
and ground in a mill at Bridgewater. The ground
material retains its fibrous and flaky character, and
mixed with pitch makes a strong and durable roofing
material. Most of the product is shipped to Chicago.
Talc. — This is a soft mineral, white to green in
color and with a greasy feel, which occurs in fibres,
in foliated masses, and massive. The last variety is
also known as steatite, soapstone and potstone. Some
of the Indian's pipestone is likewise talc. The mineral
is widely distributed in metamorphic rocks, especially
the massive variety. It is found in the serpentine belt
of Quebec described above ; also in Hastings county,
Ontario. Soapstone is unacted on by heat, and so is
used to construct vessels exposed to high tempera-
tures. Ground soapstone is used to fill paper, as paint,
and as a lubricator. The compact mineral is used by
tailors under the name of French chalk. Small
quantities have been mined at Wolfestown, Quebec.
The fibrous form of talc is much rarer and also
more valuable. Bands of it have been found in
Addington county, which are said to compare favor-
ably with the famous deposits at Gouverneur, N.Y.,
the production at which place in 1895 was worth
$665,000. The talc is ground very fine, but still does
not lose its fibrous character, and is then used in place
of clay to give body and weight to paper, for which
purpose it is better adapted than soapstone. The
fibrous talc is also used as an adulterant in some
asbestos manufactures. About 470 tons of soapstone,
worth $2,138, were mined in 1895.
LITERATURE.— Quebec : Geol. Sur. IV. 1888, 151 K.
Ontario: Rep. Bur. Mines, 1893.
IN all temperate and northern latitudes there are
found areas of bog and swamp supporting a vigorous
growth of moss. These mosses are mostly of the
genus sphagnum, and characteristically grow upward
as the lower parts die. Living in moist places as
they do, these dead plants are immersed in water,
and so preserved from rapid decomposition such as
overtakes fallen forest trees. New vegetation spring-
ing up above gradually increases the pressure, and
a slow carbonization results. In this way is produced
a bed of vegetable matter slightly carbonized, retain-
ing its fibrous structure and containing considerable
water. The composition of this peat, after removal
of the water, is about 60 per cent, carbon, 6 per cent,
hydrogen and 34 per cent, oxygen. For comparison,
the composition may be expressed in this way :
Peat Carbon, 100 Hydrogen, 10 Oxygen, 55
Anthracite. "100 " 2.5 " 2
Often layers of marl are found at the bottom of the
peat, indicating that the deposit began in a fresh-
water pond or lake, and that moss and rushes spread-
ing out from the shores gradually filled up the basin.
Successive layers are frequently found ; beginning
with the fresh-water shells, a layer of peat containing
the remains of rushes and flags succeeds ; then come
layers containing mosses, and on top, after the bog is
comparatively dry, heaths are associated with the
sphagnums. Peat bogs grow upward at a rate vary-
ing from one foot in five years to one foot in twenty-
five years or more.
Uses. — These peat bogs cover wide areas in the Old
World, and are there used extensively for fuel. About
one-tenth of Ireland is said to be covered with these
deposits, and large areas exist in the continental
countries. As the Irish bogs which are worked con-
tain from eighty-eight to ninety-one per cent, of
water, it is of course necessary to remove this injuri-
ous constituent. Three methods are available — expo-
sure to air and sun, artificial heat or pressure. The
peasants use the first, the others are used on a larger
scale. Even then ten to thirty per cent, of water is
present in the prepared turf used for domestic pur-
poses in Ireland.
Peat is made into charcoal, of which it makes a
useful variety. It is also distilled, yielding tar, oil,
paraffin and illuminating gas. In New Brunswick
and in Ontario companies are using peat to prepare
" moss litter " as bedding for horses, etc.
Canadian Localities. — It would be useless to
attempt an enumeration of all the peat districts of the
Dominion, so many are found. In general, it may be
said that Anticosti Island, the east side of the St.
Lawrence valley, the plain between the Ottawa and
St. Lawrence, and the basin of the Moose contain
extensive areas. Peat as fuel is only valuable where
a cheap supply of coal is not available. For this reason
the beds of Ontario and Quebec may become of
economic importance. In 1874-75 33,000 tons of
peat were made in Quebec and used on the Grand
Trunk railway. Analysis showed approximately
water 16 per cent., volatile matter 53, fixed carbon
24, and ash 7 for the manufactured article.
For details of Canadian beds, processes of manu-
facture, history of operations, consult Geol. of Can.,
1863; Rep. Geol. Sur. IV., K 1888; Bureau of Mines,
Ont., 1891, 1892.
Coal is not a mineral in the strict sense of the
word, for it is without definite composition. It con-
sists mainly of oxygenated hydrocarbons with some
simple hydrocarbons and free carbon. It may be
defined as a " fossil fuel of a black color and strong
consistency, which, when heated in closed vessels, is
converted into coke with the escape of volatile liquids
and gases." These oily substances are hydrocarbons
mostly of the paraffin series. The varieties of coal
depend on (1) the kind and the amount of the volatile
ingredients, and (2) on physical characters, as struc-
ture, lustre, hardness,
Three chief varieties are usually distinguished
and some hundred sub -varieties have been named :
Anthracite, with a specific gravity of 1.35 to 1.8,
bright lustre, and choncoidal fracture, has three to six
per cent, of volatile matter, and burns with a feeble
flame of pale color, does not smoke, and does not
soften on being heated. It passes gradually through
semi-anthracites into the second variety, bituminous
coal. This includes a number of sub- varieties, all of
which burn with a smoky flame, and give off oils or
tar on distillation. In specific gravity they range
from 1.14 to 1.40, and the volatile constituents may
be as much as 66 per cent. Included here are (a) the
caki'ng coals, which soften on heating and are used to
make coke ; (6) the non-caking or free-burning coals,
used for heating ; (c) the cannel coals, particularly
rich in hydrocarbons, and so of use in manufacturing
coal gas. The third variety, called Lignite, has a
specific gravity of 1.10 to 1.30, is usually dull brown
in color, and frequently somewhat lamellar in struc-
ture. It is non-caking, rich in volatile matter, and
usually has a large amount of water.
The following analyses compiled chiefly from the
Geological Survey Reports will make the composition
of the different varieties clearer. The results were
obtained by fast coking.
Moisture .
-M £
.* §
Peat, air dried.
Dismal Swamp, Va
59. 3o
6 58
St. Hubert, Que
Crow Nest Pass, B.C.
Lignite .
Souris River, Assa
Swan River, Man
Moose River, Ont
Edmonton, N. Saskatchewan ....
Wellington Mine, Vancouver ....
Main seam Sydney C B
Bituminous ....
Bituminous . . .
Bituminous . . .
Bituminous . . .
Bituminous . . .
Bituminous . . .
Bituminous . . .
Bituminous . . .
Bituminous . . .
Anthracite ....
Anthracite ....
Anthracite ....
Semi -anthracite
Main seam, Joggins, N.S
International Mine, Cape Breton.
Average Cumberland Co., N.S. . .
Average Vancouver Island
Main seam, Pictou, N.S. . . .
Crow Nest Pass, B.C
Comox Union Mine, Vancouver
Bow River Pass, Ala
Giaham Island, B.C
Mammoth vein, Pennsylvania ....
Graham Island, B. C
Bow River Pass, Ala
The following table of ultimate analyses shows the amount
of each element present :
T3 .
a a
si <O
O ©
Medicine Hat, Assa..
Lignitic coal .
Belly River, Ala
16.82 0.77
Bituminous . .
Old Man River, Ala .
11.63 0.66 9.20
Bituminous . .
0.36 6.58
Bituminous . .
Crow Nest Pass, B.C.
Anthracite . .
South Wales
Impurities in Coal. — Carbon and hydrogen are
the valuable constituents of coal. Nitrogen, oxygen
and the mineral ingredients known as ash, are not
deleterious except so far as they replace more valu-
able elements. Hygroscopic water which, on burning
the coal, must be converted into steam, lessens the
heating value of the fuel. Sulfur and phosphorus
burn to offensive gases and act injuriously on iron,
so that coals containing them are not suitable for
domestic or smelting purposes.
The amount of ash in good coals varies from two to
ten per cent. From the method of formation it is
naturally somewhat larger in anthracite than in bitu-
minous coal. In the best eoal it does not seem to be
greater than the amount of ash in the plants from
which it is derived; but fragments of shale are
usually present and increase the amount. Silica,
alumina, lime, iron, potash and soda are the chief
constituents of the ash.
Geological Occurrence. — Coal occurs in beds
interstratified with shales, sandstones, fire-clays and
limestones, the seams varying from a fraction of an
inch to many feet in thickness. The "Mammoth"
vein of Pennsylvania reaches a maximum of 50 feet,
and the chief seam at Pictou, N.S., is 38 feet in thick-
ness. These thick seams are not, however, all coal,
for there are frequent partings of bituminous shale.
The following section slightly condensed from Daw-
son's " Acadian Geology," shows the structure of the
main seam at Pictou :
Feet. Inches.
1. Roof shale 0 3
2. Coal with shaly bands 0 6^
3. Coal, laminated ; layers of mineral charcoal and
bright coal ; band of ironstone balls in bottom. 2 0
4. Coal, fine, cubical and laminated ; much mineral
charcoal 3 2
5. Carbonaceous shale and ironstone, with layer of
coarse coal 0 4|
6. Coal, laminated and cubical 9 3
7. Ironstone and carbonaceous shale 0 8
8. Coal, with ironstone balls in bottom 1 2
9. Coal 6 7
10. Ironstone and pyrites 0 3
11. Coal 10 3
12. Coal coarse, layers of bituminous shale and
pyrites .% 1 0
13. Coal, laminated 2 1
14. Coal with shale 2 3
15. Underclay 0 10
Thickness perpendicular to horizon 40 8
Actual thickness 38 6
The beds occur for the most part in trough-shaped
basins, and the different strata and coal seams are
fairly persistent in arrangement and thickness over
considerable areas. The Pittsburg seam of the Appa-
lachian coal field underlies an area of 22,500 square
miles. Compared with this the Canadian coal fields
are of small extent, but the beds are frequently found
throughout the whole field.
Below the coal seam there is nearly always a bed
of clay, supposed to be the soil on which grew the
vegetation that was subsequently transformed into
the coal. Fossil roots, known as stigmariae, are fre-
quently found in these strata. The clays are often
of great purity, and frequently are very refractory.
Of course such clays, at the time they supported
plant life, must have been horizontal ; though now
they, and the coal seams above, are frequently found
highly inclined, as in the Pictou field. In the foldings
to which the coal has been subjected it has in many
cases suffered change. In the Bow River region of
Alberta the coals of the plains are lignite ; but as the
mountains are approached the lignites are replaced by
bituminous coals, and these in the Cascade basin in
the mountains are replaced by semi -anthracites and
Thin seams of coal have been found in the Silurian
and Devonian systems, but none are of economic im-
portance. The Carboniferous, especially the upper
portions, is, in the extent and quality of its coal beds,
by far the most important coal-bearing system. The
Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Eocene, Miocene
and Pliocene systems all contain coal, usually in small
amounts and of poor quality. The Cretaceous and
Tertiary coal-beds are often, however, of enormous
extent, and some of the beds are of excellent quality.
Origin of Coal. — That coal is of vegetable origin
is attested by the fact that the woody structure is
still to be seen in some cases, and the microscope
shows the cells of the original plant in many more.
Spores of lycopods are recognized in some coals, and
tree- trunks standing at right angles to the coal seam,
are frequently found with their roots penetrating the
clays below. The Nova Scotia beds have furnished
many fine examples of these erect trunks.
These vegetable remains slowly lost their excess of
hydrogen and oxygen, probably much as charcoal is
at the present time made from wood, i.e., by heating
where no air is present. In this way the oxygen
unites with a small part of the carbon and passes
off as carbon dioxid, and a part of the hydrogen
disappears as water. The following table, compiled
from Thorpe, shows the gradual passage from wood
to anthracite coal :
& I
Mean composition of wood
Club-moss without ash
Humus, mean composition
Peat, Devon ... .
59 7
5 9
34 4
Lignite, Cologne
67 0
5 3
27 7
Brown coal, Tasmania
71 9
5 6
22 5
Bituminous coal, Dudley
" " Newcastle ..
Anthracite, Wales
" Peru . .
97 3
1 7
1 0
The club-mosses are the nearest living representa-
tives of the coal vegetation, and the first two analyses
show the great similarity in composition of very
different plants. The oxygen and nitrogen are
gradually eliminated, leaving a product each time
richer in carbon. Apparently the hydrogen is not
affected, but if a constant quantity of carbon is taken
it, too, is shown to be given off.
.S° ^ a
°E> 'I~l
S- 1
\Vood average .
Peat, "
Lignite " ....
Brown coal, average
Bituminous coal, "
Anthracite coal "
Wood exposed to the air quickly rots, and all the
carbon is consumed, but below water the action goes
on much slower, since little oxygen is present. In
this way plant remains might be preserved for years,
new accumulations but serving the better to prevent
the oxidation of the carbon of the old. Noticing the
gradual passage in composition and physical charac-
ters from peat to coal, it is but natural to suppose a
peat bog to be the origin of all coal beds. Doubtless
this peat bog theory is true for some of the lignite
formations, but in the main it is incorrect. As the
shales and limestones above and below the coal seams
contain marine or brackish-water fossils, the beds
must have been made in or near salt water. Nor
have they arisen through the drifting of timber to
the mouth of a stream and the silting over of the
vegetable matter. This estuary theory does not
account for fragile fern impressions and erect tree
trunks and the stigmarise in the under clay. Prob-
ably the vegetation flourished in swamps of brackish
water along the coast and barely above sea level.
After years of growth and decay a bed of vegetable
matter was formed, and by a change of level the sea
flowed over it, muds or sands were deposited and a
slight elevation taking place a new growth of plants
began. This in its turn was covered by the sea and
a marine sediment deposited. And so by alternate
risings and fallings of the land, by alternate marsh
and sea, vegetable and mineral beds were deposited.
The organic material under pressure slowly lost its
gases and became coal, the variety depending on the
age of the beds and on the amount of pressure and
heat. Graphite, almost pure carbon, has originated,
in some cases at least, through excessive heat and
pressure applied to anthracite, and it seems to be the
last stage in the progressive change from wood to
The Coal Fields of Canada.— The Maritime Pro-
vinces.— Throughout Nova Scotia and New Bruns-
wick coal is found in rocks of the Carboniferous era,
which are widely distributed and in places are of
great thickness. Sir William Logan's section at the
Joggins has a measured thickness of 14,570 feet, and
the lowest part of the system is absent. Sir W.
Dawson assigns a thickness of 16,000 feet to the Car-
boniferous of Pictou. The New Brunswick beds are
very much thinner, 600 feet being about the average.
Carboniferous rocks are exposed over about two-thirds
of New Brunswick and one-third of Nova Scotia-
They border the Gulf of St. Lawrence from Gaspe
through New Brunswick, northern Nova Scotia, in-
cluding Cape Breton Island and western Newfound-
land. Although of large extent, but a small portion
of this area is coal-producing. Three fields are of
economic importance, viz., Cumberland, PictoU and
Cape Breton counties in Nova Scotia. Coal is found
in other districts, but in too narrow seams to be of
much value. A small amount is mined yearly in the
vicinity of Grand Lake, N.B., but operations are of a
desultory character.
The Sydney or Cape Breton field, which has been
worked for almost two hundred years, extends from
Mire Bay to Cape Dauphin, thirty-two miles along
the north-east coast of the island. The land area of
the coal measures proper embraces sixty square
miles, and it has been estimated that within three
miles of the shore two billion tons of submarine coal
are available. If the millstone grit, which carries
workable seams in places, is included, the land .area of
workable coal becomes 200 square miles. The field is
divided into four basins by anticlinals, but the beds
and coal seams are remarkably uniform for the whole
district. Conglomerate followed by limestone consti-
tutes the lowest 4,600 feet of the Carboniferous rocks.
Next above is 4,000 feet of millstone grit. Succeeding
this are the productive coal measures which include
argillaceous and arenaceous shales, marls, underclays,
limestones, black shales and coal. The measures are
1,850 feet thick, and of these forty to fifty feet are
coal. The average number of seams is said to be
twenty -four, of which six are three feet and over.
Underclays are always present, and sandstone fre-
quently covers the coal seam. The coal, which is all
bituminous, is said to be more combustible than that
of Pictou, and contains less ash and more sulfur.
About a dozen collieries are being worked in this field.
The Cumberland county area has in general a
trough-like structure, the rocks outcropping on the
north dipping to the south, and those occurring
on the north flank of the Cobequid Mountains dipping
to the north. Cliffs in this county fronting Chignecto
Bay furnish one of the finest sections of carbonifer-
ous rocks in the world. The famous South Joggins
section exhibits almost a continuous series of beds
14,500 feet in thickness. The beds dip S. 25° W. at
an angle of 19° and are exposed for about ten miles.
They are made up of sandstones, conglomerates, shales,
limestones and underclays filled with stigmarise, the
series containing no less than seventy-six coal seams
each indicating a period of quiescence and a luxurious
marsh. The thickest seam is, however, only five feet,
and this has from one to twelve inches of clay along
the middle. A number of collieries are operating here
and on the continuation of these seams to the east.
At Springhill the most productive colliery in the
province is working in a distinct basin where there
are five seams ranging from four to thirteen feet in
The Pictou field is a continuation to the east of the
Cumberland carboniferous deposits. The thickness
and number of the coal seams in parts of the dis-
trict are very remarkable. A part of the section at
the Albion mines is given by Dawson as follows :
Feet. Inches.
Main coal seam (greatest thickness) 39 11
Sandstone, shale and ironstone 157 7
Deep coal seam 24 9
Shales, sandstone and ironstone, with several thin
coals, viz., the Third seam, "Purvis" seam and
"Fleming" seam, in all about twelve feet thick. 280 0
"McGregor" coal seam 11 0
Total .... 513 3
Here we have five seams aggregating nearly eighty-
eight feet of coal in a distance of 513 feet. It is to
be noted, however, that the measurements were made
perpendicular to the surface, and that the beds are
inclined at an angle of 20°. The main seam has an
average thickness of thirty-eight feet, and at least
twenty-four feet of this is marketable coal. Dawson
calculates that this seam should yield 23,000,000 tons
to the square mile, and other seams in the district half
as much. Nothing like this amount is, however,
attained in practice, the two main seams yielding
about 10,000 tons to the acre, or 6,400,000 tons to the
square mile. There are several reasons for this shrink-
age : the district is badly faulted ; the beds are steeply
inclined, and so, besides being hard to work, soon reach
unworkable depths ; there are very sudden changes
in the character of the coal, often making it worthless.
The coals of this field are non-caking and good
steam producers, and some make good coke for iron
furnaces. Their worst defect is the large amount of
ashes which they contain.
For details of the geology of these fields and of the
mines, consult the following :
Cumberland Co. : Dawson, " Acadian Geology, " "Rep. Geol.
Sur.," 1873-74, 1884-85, S 1886 to S 1892. Pictou Co. : " Rep.
Geol. Sur.," 1866-69, 1890-91, S 1886 to S 1894. Poole,
"Trans. N.S. Inst. Sci.," II. 1, 1892-93. Dawson, "Acad.
Geol." Cape Breton Co. : " Rep. Geol. Sur.," 1872-73, 1874-75,
1882-84, S 1886 to S 1892. Fletcher, "Trans. Min. Soc.,
N.S.," III. 1894-95. Dawson, "Acad. Geol." Routledge,
''Trans. Am. Inst Min. Eng.," XIV. 542. Much information
concerning all of them will be found in the annual reports of
the Department of Mines of Nova Scotia.
Manitoba and the North-West Territories. —
Throughout the plain region of Canada there is an
immense tract of territory bearing coal. While the
Carboniferous was the coal-forming era of the east,
rocks of this age are destitute of coal in the west,
their place being taken by the Cretaceous and early
Tertiary formations. The coals vary from poor
lignites to good anthracites, the quality improving as
the mountains are approached. The most easterly
beds occur in the Laramie formation in the Turtle
Mountain district, Manitoba, where a bed is found
some four feet thick and fairly persistent throughout
the district. Throughout southern Assiniboia there
is an immense area of Laramie rocks, carrying lignite
in many places. In the Souris River valley Selwyn
estimates that there is an area of 120 square miles,
carrying 7,137,000 tons to the mile. These coals con-
tain a large amount of water, and easily disintegrate
on exposure, so that they are un suited for transporta-
tion, but can be used locally.
Natural sections occurring on the river banks show
seams of coal at scores of places throughout the
Cretaceous and Laramie of south-western Assiniboia,
and the whole of Alberta. At Medicine Hat, on the
South Saskatchewan, in a bank 260 feet high, there
are nine beds, aggregating sixteen feet of coal, two
of these beds being each about five feet thick.
At Coal Banks on the Belly River there are five
seams in 42 feet. No data are available for estimating
the exact extent and value of these enormous beds.
Dawson has shown that in several districts in the
Bow and Belly River valleys there are 5,000,000 tons
to the square mile. The great seam on the North
Saskatchewan maintains a thickness of 25 feet for
three miles, and has been traced for 180 miles.
In the region of the plains the coal is lignitic, but
superior to that widely used in Germany and Austria.
In the foot-hills and in the isolated Laramie and
Cretaceous basins of the mountains, the coal is
bituminous. In one basin — the Cascade — pressure
has been greater and an anthracite has been produced.
This basin is 65 miles long and about 2 wide. The
rocks, which are 5,000 feet in thickness, are shales and
sandstones of the Kootanie division of the Cretaceous.
Two seams of workable coal are here yielding the
only anthracite produced in Canada. Outcrops of
lignite are found in the river valleys far to the north.
Coal beds on the Mackenzie River in latitude 67° N.,
and on the Lewes, a tributary of the Yukon, and else-
where, may yet prove of great value.
For details see the following Geol. Sur. Reports :
Souris River, etc , 1879-80 A; Bow and Belly Rivers,
1880-82 B, 1882-84 C; Cascade basin, 1885 B;
Analyses, physical characters, fuel value, 1882-84 M,
1885 M, 1887 T, 1888 R ; Localities, Catalogue Sec-
tion I. of the Museum.
British Columbia. — Coal was discovered in British
Columbia in 1835, and a few tons mined each year
until 1852, when operations were begun on a larger
scale. Up to the end of 1896 over 11,000,000 tons
have been mined, and the industry is growing con-
tinuously. Coal is found in two geological formations,
the Mesozoic and Tertiary. Carboniferous rocks,
though found in British Columbia, and often of
great thickness, are never coal-bearing. The coal
found varies all the way from a poor lignite, though
first-class bituminous coal to a good anthracite.
The Cretaceous was the coal-bearing era in the
province, and two periods of growth are recognized.
The older is represented by the coal measures of Queen
Charlotte Islands, Quatsino Sound, Vancouver Island,
and Crow's Nest Pass in the Rocky Mountains.
The upper coal measures of the Cretaceous are found
at Nanaimo, Comox and Suquash on Vancouver
Island. On the Queen Charlotte Islands both anthra-
cite and bituminous coal are found. The beds in which
the former is found are almost vertical, a fact connected
with the metamorphism which the coal has under-
gone. Mining operations have been attempted on a
bed six feet thick, but the difficulty of following the
seams, the coal often being in a crushed and pulveru-
lent state, has been a barrier, so far, to success. Valu-
able seams of bituminous coal, eighteen feet thick,
are found in these islands. In the same horizon
in the Crow's Nest Pass twenty seams of bitumin-
ous coal are reported, three of them being respectively
15, 20 and 30 feet thick, in all 132 feet. The area
of this field is at least 144 square miles, and it
promises to be one of the most productive fields in
the Dominion. Selwyn calculates that there are
50,000,000 tons to the square mile.
The chief productive measures at present are in
the upper portion of the Cretaceous system. This
formation extends as a synclinal trough for 130
miles, the western side of the trough forming the
eastern slope of Vancouver Island, and the remainder
being under water. It is divided into two districts,
the northern one, the Comox field, having an area of
three hundred square miles, and the Nanaimo one to
the south an area of two hundred square miles. At
Comox the coal measures are 740 feet in thickness,
and contain nine seams aggregating 16 feet of coal.
The lowest and thickest averages 7 feet. At the
Union mine in 122 feet, only a small part of the
productive measures, there are ten seams with an
aggregate of 30 feet of coal, the thickest bed being 10
feet. Richardson has calculated that in this field
there are 16,000,000 tons of coal to the square mile.
In the Nanaimo field there are two seams of workable
coal, six to ten feet in thickness. The coal from both
these fields is of excellent quality and much superior
to the lignites found in Washington and Oregon
States to the south.
The fuels of the Tertiary in British Columbia are
usually lignites, though occasionally a bituminous
coal is found. Most of them are found in rocks of
the Miocene era, though at the mouth of the Fraser
an area of eighteen thousand square miles is under-
laid by the Laramie formation, which is a con-
tinuation of the lignite-bearing formation of Wash-
ington State. About twelve thousand square miles of
igneous Tertiary rocks in the interior plateau are
underlaid by sedimentary rocks of the same era, and
these probably contain deposits of lignite in many
places. Such beds have indeed been found and
worked in the valleys of the Nicola and Thompson
rivers. Many other localities are reported, a com-
plete list of which is given by Dawson, Rep. R
Geol. Sur. Can., 1887-88, p. 145. For details of the
coal districts see the Geol. Sur. Reports, 1871-72,
1872-73, 1873-74, 1876-77, 1878-79, B 1885, B 1886,
R 1887, A 1891, and the annual reports of the Minis-
ter of Mines of British Columbia.
Foreign Coal Fields, — In the United States there
are several areas of Carboniferous coal, the most im-
portant one being that of Pennsylvania- Arkansas.
The productive measures of this area are divided into
three parts, viz., Appalachian, Illinois and Mississippi.
Throughout the Western, Rocky Mountain and Pacific
States there are immense areas of Cretaceous and Ter-
tiary coals. Most of these are lignites, but some are
good bituminous coals. The Atlantic and Pacific coasts
of the United States are without good coal ; the
interior is well supplied. There are about 300,000
square miles of coal-bearing strata, but not more
than 50,000 square miles are of economic importance.
In Great Britain the area of the coal measures is
12,000 square miles, the thickness being greater
than in any other part of Europe. In France there
is an area of 2,000 square miles ; in Spain, 4,000 ; in
Belgium, 518; in Austria, 1,800 ; in Germany, 1,700.
In Russia there is an area of 30,000 square miles, but
in not more than 11,000 are the beds of economic
value. In China, India and Australia there are large
areas of Permian age, and in Austria and Germany
there are large areas of lignite in beds of Miocene age.
Production. — The following tables are self-
explanatory :
N. B.
N. S.
N. W. T.
B. C.
3,743 000
8 006 000
[ Bituminous coal. .
1894 -I Anthracite
^ Coal dust
( Bituminous coal . .
1895 -1 Anthracite
^ Coal dust
(From " RothwelVs Mineral Industry")
(Metric tons, 2,204 Ibs.)
Country. 1895.
Great Britain 194,351,000
United States 177,596,000
Germany 103,877,000
France 28,236,000
Austria 27,250,000
Belgium 20,415,000
Russia 7,551,000
Australia 3,975,000
Japan 3,650,000
Canada 3,187,000
India 2,650,000
All other countries 5,267,000
Total 578,209,000
LITERATURE. — "Reports Pennsylvania Geological Survey;"
Dawson, ** Acadian Geology ; " Green, etc., " Coal, Its History
and Uses; " Dana's "Geology ; " Geikie's "Geology ; " Details
of equipment and production of Canadian mines in statistical
reports (S) of the Geol. Sur., and in the annual reports of the
Departments of Mines for N.S. and B.C. ; also in Can. Mining
Manual, 1896.
Graphite is a soft greyish-black mineral, with a
greasy feeling, consisting entirely of carbon. It is
known also as plumbago and as black-lead, but both
are misnomers since it does not contain that metal.
Sometimes it occurs in hexagonal crystals, more
usually in a massive state, either foliated, columnar,
or scaly. It is found in beds or disseminated masses
in metamorphic rocks as gneiss and crystalline lime-
stone. In some cases it has certainly resulted from
the alteration of coal by heat, occasioned by mountain
folding, as in Rhode Island, or by the heat of errupted
dikes, as in Texas. Some have held that all the
graphite of the older rocks is of this origin, and that
the immense deposits in the Laurentian gneisses are
but the metamorphosed vegetable remains of that
distant time. Of this we have no direct proof, and
the absence of all fossil remains rather speaks against
the theory.
Occurrence — Graphite is distributed through the
older rocks in all parts of the world. It occurs in
immense quantities of exceptional purity in the island
of Ceylon, and it is from there that most of the
commercial supply is now brought. Austria, Ger-
many and the United States contain large deposits,
and a considerable amount is mined yearly in these
In Canada graphite is found in economic deposits
in three localities. In the neighborhood of St. John,
N.B., beds of argillites and limestones contain large
quantities of disseminated graphite. Argenteuil and
Ottawa counties, Que., and the line of the Kingston
and Pembroke Railway, Ont., are the two other local-
ities which are, however, geologically one. The
Quebec region is the more important, and from it
nearly all the mineral produced in Canada has come.
According to Vennor the graphite is here found " in
three distinct forms : 1, as disseminated scales, or
plates in the limestones, gneisses, pyroxenites and
quartzites, and even in some of the iron ores, as at
Hull ; 2, as lenticular or disseminated masses, embed-
ded in the limestone, or at the junction of these and
the adjoining gneiss and pyroxenite ; and 3, in the
form of true fissure veins, cutting the enclosed strata."
The first method of occurrence is of the most import-
ance economically, twenty to thirty per cent, of the
rock frequently being graphite. The veins vary from
an inch to two feet in width and contain the purest
mineral. The rock is crushed and washed and the
lighter graphite separated, the dressed graphite result-
ing containing three to ten per cent of ash, which by
treatment with hydrochloric acid is easily removed.
Hoffman has shown that so treated Canadian graphite
is quite as pure and quite as incombustible as the
Ceylon product. Vein graphite from Ceylon and
Canada are almost identical, as the following analyses
Canada: carbon, 99.81; ash, 0.08; volatile matter, 0.11
Ceylon: " 99.79; " 0.05; " " 0.16
Notwithstanding these large and pure deposits the
production of Canadian graphite is decreasing, the
reason assigned being the lack of uniformity in the
article put on the market.
Uses. — The uses of graphite depend on its infusi-
bility, softness, and ability to conduct heat and
electricity. One-third of the product is employed in
refractory articles, as crucibles, furnaces, etc. It is
a striking fact, illustrating the influence of the
arrangement of the molecules of a substance on its
properties, that we use pure carbon as charcoal or
coke to heat our furnaces, and pure carbon mixed with
fire-clay to make crucibles to resist the heat. Other
uses of graphite are for stove polish, foundry facings,
glazing powder, lubricating heavy machinery, electro-
typing and pencil leads.
The production in 1895 was 220 tons, valued at
$6,100, and of this 54 tons valued at $4,800 were
exported. There were imported the same year plum-
bago manufactures to the value of $38,000.
LITERATURE.— Rep. Geol. Sur., 1873-74, 1876-77, 1888 K,
1890-91 S and S S.
PETROLEUM is an oily liquid of disagreeable odor,
usually greenish -brown in color but varying widely.
In specific gravity it ranges from 0.6 to 0.9, some
kinds being thin and flowing whilst others are thick
and viscous. On the one hand, it graduates through
maltha into asphalt or solid bitumen ; on the other
into natural gas. None of these substances are pro-
perly minerals. They are indefinite mixtures of a
number of hydrocarbon compounds, chiefly of the par-
affin series (CnH2n+2). The olefins (CnH2n) and ben-
zenes (CnH2n_6) are present in small amount. The
higher the value of n the higher the melting and
boiling points, so that certain mixtures are gases,
others liquid oils, and a third division are solids.
The solid paraffins are soluble in the liquid ones, so
that crude petroleum often yields large amounts of
paraffin wax. This is especially true of the Ontario
oil. The different liquid compounds are separated
by distillation, and the crude oil is made to yield gaso-
line, benzine, naphtha, kerosene, lubricating oil, etc.
Occurrence. — Petroleum occurs in all the sedi-
mentary formations from the Cambrian period to the
present. Its geographical distribution is world-wide,
but it is in comparatively few localities that it exists
in economic quantities. It is associated usually with
argillaceous shales and sandstones, and not infre-
quently is found impregnating limestones. Where
these oleiferous rocks outcrop, the water of the wells
and rivers frequently has a scum of oil. More often,
and especially with the richer deposits, the oil beds
are at some distance below the surface and covered
with an impervious layer of rock. The source of the
oil is undoubtedly the animals and plants which were
entombed in the sedimentary deposits. On decom-
position these remains yielded hydrocarbons which
were stored in the rocks, sometimes evenly distrib-
uted, as throughout the bituminous Utica shale ; at
other times collected in caverns. The geological
structure necessary for the preservation of oil and
gas seems to be an anticlinal arch with an imper-
vious layer above and a porous one below, or else a
cavern in an impervious stratum. Some geologists
hold that oil and gas are always the result of
secondary distillation — that after the production of
bituminous shales slow distillation takes place, and
the products collect where the structure is suitable, or
slowly escape. On this view oil should never be
found in the rock in which the organic remains
abound, but above it. For some fields, as the Ontario
one, this is certainly not the case. Some have
assumed that oil and gas are the more volatile parts
of the immense mass of vegetation whose remains
form our coal beds. The great oil and gas wells are,
however, sunk in Silurian and Devonian strata, and
consequently lie below the coal beds, which belong to
the later Carboniferous period.
When a well is drilled into a petroleum pool, oil,
gas, or salt water may be found. They are probably
arranged in the porous sandstone in the order of
their specific gravities, with gas at the top, water
at the bottom, and oil between. Through long-con-
tinued distillation in a confined space, the gas is
usually under great pressure. When the bore-hole
reaches the deposit, the expanding gas either rushes
out itself, or, if the bore tapped the cavern nearer the
bottom, forces out the oil, or water, as the case may
be. After exhaustion of the gaseous pressure pump-
ing is resorted to. Before leaving a pumped-out well
it is customary to "shoot" it. A charge of nitro-
glycerine is exploded in the bottom, by which new
channels are opened and a fresh supply of oil often
Canadian Oil Fields.— In 1862 the first flowing
well was struck at Oil Springs, Lambton county,
Ontario. There was an immediate rush to the field.
Dr. Alex. Winchell, in his " Sketches of Creation,"
describes the excitement and waste as follows
" Though western Pennsylvania has produced numer-
ous flowing wells of wonderful capacity, there is no
quarter of the world where the production has
attained such prodigious dimensions as in 1862 upon
Oil Creek, in the township of Enniskillen, Ontario.
The first flowing well was struck there January 11,
1862, and before October not less than thirty-five
wells had commenced to drain a storehouse which
provident Nature had occupied untold thousands of
years in filling for the uses — not the amusement — of
man. There was no use for* the oil at that time.
The price had fallen to ten cents per barrel. The
unsophisticated settlers of that wild and wooded
region seemed inspired by an infatuation. Without
an object, save the gratification of their curiosity at
the onwonted sight of a combustible fluid pouring
out of the bosom of the earth, they seemed to vie
with each other in plying their hastily and rudely
erected 'spring poles' to work the drill that was
almost sure to burst, at the depth of a hundred feet,
into a prison of petroleum. Some of these wells
flowed three hundred and six hundred barrels per
day. Others flowed a thousand, two thousand, and
three thousand barrels per day ; three flowed sever-
ally six thousand barrels per day. . . . Three
years later that oil would have brought ten dollars
per barrel in gold. Now its escape was the mere
pastime of full-grown boys." Five million barrels
were wasted in this way the first summer.
There are two distinct fields in Lambton county,
separated by a synclinal fold. The Petrolia one
extends west-north-west thirteen miles, and is about
two in width. The Oil Springs field covers about
two square miles. In both cases the oil is found
in the Corniferous limestone — at Oil Springs at a
depth of 370 feefc ; at Petrolia, 465 feet below the
The following is the log of a well at Petrolia :
Surface 104 feet ^ Drift.
Limestone (" Upper lime "). . . 40
Shale (" Upper soap ") 130
Limestone ( ' ' Middle lime ") . . 15
Shale ( ' ' Lower soap ") 43
Limestone, hard white 68
" soft 40
grey 25
Oil at a depth of 465
About ten thousand wells are now in operation,
yielding on the average about half a barrel a day.
About four hundred wells are drilled annually to
replace those exhausted. Pipe lines are laid through
the district, and the companies receive oil from pro-
ducers and store it until sold to the refiners.
A little south-west of Bothwell, Kent county, is a
third field, which is likely to become a producing
area. Small amounts of oil have been obtained in
other parts of Ontario, notably Oxford, Essex, Perth
and Welland counties and on Manitoulin Island ; but
no paying wells have been found. Recent discoveries
on Pelee Island are promising. Oil oozes to the
surface over a considerable area to the south of Gaspe'
Bay, Que. Several borings have been made, but the
yield has been small. The prospect for productive
oil wells is, however, a good one. In Nova Scotia
and New Brunswick surface indications of oil have
been found, but boring operations have resulted in
entire failure.
In the valley of the Athabasca, in the North-West
Territories, there is an immense deposit of tar sands.
These sands are siliceous in character, fine-grained
and cemented together by maltha, or inspissated
petroleum. They belong to the Dakota formation,
the lowest division of the Cretaceous, and lie un-
conformably on Devonian limestones. They outcrop
over an area of one thousand square miles, and
possibly extend beneath the surface as far as the
Saskatchewan. In many places one-fifth of the
sand, by bulk, is bitumen. It has been calculated
by McConnell that there are six and a half cubic
miles of bitumen in the Athabasca valley. It is the
residue of a flow of petroleum from the underlying
Devonian, unequalled elsewhere in the world. These
tar sands will doubtless soon become of value as a
source of bitumen.
Farther to the south there is a probability of find-
ing oil which has not lost its volatile ingredients.
South of Boiler Rapids the tar sand is overlaid by
impervious shale, which in small anticlines doubtless
has imprisoned some oil and gas. All through the
Mackenzie River valley similar deposits of tar are
found, and the same probabilities of extensive oil
pools exist. In the South Kootenay Pass there are
some indications of economic deposits being found
in Cambrian strata.
Refining and Use. — The crude oil is distilled in
large sheet-iron retorts. The easily vaporized gasoline
and naphtha come off first and are condensed ; then
the kerosene, the wool oils, and lastly the lubricating
oils follow ; a carbonaceous mass is left behind. The
coke is used as fuel ; the other distillates are further
separated and purified by redistillation and by chemi-
cals. The Ontario oil contains a very large percentage
of sulfur, and in the early days it was not known how
to remove this. Canadian oil, as a result, had a dis-
agreeable odor, and there is a prejudice against it to
this day, though it is claimed that the best quality is
now as good as any on the market.
The crude petroleum yielded the refiners in 1889 :
Illuminating oils 38 . 7 per cent.
Benzine and naphtha 1.6 " "
Paraffin and other oils (including gas,
paraffin, black and other lubri-
cating oils and paraffin wax) ... 25 . 3 " * '
Waste (including coke, tar and heavy
residuum) 34.4 " "
Few raw materials yield as many products minis-
tering to the comfort and happiness of men as does
the rank-smelling crude petroleum. The benefits of
cheap illuminating oil can hardly be overestimated.
The lighter oils are used to mix the paints with which
we adorn our homes, and the heavier vaseline is used
to anoint our heads. Thick, black oils are used to
lubricate car-axles and other heavy machinery, and
white paraffin forms the basis of chewing gum. As
solid paraffin, as liquid oil, as gaseous gasoline,
petroleum affords us both heat and light. As naphtha
and benzine, it is used as a solvent of fats.
Production, — The following tables show the mag-
nitude of the oil industry :
Illuminating oils
. . . . gallons
10 711 000
$1 217 000
Benzine and naphtha
642 000
63 000
Paraffin oils
1 016 000
140 000
Gas and fuel oils
6 095 000
219 000
Lubricating oils and tar ....
Paraffin wax
1 840 000
83 000
Axle-grease . .
8 000
ci COB 000
Total crude oil used . . .
24 955 000
Illuminating oils . .
. gallons
| $525,000
Crude and lubricating
Paraffin wax
Paraffin wax candles.
oils "
. . pounds
In Metric Tons of 2,204 Ibs.
1. United States 6,158,000
2. Russia 4,873,000
3. Austria 132,000
4. Canada 116,000
5. Roumania 75,000
6. India (1893) 31,000
7. Germany 17,000
8. Japan 15,000
9. Italy 3,000
— RothwelVs "Mm. Industry.""
LITERATURE.— Ontario : Geol. Sur. Reports, 1863, 1866, Q, S
and S S, V. 1890-91 ; Min. Res. Ont., 1890. Gaspe : Geol. Sur.
K, 1888. Kootenay : Geol. Sur. 1891, 9 A. Athabasca : Geol.
Sur., 144 S, 1890-91. Bibliography : Rep. Q, 1890 ; Canadian
Mining Manual, 1896. For complete description of the petro-
leum industry, see Crew, "Practical Treatise on Petroleum,"
1887. For geology of petroleum, see Orton, An. Rep. U. S.
Geol. Sur., 1889.
Burning springs have been known in many localities
in North America from the earliest settlement, but
with few exceptions, as at Fredonia, N.Y., no use was
made of them. After the discovery of oil, large
quantities of gas were frequently found in drilling for
the former. For a number of years, however, even
these bountiful supplies failed to attract attention. In
1879 gas was introduced into a Pittsburg factory, and
from that time on its economic importance has been
fully recognized and deposits of it eagerly sought.
Few parts of North America are entirely destitute of
reservoirs of gas, but the productive wells are almost
entirely in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
and Ontario. Some gas fields are intimately associated
with petroleum deposits, and the gas is doubtless of the
same origin. In Ohio the Trenton limestone is the
great reservoir, but in Ontario that formation is almost
barren. It is in the Medina and Clinton divisions of
the Upper Silurian that the Ontario gas is found.
The Pennsylvania gas occurs in a still later formation —
that of the Upper Devonian. A small amount of gas
is found in the Cretaceous of the North- West.
Gas, like oil, has accumulated in porous rocks or
under the arch of an anticline, overlaid by an imper-
vious layer of shale or clay. It is the product of the dis-
tillation of plants and animals entombed in a
sedimentary deposit. The distillation has gone on
slowly for ages, the gas accumulating under pressure.
Ori tapping the reservoir pressure is relieved and the
gas escapes. Millions of cubic feet have been wasted,
people not realizing that it was a store easily
exhausted. This is well shown in the case of Penn-
sylvania, whose production has fallen from $18,000,000
in 1888 to $8,000,000 in 1891. Natural gas is a mix-
ture of a number of gases, most of which are found in
ordinary illuminating gases but in a different propor-
tion. The following analyses from Sexton's " Fuel "
will make this relation clear :
Coal Gas.
Water Gas.
Carbon dioxid and nitrogen ....
Marsh gas, CH4
' 20'. 2
Heavy hydrocarbons CnH2n . . .
Carbon monoxid CO
Canadian Localities. — Small quantities of gas
from superficial deposits are found in many parts of
the Dominion. In the North- West Territories some
paying wells have been opened along the Canadian
Pacific Railway, and on the Athabasca promising
indications are found. The only localities of impor-
tance at present are in Ontario near the shore of Lake
Erie. The Essex field extends east and west for a
distance of twelve miles along the coast and for about
two miles back. The wells are a little over 1,000 feet
in depth, and yield from nothing up to 10,000,000
cubic feet a day. Two pipe lines carry the gas thirty
miles to Windsor and Detroit.
The other district extends forty-five miles east-
ward from Cayuga nearly to the Niagara River. The
gas is found in Medina sandstone at a depth of 700 to
850 feet, and issues from the wells under a pressure
reaching in some cases to 500 pounds to the square
inch. Pipe lines are laid through the district, and the
wells are connected directly with Buffalo, where most
of the gas is consumed. It is also used locally for
burning lime and for lighting several towns and
villages. Leamington, Ont., is said to have reduced
its rate of taxation one-half by means of the revenue
derived from supplying the village with gas. In 1895?
123 wells produced in Ontario 3,320,000 M. cubic
feet of gas valued at $283,000.
Asphalt or bitumen is a mixture of various hydro-
carbons, some of which are usually oxidized. It is a
black or brown solid with a resinous lustre and bitu-
minous odor, found as a superficial deposit in many
parts of the world, but usually associated with bitu-
minous rocks. Commercial asphalt is largely brought
from a pitch lake on the island of Trinidad. Many
varieties of asphalt have received distinct mineral-
ogical names : of these albertite and maltha occur in
economic quantities in Canada. All have been formed
from petroleum by the vaporisation of the more
volatile hydrocarbons.
The immense beds of maltha in Athabasca have
been described under petroleum. Albertite is a
pitch -like mineral found in the Lower Carboniferous of
Kings and Albert counties, New Brunswick. At the
Albert mine it occurred in an irregular fissure having
a maximum thickness of seventeen feet. The veins
are found in or near the Albert shales, a highly bitu-
minous, calcareous clay rock with an abundance of
fossil fish, and the mineral has apparently resulted
from a distillation of this shale. Its composition,
represented by 58 per cent, of volatile matter and
42 of fixed carbon, made it of great value for gas
making, and 200,000 tons were shipped to the eastern
United States for that purpose. The locality is now
Anthraxolite is a name applied to a black combust-
ible, coal-like substance found in Ontario and Quebec,
which resembles anthracite in general characters. In
composition it is essentially carbon, with from three to
twenty-six per cent, of volatile matter. It never occurs
in beds like coal, but in fissures in limestones, shales
and sandstones. Dr. Sterry Hunt says, " It can
scarcely be doubted that the coaly matters of the
Quebec group have resulted from the slow alteration
of liquid bitumen in the fissures of the strata." Some
of the numerous occurrences may yield a few tons
of fuel for local use. A vein at Sudbury is being
exploited for this purpose.
Bituminous shales are often distilled for oil and
gas. Works once existed at Collingwood and Whitby,
Ont., for this purpose, but the discovery of petroleum
destroyed the industry. Similar rocks were at one
time distilled in Albert County, N.B., and in Pictou,
N,S. The former yielded 63 gallons of oil and 7,500
feet of gas to the ton. When our petroleum deposits
are exhausted these reservoirs of hydrocarbons may
once more be of value. Similar rocks supply con-
siderable oil in Scotland, competing successfully with
American petroleum.
LITERATURE. — For description of the wells, production, etc.,
Geol. Sur. Reports Q 1890, S 1890, SS 1891, S 1892, S 1894
and Rep. Bur. of Mines, Ont. , 1891. Bibliography, Geol. Sur.
Q 1890. Origin— Geol. Sur. Rep.Q 1890 and Bur. Mines, 1891.
Nat. gas in U.S., Ashburner, Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. Vol.
XIV., XV., XVI. Asphalt, Athabasca— Geol. Sur. 64 D 1890,
6 A 1894. Albertite, N.B.— Dawson, Acad. Geol; Geol. Sur.
1876-7. Anthraxolite— Rep. Geol. Sur. 18 T 1888-9; Bur.
Mines, Ont., 1896.
AMONG the materials which the mineral world
furnishes for man's use, few are more important than
those adapted for building. True, granite and clay
and sand are so common to us Canadians that we
hardly think of them as contributing to our mineral
wealth. Nevertheless, one-quarter of our annual
mineral production — that is, a little over $5,000,000
in value — is derived from rocks. A rock has already
been defined as a variable mixture of minerals rang-
ing in cohesion from loose de'bris to the most compact
stone. Rocks are never the source of our useful
metals, nor do they as a general thing yield us valu-
able chemical products. Their economic importance
lies, for the most part, in their structural adaptability.
No other material approaches them in strength or
durability. The extent of our forests and the conse-
quent cheapness of timber have caused us to neglect
our granites and limestones. As lumber increases in
price and as the need for more indestructible build-
ings grows, there will doubtless be a greater employ-
ment of stone. True, many farm-houses are built of
boulders, and some of our towns are quite largely
erected from limestone quarried in the neighborhood.
In both cases cheapness has been the only desidera-
tum, and durability and beauty have been neglected.
Building Stones. — That a rock be useful as a
building stone it is necessary that it should be strong
and durable. It is also desirable that it be easily
quarried and dressed, and that it have beauty of color
and texture. Strength and durability depend on
several considerations. The finer the structure and the
more compactly the grains are consolidated the greater
the strength. The kind and amount of cementing
material exerts a great influence on both strength and
durability. A cement filling all the interstices of a
rock will evidently make a stronger stone than one
in which the grains are merely held together by their
adjacent faces. A siliceous cement is stronger than
a calcareous one — a ferruginous than an argillaceous.
Again, a porous rock is capable of absorbing consider-
able water, and in our cold climate this is a deleterious
property. As freezing water expands with enormous
power, the outer parts of the stone are slowly forced
off, and ultimately the whole crumbles. According to
Merrill a rock which absorbs 10 per cent, of its weight
of water in twenty -four hours should usually be dis-
carded. Some good sandstones approach this amount ;
granites average perhaps one-twentieth as much.
Fineness of grain and uniformity of size are con-
ducive to durability. In a granite, for instance, under
the influence of the sun's heat all the grains expand.
And since the rate of expansion is different for each
of the ingredients, mica, felspar and quartz, a strain
is put on the cementing material. Alternate expansion
and contraction ultimately results in disintegration.
" Dr. Livingstone found in Africa that surfaces of
rock which during the day were heated up to 137° F.
cooled so rapidly by radiation at night that, unable to
sustain the strain of contraction, they split and threw
off sharp angular fragments from a few ounces to
100 or 200 pounds in weight." In burning buildings
the heat is still greater, and the sudden cooling pro-
duced by dashes of cold water tests a stone severely.
Granite, of all the rocks, is the least fire-proof. Marble
and limestone are the least affected where the heat is
not sufficient to cause decomposition and where
water is absent. With greater heat sandstone is most
Another cause of decay is the presence of injurious
accessory minerals. Pyrite is the most common and the
most injurious. It slowly unites with oxygen to form
the various oxids and hydroxids known as rust. In
some cases only the beauty of the stone is marred ;
in others its strength is weakened. Ferrous carbonate
and small seams of clay are other deleterious minerals.
The facility with which a rock may be worked
depends on the hardness of its constituents and on
the presence of joints, beds or other natural fractures.
A granite is harder to work than a limestone because
of the hardness of the quartz and felspar of the
former. For a similar reason, also, a siliceous sand-
stone is more costly to market than an argillaceous
one. A rock which cleaves regularly in any direction
can be more cheaply produced than one with an
irregular fracture.
In the selection of a building stone for important
structures durability is of prime importance. The
most reliable information can be got by observing the
effect on old structures. Failing these, an examina-
tion of the natural outcrop of the rock will yield
information concerning its weather-resisting power.
" If in these exposures the edges and angles of the
stone remain sharp — if its surface shows no sign of
flaking or crumbling, no cracks nor holes where
pyrites or clay has lurked, nor dark stains from the
change of iron compounds — it may be relied upon for
structures if proper care is used to reject suspicious
blocks." Much also may be gathered from a micro-
scopic examination. Of secondary importance is the
strength, though this is the property which is most
usually tested. Any compact stone has many times
the strength usually required. Imperviousness to
water would be a more desirable test. For piers of
bridges, foundations and other rough purposes, faults
of color, coarseness of texture or irregularity of
fracture are of no account, and proximity and conse-
quent cheapness will be the condition sought.
The Crystalline Rocks. — Immense areas of granite
and allied rocks are found in Canada — a quantity
sufficient to supply all the world with building stone.
The commercial term granite includes not only the
true granite of the geologist but a number of related
rocks. Syenite has the general appearance of a
granite, but is without the quartz of the latter. Both
have orthoclase felspar and either mica or hornblende.
Gneiss has the same minerals but is schistose in
structure. All three are quarried for building pur-
poses, and the granite and syenite for monumental
stones. They are widely distributed through the
whole Dominion, the region of the plains excepted.
Granite is expensive to work, and has not yet been
used to any extent in Canada as a building stone. It
seems, however, quite unnecessary for us to import
granite from Scotland for monuments when quite as
good stone surrounds us on every side. Quarries
have been opened in British Columbia, at Kingston
and Gananoque, Ont., in Stanstead, Que., in New
Brunswick and in Nova Scotia, from which about
13,000 tons are annually raised, valued at $70,000,
These granite rocks, as well as the more basic igneous
rocks, diorite, anorthosite, etc., are also used as paving
Sand and Sandstone. — The crystalline rocks
slowly disintegrate through the action of heat, mois-
ture and frost, and the streams carry off the products
to deposit them ultimately in some lake or ocean.
The particles of quartz are much the most enduring.
Felspar, mica and hornblende are not only separated
from each other by the weathering of the rock, but
are also decomposed. All three yield clay and some
free silica, besides other minerals. The quartz, though
rounded on the edges through long-continued rub-
bing, remains pure silica to the last. Thus it is that
most rocks, when reduced to fine grains, yield a sand
which is largely silica. Pure silica is white, and the
light yellow color of many sands is due to stains of
iron oxid or to a mixture of black grains of the
magnetic oxid of iron. Small amounts of undecom-
posed mica or felspar may also be found. In a lime-
stone region the sands may be calcareous. Clay also
may be mixed with the sand.
Sands of all kinds are widely distributed over our
country, and are in all cases a superficial deposit.
Only on rocky hills, swept bare by glacial action, are
they lacking. Sandstones are but consolidated sands.
They have been formed in ancient seas by the pres-
sure of overlying material, and have since been raised
above the water. A cement of iron oxid, silica, clay
or limestone holds the grains together, and gives a
distinctive character to the rock. Some sandstones
are almost pure silica ; others through the presence
of clay merge into shales ; others again shade gradu-
ally into limestones. In some cases these sandstones
were subjected to heat as well as pressure, and all the
materials in them were recrystallized. Pure sand,
metamorphosed in this way, became the solid white
quartzite so common in our Huronian districts. A
sand with mica became a mica schist ; one with fel-
spar and mica became a gneiss, and so the cycle was
completed from igneous rock back to igneous.
Sandstones are usually bedded, the planes of strati-
fication representing intervals in the deposit of sand
on the ocean floor. The deposit of one period became
somewhat consolidated before the next supply of
material was brought down. The beds are sometimes
but a fraction of an inch in thickness, at others several
feet. The thicker beds which split readily in any
direction are known as freestone.
In the very dawn of geological history sands were
being deposited in Canada as they are to-day. Con-
solidated and metamorphosed they form the quartzite
of the Huronian. Above them lie sandstones of
Cambrian age. Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous,
Triassic, Cretaceous and Miocene times contributed
their quota of sandy sediments. So through the
whole Dominion sandstones are abundant and cheap.
They are used extensively for building ; also as flag-
stones, furnace linings, grindstones and whetstones.
As powdered stone or as the natural sand, quartz is
also used for mortar, glass, moulding and polishing.
Building Stone. — In the Maritime Provinces there
are considerable areas of good freestone in the Lower
Carboniferous rocks. The stone is soft enough to be
readily cut when first quarried, but hardens on ex-
posure. Red, yellow, light grey and beautiful olive-
green beds are found. The stone is not only used
domestically but also exported. The chief quarries
are at Dorchester, Hopewell, and neighboring locali-
ties in Westmoreland and Albert counties, New
Brunswick. Amherst, Wallace and Pictou in Nova
Scotia also produce good stone, some of which is
exported. The magnificent court-house of Toronto,
Ontario, is constructed of New Brunswick stone.
In Quebec a sandstone of the Potsdam or Upper
Cambrian period affords an excellent building stone.
It is almost white in color and very hard and durable.
It is quarried, among other places, at St. Scholastique
and at Hemmingford, and used in Montreal. It has
also been used successfully at St. Maurice as a furnace
lining. Near Quebec and Levis the Sillery sandstone
is quarried and used quite extensively in both cities.
It is usually a green or greyish- green rock, though
on the coast below L'Islet there are beds of a
purplish-red color. The rock does not weather uni-
formly, nor is it as durable as the Potsdam stone.
Some Silurian sandstones have been quarried in
Gasps' for railway work.
The Potsdam sandstone of Quebec occurs on the
south of the Ottawa River in Ontario, and here, also,
has been extensively used. Considerable was quar-
ried in Nepean township for the national Parliament
Buildings at Ottawa. Farther to the west a band of
Medina sandstone outcrops along the Niagara es-
carpment, which stretches from Queenston Heights
past Hamilton to Cabot's Head. It is quarried at a
number of places, principally along the Credit River.
The stone occurs in both white and red beds, the
latter being the more valuable. It is very extensively
used in western Ontario — the Parliament Buildings
at Toronto being a good example of the appearance
of the red variety. A similar red stone of Cambrian
age occurs in the Nipigon formation on the north-
west of Lake Superior. It has been shipped from
Verte Island to Chicago and other lake cities.
In British Columbia freestone of Cretaceous age
may be quarried at many points along the coast.
Some excellent material for building has been ob-
tained near Nanaimo. A white freestone of the
same age is quarried at Calgary, Alberta.
Other Uses. — Flagstones have been obtained at
most of the localities just described, and at many
others. Material suitable for grindstones has been
quarried at Seaman's Cove and other points in Nova
Scotia, and in Albert and Westmoreland counties,
New Brunswick. Some grindstones and coarse whet-
stones are made from the Medina in Nottawasaga,
Ontario, and the Cretaceous of Nanaimo, British
Columbia, is used for the same purpose. The total
annual production of grindstones is valued at about
$40,000, of which one-half is exported, chiefly from
Nova Scotia. The imports about equal the exports.
Sand for mortar-making should consist of sharp
angular grains of quartz of somewhat coarse texture.
When an impure mixture of sand and clay is used
the mortar frequently crumbles. Good material is
widely distributed in the superficial deposits.
Sand for moulding is not at all plentiful. It is an
" intimate mixture of quartz sand with just sufficient
proportions of clay and ochre to enable it to retain
the form given by the pattern." A good moulding
sand contains about 92 per cent, of fine quartz
sand, 6 per cent, of clay, and 2 per cent, of iron
oxid. For fine castings, artificial mixtures are often
prepared. Suitable sand is found at several places in
Ontario and Nova Scotia. From Windsor, N.S.,
a small amount is annually exported.
Ordinary glass is made from quartz sand, sodium
carbonate and lime. Except for the coarser varieties
of glass, a fine, angular white sand is needed, free
from all impurities, especially iron. Ordinary bottles
have a green tint due to the iron of the sand. Many
pure sands are found in the Dominion, and several
sandstones could be crushed and used. The Potsdam
sandstone was at one time used at Vaudreuil.
Sand is further used as an abrasive in sawing and
polishing sandstone and marble. Tripolite, or
infusorial earth, is also used as a polishing material
under the name of " silex, electro-silicon," etc. It
consists of the microscopic siliceous shells of diatoms
and other minute water plants. Though each indi-
vidual was so small, beds thirty feet thick have been
formed extending over considerable areas. Many
deposits are known in Canada, from which over 600
tons valued at $10,000 were taken in 1896. Tripolite
was at one time used as an absorbent of nitro-
glycerine, and is now employed in the manufacture
of water filters.
LITERATURE. — Merrill, " Stones for Building and Decoration,"
gives a full account of the properties of building stones and of
methods of working. For details of Canadian quarries, see
Dawson, Acadian Geology; Geol. Can., 1863; Min. Res. Ont.,
1890; Bur. Mines, Ont., 1891; Rep. R., Geol. Sur., 1887;
Rep. S., 1894. For localities of various sands, tripolite, etc.,
see Cat. Sec. 1 of the Museum of the Geol. Sur.
AMONG mineral materials few are more important
than common clay, although it is so widely distributed
that we often forget our great dependence upon it
It ministers to our wants in numerous and in very
diverse ways, the products often bearing no apparent
relationship to one another. Sun-dried bricks and
porcelain dishes are entirely different in appearance.
Clear, transparent china bears little resemblance to
drain-tile, and yet all four are essentially the one
thing — clay. The manufacture of rude pottery was
one of the first arts practised in the dawn of civiliza-
tion, and ceramics has advanced step by step with
man's development. The value of our clay output
to-day is only exceeded by that of our' coal.
Origin and Composition, — Clay is not an original
mineral, but the product of decay — the result of the
passage from an unstable compound to a stable one.
The felspars which are found abundantly in igneous
rocks are easily attacked by water and carbonic acid.
They are all silicates of aluminum, with potassium,
sodium or calcium. The potassium felspar, orthoclase,
is the most abundant. This mineral, and the others
as well, lose their alkaline constituents together with
some of their silica, and take up water. The alkali
goes off in solution, and the silica and hydrous silicate
of aluminum are left. This last, when* pure, is known
as kaolin. Its composition is represented by H2A12
(SiO4)2 + H2O, or silica 47, alumina 39, water 14
per cent. Usually there is mixed with it some quartz
and mica of the rock, some undecomposed felspar par-
ticles, and some oxid of iron, calcium carbonate and
alkalies, the accessory products of decomposition.
Commercial clay may be the pure kaolin or any of
the numerous mixtures possible. In some of the best
clays kaolin is much the largest ingredient ; in others,
considerably less than half. It is the essential con-
stituent— the other minerals are but accessories, and
often injurious ones. Quartz, in the form of fine
sand intimately mixed with the kaolin, is the most
common impurity. By itself in a clay, silica is
chemically inert but acts physically, checking shrink-
age and cracking when the kaolin is highly heated.
When potash, soda or lime are present the silica unites
chemically with them at high temperatures, forming
fusible compounds which give strength and hardness
to the pottery. Some of these alkalies are nearly
always present — potash most commonly. Magnesia
often replaces lime. Iron, either as an oxid, carbonate
or sulfid, is the most undesirable impurity and is
nearly always present. Sometimes it does not con-
stitute more than one-fifth of 1 per cent. ; more
frequently it makes two to ten per cent, or more of
the clay.
Clays resulting from the decomposition of felspars
in place are classed as residual clays. They nearly
all contain quartz, which is easily removed by wash-
ing. They often exist as a crumbling rock resem-
bling granite. The chief characteristic of this residual,
or rock, kaolin is its non-plasticity. These residual
clays are, of course, subject to the erosive and trans-
porting action of water, and immense beds of sedi-
mentary clays have been deposited in quiet waters
since the beginning of geological history. They are
always more or less impure and are generally highly
plastic, a property probably due to the rubbing the
particles have undergone. They form the chief basis
of the world's clay industries.
Those deposited in Paleozoic times have, for the
most part, been consolidated into shales, and many of
them have even been metamorphosed into slates.
The latter have ceased to have a value in ceramics,
but the former are very widely used, after being
ground and allowed to weather. The Carboniferous
period furnishes a valuable refractory clay. Creta-
ceous, Tertiary and Quaternary clays are extensively
used in America. In the last era ice, not water, was
instrumental in producing deposits of clay which are
not residual. Boulder clay, as it is called from the
angular stones it contains, resembles sedimentary
clay in its composition and properties, but lacks
Uses. — " The chief function of clay in the fictile
arts is its partial fusion upon firing, and upon this
and the skill of the artisan who fires the kiln depends
the product, which is wonderfully varied by the
mixtures of fluxes and tempering material. Plasticity
is desirable for the handling of the unfired material.
Nearly all unconsolidated or powdered rock material
may be made to adhere by water and other ingredi-
ents than clay, so that it can be shaped for burning,
but plastic clay is the cheapest material used for this
purpose in all clay-burning." (Hill, Min. Res. U.S.,
1891.) Clay is used in the manufacture of a number
of domestic utensils, as porcelain, China and earthen
ware. As a structural material it finds employment
as brick, terra cotta, roofing tile, draining tile, door
knobs and sewer pipe. In the industrial arts it is
used as a lining for kilns, furnaces and retorts ; for
crucibles, for moulding-material, as a base for pig-
ments, for filling paper, and even as a food adulterant.
Commercially clay may be divided into four classes,
depending partly on composition and partly on use.
Chemical composition is not the sole guide in deter-
mining the value of a clay, for those almost identical
in composition often yield different products on
1. China clays are nearly pure kaolin and non-
plastic. They are nearly always ground and washed
before use, but should be free from iron and lirne.
Mixed with felspar and silica they are used to make
China ware. Cornwall, Limoges in France, and Dres-
den in Germany have important deposits of these
rare clays.
2. Plastic, ball or pottery clays are the essential
material of bricks, pottery and stone ware. The
purer ones are China clays in composition, but will
not yield the same products on firing. These clays
are used in the production of earthen ware, etc., and
to give plasticity to China clays in the manufacture
of China ware. Deposits near St. John, Que., are
used extensively in the production of porcelain.
3. Brick clays include those suited not only for
the manufacture of bricks, but also of drain tile and
the cruder kinds of stone ware. They are most
widely distributed of all, and, probably, are most
important economically. Ideal brick clay consists of
a mixture of fine sand and pure plastic clay, the pro-
portions of which may vary very widely. A good
clay consists of three-fifths silica, one-fifth alumina,
and the remainder of iron, lime, soda, potash, mag-
nesia and water.
Iron is present in most brick clays and is the basis
of color. Red bricks are produced from white clay
by the oxidation of the iron from the ferrous to the
ferric compound. Still, as is well known, the color
may be modified by differences in the temperature of
the kiln. White bricks are often supposed to be due
to the lack of iron in the clay, but the correct reason
seems to be that these clays contain lime or magnesia,
which unites with the iron and with silica to form a
colorless silicate.
Vitrified bricks are being introduced into Canada
as a paving material. They offer all the advantages
of asphalt and are considerably cheaper. A vitrified
brick may be described as a piece of clay heated to
incipient fusion, so that all the particles have been
fritted together and the pores have become closed.
Its excellence is measured by the degree with which
water is excluded. To be suitable for this purpose a
clay must agglutinate or vitrify some distance below
its point of fusion, otherwise in the firing much of
the product will be destroyed by melting. Several
companies are making these bricks near Toronto.
All of these clays are widely distributed through
the Dominion. The shales of the Hudson River
and Medina epochs are used in Ontario to make a
very fine pressed brick. Sewer pipe, drain tile and
p6ttery are made at so many points that it is useless
to enumerate.
4. The refractory, or fire-clays, form the last divi-
sion. Alkaline fluxes are here present in very small
quantities. Pure kaolins are desirable as the base of
the mixture, which is usually made artificially. The
Cretaceous clays of New Jersey and the Carboniferous
under-clays are often suitable. A number of fire-
clays of fair value occur in the rocks of the latter
period in Nova Scotia.
The production of these materials in 1895 was
valued, as follows : Building brick, $1,670,000; terra
cotta, $195,100; sewer pipe, etc., $257,000; pottery,
$151,600; fire-clay, $3,500; a total of $2,277,200.
In the same year the imports amounted to $593,300,
most of which was for earthen ware.
Slate. — When a bed of clay or shale is subjected to
great pressure and heat its physical characters are
changed. The laminae become smooth and hard, and
microscopic crystals are often developed throughout
the fragmental material. Minute flakes of mica are
usually present, their flat surfaces being parallel to the
face of the lamina. The well-developed cleavage is
rarely parallel to the original plane of bedding, but
is at right angles to the direction from which the
pressure came. Under this pressure the component
grains of the original sediment rearranged them-
selves with their longest axes at right angles to
the direction of force, and so made new planes of
A number of varieties of clay slate are recognized.
Roofing slate includes the finest-grained, compact
kinds used for roofing houses, for mantels and table-
tops, for slates and pencils, etc. Whet-slate or hone-
stone is a hard, fine-grained siliceous rock. Phyllites
embrace the thoroughly metamorphosed shales char-
acterized by the development of much mica and the
recrystallization of the materials.
These slates are found in the majority of the
geological horizons, but the Huronian, Cambrian,
Silurian and Devonian formations contain them most
frequently. Good roofing slates are found in Canada
in the Cambrian rocks, east of the St. Lawrence.
Quarries are worked at New Rockland, Shipton, and
near Richmond, all in Richmond county, Quebec. A
number of other quarries have been opened in neigh-
boring counties, but the demand does not justify their
operation. The usual color is dark or bluish-grey,
but green, red and purple ones are found. The best
class cleave readily, are " free from pyrites, imper-
vious to water, and equal in every respect to the
celebrated Welsh slates." Roofing slates, slabs and
school slates are produced in this district. The pro-
duct in 1895 was valued at $59,000, about one-half
that of 1889. The imports in 1895 amounted to
$19,000, also about half of the corresponding figures
for 1889. A small amount is annually exported.
LITERATURE. — "Clay Materials," by Hill, in Min. Resources
of U.S., 1891, contains a good description of the kinds and uses
of clay. See also Geol. Can., 1863. " Brick Clays of Que.,"
Rep. Geol. Sur., IV. 188 K ; "Brick Clays of Ont,," Bur. of
Mines Rep., 1891, 1893, 1895. The report of 1893 contains a
chapter on vitrified brick. "Fire Clay of N.S.," Rep. Geol.
Sur., V. 1890, 190 P; "Slate of Que." Rep. Geol. Sur., IV.
1888 K.
Origin and Occurrence.— Limestone is one of the
most widely distributed rocks occurring in all the
sedimentary formations from the Cambrian down to
recent times. It is found even in Archaean areas as
great bands of crystalline material which are meta-
morphosed sediments. Geographically its distribu-
tion is as wide as it is geologically, and every
province but Prince Edward Island has its own
supplies. The only large areas of the Dominion
destitute of it are some of the districts covered by
the igneous Archaean rocks.
It has always been deposited as a sediment, some-
times as a chemical precipitate, much more frequently
as a bed composed of the fragments of the shells
and skeletons of lime-secreting animals. As is well
known, gravel and sand derived from the land are
deposited near the shore and the lighter mud carried
farther out. Beyond this, where sediments from the
land were rarely brought, the bottom of the old ocean
beds was slowly built up by the calcareous remains
of dead molluscs, crinoids, corals and other organisms.
The process can be watched to-day on the coast of
Florida, and time and the pressure of superin-
cumbent beds are alone needed to transform the
loose shell deposits of that peninsula into solid lime-
stone. Consolidation and recrystallization are pro-
moted by the easy solution and precipitation of
calcium carbonate in waters carrying carbonic acid.
Often these deposits were made when mud or sand
was being laid down, so that beds of limestone and
shale or of limestone and sandstone are now found
to alternate with one another, and even to pass by
gradual changes from one into the other. A pure
limestone consists of calcium and carbonic acid, that
is, it is the mineral calcite (CaC03). Frequently the
calcite is replaced by dolomite, an isomorphous mix-
ture of calcium and magnesium carbonates. Silica,
clay, oxids of iron and bituminous matter are often
present as impurities. The color is commonly a dull
white to a blue-grey, but may be brown or black.
Few rocks vary more in texture than limestone. It
may be a hard compact rock with a choncoidal frac-
ture; it may consist of crystalline grains resembling-
loaf sugar in texture and color ; it may be an earthy,
friable deposit, or a compact rock resembling a close-
grained sandstone. In all cases it is easily scratched
with a knife, and gives a vigorous effervescence when
treated with hydrochloric acid.
Uses. — Limestone is probably the most valuable of
all our structural materials, for not only is it an
excellent building stone itself, but it also affords the
most useful cement for holding all other building
materials together. It is employed not only in the
farm-house but in the city cathedral ; it is used not
only for the outer walls but also as marble for the
decoration of the interior. It is used for bridges and
culverts in railway construction, and for the concrete
foundations of city pavements. As a flux in the
smelting of iron it finds a large employment, over
30,000 tons being annually used in Canada alone,
where the iron industry is not a large one. Some
fine varieties are used as lithographic stones. Marl,
an amorphous mixture of calcium carbonate, clay
and sand is a valuable fertilizer. (See Chapter XVII.)
Chalk, a soft earthy variety of limestone not found
in Canada, is used by carpenters and others for
marking; perfectly purified and mixed with vege-
table coloring matters, it forms pastil colors. Whiting
is a purified chalk used as a pigment and as a polish-
ing material.
The desirable qualities in a limestone to be used
for structural purposes have already been pointed out
(Chapter XIV.), and it is only necessary to indicate
here some of the important localities where stone
occurs. Limestone is so widely distributed through-
out the Palseozoic areas of southern Ontario and
Quebec, and of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, that
it is useless to attempt an enumeration of the places
where it is quarried. The lowest horizon to furnish
valuable stone is the Chazy, which is extensively
quarried at St. Dominique, Phillipsburg and Montreal
Island. The Trenton limestones, occurring in the
neighborhood of Montreal, also furnish that city with
excellent building stone. In Ontario, the Niagara
formation is worked at a number of places along the
escarpment which enters the Province at Queenston
and passes by Hamilton and Owen Sound to Mani-
toulin Island and into Michigan. Stone from Queen-
ston, Thorold, Beamsville and Grimsby has been
extensively used in the Welland canal, the St. Clair
tunnel, and railway construction throughout the Pro-
vince. The Corniferous also gives a valuable stone
where exposed. Quarries near Amherstburg furnished
material for the Sault Ste. Marie canal. In Nova
Scotia and New Brunswick Carboniferous limestone
of excellent quality is widely spread, and is quarried
in a number of places.
Marble. — The term marble is properly applied
to a crystalline aggregate of calcite grains of uniform
size, and each of which is composed of twin crystals
with their own cleavage lines. It has been produced
by the recrystallization of ordinary sedimentary lime-
stone in situ, occasioned by the heat of eruptive rocks
and the pressure of overlying masses. Typical mar-
ble is white, but it may be yellow, green, blue, black,
banded or mottled. Sometimes it is very fine-grained,
as in the best statuary marbles ; again it may be so
coarse as not to take a good polish, and so be useless
for ornamental purposes. Mica, garnet, tremolite and
many other species of silicates are frequently found
in it, a result of the recrystallization of sand and clay
impurities in the original limestone.
Commercially, the term marble is applied to any lime-
stone, crystalline or non- crystalline, which is suscep-
tible of a polish, and is suited in texture and color for
ornamental work. It is even made to include serpen-
tine, when this magnesium silicate is found in masses
suitable for decoration. On the contrary, impure
marbles and those of too coarse grain to be of value
for decorative work are classed as limestones, and
used for structural purposes.
True marbles are found in regions of metamorphism,
particularly in the Laurentian areas in Canada-
From the Georgian Bay east to the Ottawa valley are
scores of bands of crystalline limestone interbedded,
with gneiss and other schists. These have been
worked to a small extent at a number of places, as at
Madoc, Bridgewater, Renfrew and Arnprior in Ontario.
Across the Ottawa it is found in Hull, Grenville and
other places. A very fine marble of similar age is
quarried at West Bay, Cape Breton. At Echo Lake,
near the St. Mary River, Ontario, a close-grained lime-
stone of Huronian age has been worked to some
extent. It is composed of thin, alternate bands of
grey and colored stone, and takes an excellent polish.
In the metamorphic rocks of the Eastern Townships
marble is quarried for local use at several places. At
Dudswell a rock of Silurian age is entirely composed
of organic remains, principally corals, which when
polished presents a beautifully marked surface. The
Eozoon limestone, which consists of an intimate and
irregular mixture of white calcite and green serpen-
tine, gives a handsome effect when polished. It is
found in the Laurentian rocks in Grenville and
Templeton, Que, and is supposed by some to be the
remains of the earliest known animal. Serpentine,
which occurs in large masses in the Eastern Town-
ships, is used for interior decoration under the name
of verde antique marble. At Texada Island, B.C., a
grey, white and mottled stone is quarried and used
for monumental and decorative work.
With such large and varied deposits of marble it is
strange that we depend so much on other countries
for our supplies. For the past ten years our produc-
tion has averaged only 300 tons, valued at less than
$5,000, while the imports amount to over $100,000 a
Lithographic Stone. — Limestones of fine even
grain, entirely free from crystals of calcite, are
extensively used in the duplication of maps and
drawings. It is almost impossible to define the
characteristics of a good lithographic stone, for in
both chemical composition and physical structure
the few suitable limestones are exactly imitated by
hundreds of useless ones. The stone of Solenhofen,
Bavaria, which is used the world over, is an even-
grained, compact limestone, with less than 6 per cent,
of clay and other silicates. It is buff or drab in color
by reason of a small amount of organic matter, which
is, perhaps, the most valuable constituent. Suitable
material has only been found in Bavaria, Silesia,
England, France and Canada. In the last-named
it occurs as a number of beds six to twelve inches
thick in the Trenton limestone in the township of
Marmora, Ontario. In composition and physical
characters it closely resembles the Bavarian stone,
which is of Jurassic age. Several quarries have
been opened, and trial shipments have shown some
of the stone to be of excellent quality.
Mortar and Cement — Among the mineral cements
there are none which approach in importance those
which consist of lime or some of its compounds.
Ordinary mortar is made from quick-lime and sharp
clean sand, its cementing qualities depending chiefly
on the formation of calcium carbonate by the absorp-
tion of carbonic acid from the atmosphere. At the
same time calcium silicate, which forms very slowly,
considerably strengthens the cement after a number
of years. Both ordinary limestone and dolomite are
converted into lime by heating in kilns until the
carbonic acid has been expelled. The first yields
" hot " limes, the latter " cool " limes, so called from
the relative amounts of heat developed in slacking.
Both form good mortars, although the magnesium
limes slack less rapidly and set more slowly. Both
varieties are extensively made in Canada, particu-
larly where other limestone industries are established.
Every province except Prince Edward Island has its
own supplies, the total product being valued at
$700,000 in 1895.
Ordinary lime like that just described, which is
made from nearly pure material, will not harden if
immersed in water, but if made from a rock con-
taining considerable clay it has this valuable pro-
perty. Such a lime is properly called a cement, and
it may be a natural or a Portland one, according as it
is made from natural rock or an artificial mixture.
A hydraulic limestone consists, then, of calcium or
magnesium carbonate mixed with fifteen to thirty-
five per cent, of clay and a little alkali. Such a
rock on being strongly heated forms a double sili-
cate of calcium and aluminum, a compound capable
of uniting with water to form a hard, crystalline
compound, even when immersed.
Hydraulic limestones are widely distributed, and
are converted into natural cement at a number of
places. The rock is burned in kilns like ordinary
lime, and then, since it does not slack at all with
water, or very slowly, it is ground to a fine powder.
The product often lacks uniformity, for the chemical
composition of the beds of a quarry vary greatly.
For this reason artificial cements are often preferred.
The original Portland cement was made by grinding
together a mixture of clay and chalk of definite com-
position and then calcining and regrinding. Artificial
cements are now made at a number of points in
Canada, as at Napanee and near Owen Sound, Ont.
The production of cement in 1895 was 128,000 barrels,
most of it coming from Ontario, and nearly half of
it being classed as Portland. The total value was
$174,000. In the same year the imports of all kinds
of cement amounted to $252,000.
LITERATURE. — Marble: Min. Resources of Ont., 1890; Rep.
Geol. Sur., IV. 1888 K. Lithographic stone: Rep. Bur. of
Mines, Ont., 1892, 1893. Cement: Bur. of Mines, Out., 1891;
Gillmore, "Limes, Hydraulic Cements and Mortars."
AMONG the varied resources of Canada none is of
greater importance than her fertile soil, the direct
support of more than half of the population. Nor is
there need of any excuse for introducing here a short
chapter on soils, for the connection between geology
and agriculture is of the closest character, though it
is unfortunately too seldom recognized. The origin
and distribution of soils ; the cause of their fertility ;
the source and proper use of minerals to restore the
necessary losses incurred in cropping, are questions of
a geological character of the first importance to the
progressive farmer. To the student, also, the transfor-
mation from the hard and barren rock to the loose and
fertile soil is of exceeding interest. The uses of rocks
in their original, living state are not to be compared
with their value to man after old age has overtaken
them and death and decay have reduced them to dust.
This finely divided rock material, constituting the
superficial portion of the earth's crust, is known as
soil. It is composed chiefly of very variable mixtures
of clay and sand, with considerable proportions of
vegetable matter and iron oxid.
Origin of Soil. — As soon as a sedimentary rock
appears above the water, or an igneous rock is
extruded from the crust, meteoric forces begin to
transform it. Wind and water, heat and cold, plants
and animals, oxygen and carbonic acid, all unite to
disintegrate and dissolve the solid rock, and even to
transport much of it to other localities. Water,
oxygen and carbonic acid are the chief agents
involved in producing chemical change. The ferrous
and the manganous compounds, so frequently con-
stituents of igneous rocks, easily take up oxygen to
form the more stable peroxids. Sulfids of the metals
become soluble sulfates, and these may even lose their
sulfuric acid and be precipitated as hydrates, as in
the transformation of iron pyrite into limonite. Rain
water always contains some carbonic acid, and as it
percolates through decaying vegetable matter it soon
becomes charged with this powerful solvent. The
silicates of lime, soda, potash and iron, so abundant
in the crystalline rocks, are easily attacked by this
water, carbonates of the bases being formed and silica
set free. The crystals of felspar lose their lustre
and color, first becoming dull and earthy on the
outside, and finally being converted into a soft, pul-
verulent clay. The rapidity and completeness of the
process vary greatly, but usually all of the alkalies
and much of the silica are removed. Water charged
with carbonic acid is also a good solvent of ordinary
limestone, calcium carbonate being carried off and the
impurities left behind.
Solution is greatly aided by physical disintegration.
Mosses insert their tiny rootlets and open the way
for other agents. Larger plants, by the power of
their growing roots, wedge off pieces of rock, and so
promote chemical solution. The unequal expansion
of different minerals when subjected to the heat of
the sun has a disintegrating effect. Most powerful
of all these influences is that exerted by freezing
water. All rocks absorb a little moisture, and those
that are porous or fissured are particularly susceptible
to the destructive effects of frost. The angular blocks
on every mountain slope attest the power of this
Abrasion also promotes disintegration and conse-
quently decay. Running water rolls the broken
rocks over and over, wearing off the angles and
gradually reducing them to sand and gravel. The
shore ice of rivers, lakes and seas often surrounds
large stones, and driven by the wind or current,
abrades both them and the shore. Still more potent
was the ice-sheet which at one time covered Canada,
as it does Greenland to-day. This mantle of ice
moved slowly downward from the Laurentian heights,
carrying in it and under it great blocks of granite
and other igneous rocks which, pressed against the
underlying ones, were slowly ground to pieces.
Abrasion, disintegration and chemical change have
thus transformed the barren rocks into fertile soil.
Classification. — In accordance with their origin
two classes of soils are recognized, sedentary soils
and transported soils. The first class are com-
paratively rare in North America north of the
thirty-ninth parallel of latitude, the point to which
the ice-sheet extended. South of this line they
are the prevailing class, except in the river valleys.
Soils derived from the disintegration of sandstone
are of course very sandy, containing only the small
amount of clay present in the original rock. • Shales
and soft slates weather to clay soils undesirably
heavy and compact, except where the shale con-
tained considerable sand. The disintegration of a
limestone is usually accompanied by solution, so
that the resulting soil is largely composed of the
original impurities, chiefly clay and iron. Indeed,
a calcareous shale will, on weathering to a clay,
retain much of the lime, while a soil resulting from
the disintegration of a limestone may be nearly
devoid of calcareous material. Sedentary soils formed
from granitic rocks are usually thin and poor. When
decomposition is very rapid, the felspars and micas
yield a clay retaining some of the alkaline and calcar-
eous ingredients of the original rock, and this mixed
with the abundant silica furnishes a fair soil. All of
these sedentary soils gradually merge by coarser
materials into the rocks on which they rest.
Transported soils embrace those which have been
formed through the agency of water or glacial ice,
and which bear no relationship to the rocks beneath
them. In Canada, those due to glacial action are by
far the most extensive and among the most fertile.
These soils have been spread over the country often
to a depth of several hundred feet, obliterating fre-
quently the old drainage systems and giving a new
contour to the surface. They consist of clay and sand
and gravel, derived often from very different sources
and intimately mixed. The product of abrasion and
not of decay, they contain all the elements of fertility
found in the original rocks. Since their deposition
the surface has of course been subject to the ordinary
meteoric influences, and some of the soluble salts have
been carried away. The subsoils, which have been
subjected in a less degree to atmospheric agencies, are
naturally richer in a number of ingredients necessary
for plant growth. Proper tillage tends to restore to
the surface what is being continually lost through the
growth of crops and the solvent action of rain. Man
accomplishes this by deep ploughing, and he is helped
not a little by the action of worms and other burrow-
ing animals.
Besides the " drift," there is another division of
transported soils known as alluvium. This is water-
carried material which may have been deposited in
the flood plain of a river, in the basin of a lake since
drained, or in the marshy inlet of a sea at high tide.
These alluvial soils are frequently very fertile, con-
taining as they do much of the best material borne
from the higher lands. The fine silt brought down by
the Nile has transformed its desert flood plain into
rich agricultural land. The marsh lands of Nova
Scotia and New Brunswick, among the most fertile
soils of the Dominion, are due to deposits of silt made
at high tide. Fifty thousand acres have been reclaimed
by dikes around Chignecto Bay alone.
Soils are also classified according to composition.
They may be clayey, sandy, peaty or calcareous as
one or other of these constituents predominates.
Fertility. — The fertility of a soil depends on its
chemical composition and on its physical texture. The
useful physical characters are (1) sufficient looseness
to afford easy penetrability to roots, to moisture, to
air and to fertilizers ; (2) sufficient retentiveness
to prevent a rapid loss of water and fertilizing
material. These properties depend on the relative
proportions of sand, clay and humus which constitute
the soil. Too much sand makes a light soil easy of
cultivation and readily dried, _ but not retentive of
moisture and fertilizers. An excess of clay makes a
heavy soil retentive of moisture and fertilizers, capable
of giving a firm foothold to plants, but cold, imper-
meable and difficult to till. Where humus predomin-
ates the soil is often sour from carbonic and other
acids, and is usually deficient in some of the elements
of plant food. From the physical standpoint a good
soil contains from sixty to eighty-five per cent, of
sand, from ten to thirty of clay and iron oxid, and
from five to ten of humus. As, however, the physical
condition of a soil depends partly on rainfall and
temperature, these must be considered along with com-
From the chemical standpoint a soil should contain
all the elements which are necessary for plant growth
in a condition in which they are assimilable. What
these elements are is best learned from analyses of
the ashes of different plants, a short table of which is
here given :
•§ .
o ^1
S '
Wheat, straw ....
Wheat grain
98 5
1 5
19, 9
f>7 3
Barley, " ....
. .
1 .3
Beets, root
Potatoes, tubers . .
The constituents of soils may be divided into two
classes — inorganic and organic. The mineral matter
due to the disintegration of rocks is composed princi-
pally of lime, magnesia, oxid of iron, alumina, potash
and soda combined with silica, phosphoric, carbonic
and sulfuric acids. Of these the majority are usually
found in sufficient abundance, the ones which are
sometimes lacking being lime, potash and phosphoric
acid. The organic portion of soil is known as humus,
which consists of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitro-
gen, only the last being of value to plant life.
Potash, which is derived mainly from the decom-
position of felspathic rocks like granite, exists in the
soil chiefly as the soluble potassium silicate. It may
constitute as much as 2 per cent., though good
agricultural soils contain as little as .25 per cent.
Clay soils are usually richest in potash — a fact due to
the retentiveness of clay and to the common origin of
clay and potash.
Phosphoric acid is found in all fertile soils, usually
combined with lime. It seldom exceeds 1 per cent,
even in the richest soils, and the average in good soils
is probably about .2 per cent.
Lime not only affords direct food for plant life, but
it also liberates potash and nitrogen held in the soil
in insoluble forms. A soil containing less than 1 per
cent, of lime is considered to be deficient in that
Nitrogen is supplied by the decaying vegetable
matter of the soil. Only as fermentation takes place
is it rendered assimilable. Nitrification is brought
about by a microscopic ferment, which is assisted by
moisture, warmth and carbonate of lime. Very rich
soils may contain as much as 1 per cent, of nitrogen,
though the average of good soils is .1 or .2 per cent.
In a table on the next page the composition of a
number of virgin soils is given. Soil No. 1, from the
Red River valley, is particularly rich in organic
matter, and consequently in nitrogen. In potash also
it is much above the average, and in lime and phos-
phoric acid it is of fair value. Calculating for the
first foot only, it contains 33,000 pounds of available
nitrogen, 34,000 pounds of potash, and 9,500 pounds
of phosphoric acid to the acre. An average crop of
wheat is said to remove 15 pounds of phosphoric acid
and 23 of potash to the acre. No. 2 is a sedentary
soil derived from felspathic rocks, and consequently
rich in potash, but it is poor in other respects. No. 3,
which is low in lime and potash, would respond
readily to fertilizers, but would be easily leached.
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The fourth is a good rich soil, though a little low in
lime. Nos. 5, 6 and 7 are soils of average fertility,
somewhat deficient in lime.
Geological Fertilizers.— Continual cropping slowly
removes from the soil the mineral ingredients on
which its fertility depends. True, in good farming, a
portion of these are returned in the manure, but every
bushel of grain and every animal that leaves the farm
carries with it some of the original phosphoric acid
and potash. It is of the highest importance that
these be returned to the soil in some cheap and
efficacious way. A number of mineral substances are
found, which either native or after chemical treatment
are available for this purpose.
Apatite, the geological occurrence of which has been
described in an earlier chapter, is an important source
of phosphoric acid. Treated with sulfuric acid it is
partially changed to a soluble phosphate. Commer-
cial superphosphates are a mixture of calcium sulf ate,
calcium phosphate and calcium acid phosphate, the
last of which is the valuable ingredient because of its
solubility. Phosphates are especially useful as a top
dressing for root crops. In connection with nitro-
genous fertilizers they are also a benefit to cereals-
Guano and green-sand marls are other sources of
phosphoric acid, which, however, are not found in
Nitrogen, the essential fertilizer of the cereals, may
be obtained from three sources. Chemical compounds,
such as nitrate of soda and sulfate of ammonia, are
very useful because of their solubility, but they are
expensive. The first occurs as Chili saltpetre, the
second is a by-product in the manufacture of coal
gas. A second source is the nitrogen of the air, which
can be assimilated only by leguminous plants like
clover and pease. If these are ploughed under while
green, a store of nitrogen is laid up for future crops.
A third source is the semi-decomposed vegetable
matter of muck, leaf -mould and peat. The nitrogen
of these is converted into assimilable forms by fer-
mentation, a process which is aided by composting the
material with barnyard manure. These mucks and
peats are widely distributed through the whole
Dominion. Many analyses are given in the reports of
the Experimental Farms, the average number of
pounds of nitrogen to the ton being thirty-eight.
There is unfortunately no mineral source of potash
in Canada. The only available supply is that stored
in our forests. Wood ashes, which contain from seven
to twelve per cent, of potash, are the mineral constitu-
ents which the trees by a life-long process have taken
from the soil. As they also contain considerable
quantities of lime, phosphoric acid and other inorganic
plant food, they are among the most valuable of
fertilizers. To continue to export them, as in the past,
is suicidal.
Lime may be supplied from several sources. Ground
gypsum or landplaster is valuable not only as food,
but for liberating potash and absorbing ammonia.
The crude gypsum is widely distributed, and in the
manufacture of superphosphates calcium sulfate is
made as a by-product. Ordinary quick-lime, besides
affording nourishment makes clay soils lighter and
sweetens damp and peaty ones. Marl is another source
of lime very widely distributed, acting like quick-lime
but more slowly. It is essentially carbonate of calcium,
with more or less clay. Mussel mud is much used
on Prince Edward Island, where lime is frequently
A number of other fertilizers not directly of
mineral origin may be passed over. Those briefly
enumerated here may, by judicious use, be made to
increase the productive capacity of the soil. Questions
of expense compared with returns received, of the
mode and amount of application, etc., belong to
agriculture rather than to economic geology, and
cannot be discussed here.
LITERATURE. — Origin of Soils: Geikie, "Geology"; Shaler,
Rep. U.S. Geol. Sur., XII. 1892. Analyses of Soils and Fertili-
zers : Shutt, Annual Reports of Experimental Farm, Ottawa.
Copper (fine in ore, etc. ).lbs.
Gold .... oz
Iron ore tons
Lead (fine in ore, etc.).lbs.
Mercury .... ,,
Nickel (fine, in ore, etc. ). n
Platinum oz
Silver (fine, in ore, etc ) n
Total metallic
Arsenic (white) tons
Asbestos .
Grindstones . .
Limestone for flux ....
Lithographic stone ....
Manganese ore
Mineral pigments —
Baryta tons
Ochres „
Mineral water . galls
Moulding sand.. ..tons.
Natural gas
Petroleum brls.
Phosphate (apatite) tons.
Precious stones
Pyrites . . tons.
Salt tons.
Soapstone ... »
Whiting brls
Structural materials and
clay products —
Bricks M.
Building stone
Cement, natural brls.
do Portland .... "
Flagstones sq. ft.
j 108,142
*1, 095,000
Granite . tons.
Marble tons.
Roofing cement . . . .tons.
Sands and gravels, ex-
ports ii
324 656
Sewer pipe
Slate tons.
Tiles . . M.
* 19,200
Total non-metallic
do metallic
Estimated value of min-
eral products not re-
'Partly estimated.
1887 $12,500,000
1888 13,500,000
1889 14,500,000
1890 18,000,000
1891 20,500,000
1892 19,500,000
1893 19,250,000
1894 20,950,000
1895 22,000,000
1896 23,600,000*
Total for ten years $184,300,000
* Partly estimated.
The following table, compiled from figures published
in Rothwell's " Mineral Industry," shows the relative
standing in 1895 of the countries named in the pro-
duction of some of the important minerals. In several
cases countries are surpassed by others not named in
the table:
Great Britain
Spain ...
United States
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